
The One Who Stand Above All (Continue)

While traveling to his university as usual, Kaito, a typical college student, met a ROB with clichéd luck and plot armor. Kaito died in a train accident and believed he was going to either heaven or hell. Never does he know that there's already twisted love, obsession, depravity, lust, and endless pleasure awaiting him and his new journey. —•— Arc 1: Kyonyuu Elf and Saimin Princess Verse.

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Through heaven and earth i alone am honored (I)

Agraliel Kingdom

Kaito POV

Sigh... Look at those elders; suddenly they feel restless when their queen, or, as you can say, a doll puppet for them to control, starts to rebel.

Let us see... there are ten elders who have been performing some ritual in some mysterious chamber, and it appears they are summoning something majestic from the history of elves on this world.

How can I know? Well...

I make use of a new feature that my system has.

<Record >

With this feature, I can record everything and have it look like CCTV or one of those cameras that attach to a smartphone, laptop, web camera, and so on.

It is extremely useful for creating perfect evidence and can be used to prove to that ungrateful queen that her kingdom is infested with stinky rats.

[ Well, it's not like you cannot see all of interior of castle right now. ] 

When I heard Luna's words, I chuckled: "Well, she is right about that, as I have already planned all of the hidden cameras on the entire castle that connect into my mind."

In the prison, I can see Ephildis trying to break the anti-magic barrier and bring Dindelynd to escape from the place.

In the training room, I can see that Narrus is starting to straighten out that retarded, immature princess that had Sister control over Narrus.

The plot of the story has been altered from the original, which has piqued my interest because I recall there being no such thing as this kind of warm relationship between the heroine, especially in the past between the queen and the infamous witch who rebelled against the kingdom.

[ Well, a villain always had their own story that made them a villain. It's not like they had been destined to be the one; well, there must be exceptions; still, everyone had their own alignment and can easily change into the opposite side. ]

"Whistle, that's a nice word you said, Luna."

[ Snort ]

I chuckle, as it's enjoyable for me to banter with her.

[ Well, how do you feel right now, Kaito? ]

"Huh? What do you mean?"

I was quite confused when the girl suddenly asked me such a worried question.

[ Pfft, you know, being the one that stands above all, like what you want ]

"Ah, it's really nice, but still, it's not enough."

[Tch, what greedy bastard~ ]

"Pfftt, you're the one who made me a greedy bastard. You sick girl~"

We both laughed as our compability was synchronized at full level.

Yes, a few days when I start to train myself like a crazy person, where I push myself to the limit and break it with sheer willpower and the support of that system and Luna give me.

Luna appeared out of nowhere and offered me the opportunity to teleport into temproary training dimension she had created and follow the training regimen that I had desired despite the fact that the difference in time between dimensions was only ten minutes.

At the same time, that girl said she forgot to mention that I got a random character card for killing 10.000 enemies in under an hour.

One week has passed since the day I first woke up in the world, and I have experienced tremendous growth from being a normal human to being this strong.

I do not want to come across as an arrogant and ignorant jerk, but I can feel the plot armor halo, and Lady Luck has blessed me with this kind of power.

All of the rewards I received for achieving hidden achievements and completing various missions were influenced by my incredible luck and plot armor.

Oh yeah, the most important factor in my growth was ROB itself. 

My memory of meeting ROB before waking up in the world came back to me and triggered evolution in my mind, body, and soul while I was in dimension training.

My appearance also changed, as my black jet hair grew longer and reached my back, making me resemble those xianxia characters.

It's quite irritating because I'm not used to having long hair. That's why I ordered Narrus to cut my hair while I directed her to make the hair messy wolf-style, as I was quite interested in this kind of hair in my past life.

Narrus, on the other hand, is not surprised by my rapid growth and change because she had anticipated it and had a vision of me in the future in her dream.

If I can show my status after a spurt of accelerated growth and becoming an early stage of overpowering, it's going to be like this:

A/N: You can skip it if you're not interested in the status of the character in the story.

<Status >

Name: Kaito 

Title: The one who stand above all (1%)


→ Transcendent Human


→ Infinite


→ Eternal Evolution

→ Instant Learning (Absolute Level)


→ Spatial Ring (Infinite).

Character Card:

→ Gojo Satoru (Six Eyes, Limitless, Domain Expansion: Unlimited Void, Reverse Cursed Technique, Curtain, New Shadow Style: Simple Domain, Falling Blossom Emotion, Black Flash)


→ Culinary 

→ Melee-Weapon (Knife)


→ Object (Thread/String, Silk, Wire, Yarn)


→ Food Emphaty 

→ Soul Mutilation 

→ Haki: Conqueror, Armament

→ Augmentation

→ Purification


→ Electricity 


→ Godlike Precision

→ Accuracy of God

→ 100% Muscle Usage

→ Control Immunity

→ Killing Intent

Lewd ability:

→ Aphrodisiac Body Fluids (Blood, mucus, saliva, sebum, sweat, urine, etc.) (Works only on Women)

→ Endless Libido (Infinite amount of Semen)

→ Flavor Semen (Strawberry)

→ Woman Slayer Cock (Can Shape Change)

→ Pleasant Scent (Give Calm Effect) (Works only on Women)

→ Pleasure Touch (Turning all part of that being touched into an erogenous zone) (Works only on Women)

System Function:

→ Map

→ Record

→ Auto-Capture

→ Convert Money


→ Narrus (Obsession) (Kyonyuu Elf)

→ Dinelynd (Neutral) (Kyonyuu Elf)

→ Ephyldis (Dislike) (Kyonyuu Elf)

→ Almia (Hatred) (Kyonyuu Elf)

<End >

I know it's kind of crazy how sick I was growing. Well, what can I say?

Plot armor halo, Lady Luck, and ROB were blessing me.

Now I was sitting at the top of the wall, where the surrounding Agraliel would enjoy the view outside the kingdom.

Due to 'Six Eyes' that I get from the Satoru Gojo Character Card, my view was so clear as it's upgraded to 16K resolution.

[ You can use the auto-capture feature of the system, you know.]

"Eh? There's a feature like that."

[ Hey, if there's a record function, there's got to be auto-capture too, dumbass.]

"Jeez, that's kind of a rude word you used, Luna. It's made my heart sad hearing it."

[ Bah, what a joke! It can make you sad just to be called dumbass.]

Once again, we laugh with our banter.

While I sat leisurely on the edge of the wall, I could not help but smile, as those elders had already finished what they were doing.

At the same time, I can feel there's something awakened from the ground outside the kingdom or exactly from the direction of the forest where I and Narrus have lived for days.

With a smile, I get up and start to stretch my body, as I know that the system will trigger the mission for me because of this event.

[ Ding! The main mission has been changed due to the 'Will of the World'.]

[ Main Mission: Eliminate any threat to Agraliel Kingdom ]

[ Reward: Incubitic Bond ]

"What a reward!"

I grinned when I saw the easy main mission and the reward that I was going to get.

[ Woah, you grin like a natural lunatic pyscho. ]



Third-person point of view

All of the citizens of Agraliel Kingdom panicked as the ground beneath their feet shook violently, causing some to fall on their knees, those standing on the street to collapse, and some buildings to vibrate violently.

All of the soldiers who were patrolling inside the kingdom quickly guided the people to the safe place, while soldiers outside the wall quickly ran to their posts to gather under their captain.

They have no idea what is causing the earth to appear to be collapsing, and those who thought their lives would return to normal have fear in their hearts.

Some of them felt as if their life force was draining from them, causing them to pass out. Those who see these panic, and some of them are forced to grab the fainted people and bring them to a safe location.

Dinelynd and Ephildis, who run to surface while escaping from the prison once, break the barrier that surrounded the underground prison.

They felt the tremor in their surroundings, which made them quickly walk to the outside, where they could see clearly that all of the citizens were scattered like ants.

"What's going on happen?!" 

Ephildis frowns at her brown as she thinks there's no catastrophe going to happen where Dinelynd, the prepreator, stands beside her.

"No... Those elders must be awake, those monsters!"

Dinelynd's expression was blackened as she recognized the fluctuation of energy and the syndrome that currently exists.

Ephildis quickly turned her head into her best friend.

"Elders? Them? What do you mean, Diny-Nee?"

She knew she was not a true queen as long as she sat on the throne as queen, despite having the blood of royalty, Agraliel, in her body.

She also believes that she has been treated as a puppet by the elders, who are the masterminds.

The secrets of the Agraliel Kingdom were numerous, and the source knowledge was erased from the world due to Dinelynd's proclamation of 'Betrayal' in the past.

"Those demon trees that sleep and burid in the Silent Forest outside Agraliel. You maybe don't know this, but I once read that in the past, your grand-greatmother was a ruler of this kingdom. They are invaded by a thousand demon trees that can talk, and the smallest of their size was 3 meters."

"As we know, the common knowledge of the weakness of the tree was the element of fire. But, based on the book that I secretly read in the past, The fire doesn't burn or give damage to those demons."

"In the record book, also explain that in the end war, they found that the reason why demon trees appear and suddenly invade the kingdom is because of the life force of our race and the life force of our world tree."

Dinelynd clenches her teeth as one of the reasons she wants to conquer this kingdom—not just to exact revenge on the elders who have slandered her and exiled her from her home!

It is because she wants to prevent the true catastrophe that happened in the past from happening again, knowing how cunning those old foxes are!

Hearing Dinelynd's explanation caused Ephildis to lose control of her emotions; she lives while keeping her emotions stable and displaying the calm queen in front of her people.


Dinelynd can clearly see the cold aura begin to emitted around her best friend's body; she is well aware of how frightening the power of magic that Ephildis carries in her body is, as well as how unbalanced it is and how easily erupted by a change in emotion.

"I, as the queen of Agraliel, had enough of becoming a nice goody two-shoes that the others could easily calculate."

"I swear by my bloodline that I will bring judgment on those who attempted to harm my people and all of my beloved ones on my own."

She possesses one of the rare elements that exist in the world and quickly forms a kind of armor that surrounds her body.

Her looks were gorgeous, and Dinelynd, who stood beside her, could not take her eyes off her.

"Diny-nee, I will go first to bring the punishment to those elders. While you can help me and my soldiers eliminate those demon trees that you mentioned outside of the wall,

Dineylnd nodded before she summoned her flying brooms to the outside of the wall.

As for our queen, her gaze is already locked on those elders, while she can easily detect their life force with her magic eyes.