
The Only Monk

Heroes. Everyone wants to be one. But in this world, Heroes have weapons such as swords and bows. Many tried going for the monk path, but most fail when they enter the tower. Carlos on the other hand wants to become the first monk that'll come out of the tower. Will Carlos become the only monk?

CarloskingWrites · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Family time!

"Can you wake up your brother?" A woman asks her daughter. "Ok!" A girl says as she sprints upstairs and to a room. Inside the room, there's a desk with a laptop, and the walls are calm sky blue. On the bed, a boy is snoring loudly with his arm dangling on the side.

"Carlos wake up!" The girl yells at the boy as she stands in the doorway. Carlos jumps and he falls on the floor. "Can you not do that every time Clara? I was having a dream..." Carlos groans as he gets up. "Well, I can!" Clara laughs.

"Just because you can doesn't mean that you can do it every time!" Carlos says to Clara as he clenches his fist. Clara sticks out her tongue and closes the door. Carlos sighs as he puts on a shirt from his drawer and walks to the bathroom.

Carlos is a 17-year-old with short curly brown hair that has black tips. He has a semi-masculine body and brown eyes. Carlos looks at his hair and says, "If an angel blessed me, then where's that angel?" Carlos grabs a brush and brushes his hair. After that, he puts down the brush and looks at himself. "I'm getting baggy eyes..." Carlos thinks as he rubs his eyes. He shrugs and walks downstairs.

"Looks like someone's awake." The woman says to Carlos. "Heya, mom..." Carlos yawns as he stretches. Tamara has white skin and wavy black hair and black eyes. Clara had most of her looks while Carlos didn't get anything. "This time he fell!" Clara laughs.

"I'll get you back you brat..." Carlos grumbles. "Clara, what did I tell you about waking your brother like that?" Tamara asks Clara. "To not do it again..." Clara responds as she crosses her arms. "So why do you keep on doing it?" Tamara asks again but now she's glaring at Clara. "Well, it's fun?" Clara chuckles as she notices Tamara glaring at her.

"Well, what's going on here?" A man asks as he enters the kitchen. "Dad!" Clara says as she runs to hug him. "Good morning to you too Clara!" The man says to Clara. "So what happened champ? Why didn't you come to training yesterday?" The man asks Carlos.

Carlos: "Crap! I forgot about training! I hope that he isn't mad at me..."

Adrián has tan skin and very curly brown hair and light brown eyes. Carlos even looks like a copy of him, if only if he wasn't 1 foot shorter. "Well, I was tired um..." Carlos scrambles as he tries to come up with something. "I get it, you need to be better in your grades first!" Adrián says as he slaps Carlos' back. Carlos held where he hit him as he whimpered a bit.

Carlos: "My dad, well he's known as a boxer, not just any boxer, he won the world championship 5 times! Although how my mom and dad met each other is a story I don't want to get into..."

"Say, you seem to be a lot tougher. Is it that I hit you too hard?" Adrián asks Carlos. "No, I can deal with any punches that come my way!" Carlos responds as he smirks. "Cocky today aren't we? Well, you gotta save that energy for when you become a hero..." Adrián says as he stuffs a spoonful of eggs into his mouth.

"Talking about being a hero, have you guys heard about the recent news of the tower?" Tamara asks. "I heard that something's wrong inside that place, I don't know that much about hero stuff..." Adrián manages to say since he's midway eating.

Carlos: "Right the tower. some people call it hell and some call it the tutorial tower. But it doesn't matter what's the name, the recent news talks about how many heroes come out of the tower. Last year 50 heroes manage to come out, but now the numbers are falling as last month, only 38 heroes came out..."

"Did you heard stupid?" Clara says to Carlos. "Who you calling stupid?!" Carlos asks as he's about to stand up. "Carlos calm down, or I'll force the both of you to stay silent." Tamara says as she glances at Carlos and Clara. "Ok..." Carlos and Clara say in unison.

"Great, now if you weren't listening, Sera's brother is having his birthday today..." Tamara says as she sits down. "Wait it's today!? Well, then why didn't you guys wake me up sooner!?" Carlos jolts up as he remembers. "Mom, can you take me over there?" Carlos begs. "I can take you over there..." Adrián says as he finishes with his eggs. "Great! Thanks, dad!" Carlos says as he's about to go to the stairs to get ready. "...besides, Sera's dad wants to speak to me." Adrián continues since Carlos interrupted him. Hearing that made Carlos stop dead in his track. "Sera's d-dad?" Carlos manages to ask.

"Yeah, but I don't know what he wants to talk about." Adrián thinks as he tries to recall when Sera's dad told him. "I think my soul just left my body..." Carlos thinks to himself as he clenches his shirt.