
The One Who Stand Above All (Continue)

While traveling to his university as usual, Kaito, a typical college student, met a ROB with clichéd luck and plot armor. Kaito died in a train accident and believed he was going to either heaven or hell. Never does he know that there's already twisted love, obsession, depravity, lust, and endless pleasure awaiting him and his new journey. —•— Arc 1: Kyonyuu Elf and Saimin Princess Verse.

GyaruSupremacy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Daddy Girl Training (II)

All of them were extremely satisfied with the food that was served to them, and the lunch ended harmoniously. Hell, it might even have instantly captured their hearts as the most delicious food they had ever eaten filled their stomachs.

When they have all finished eating heartily, they cannot help but look at Kaito, who is sipping the chamomile tea that the royal chefs have been serving them. When they glanced at Kaito, they noticed the man's admiring and hungry gaze, which piqued their curiosity because it seemed like the man had already captured them with food, similar to what he did to them.

"Kaito-sama, thanks for the food you served to us. It was incredibly delicious—perhaps the tastiest food I have ever tasted in my whole life."

Ephildis was the one to compliment Kaito on the food; she could not even describe what she had just eaten as delicious; instead, it was an entirely new experience that made her feel warm and cozy and touched her heart. She grinned quietly, sensing Kaito's intention to prepare her a delicious meal.

"I concur with Ephys, from my birth to my current situation. Never in my life did I taste food so delicious that I ate it all at once and nearly licked the plate."

Dinelynd grinned contentedly because throughout her entire life, even the part where she traveled outside the kingdom, she had never encountered food that caused her to eat in silence and in a way that was so incredible that it caused her to have an orgasm while doing so.

This increased her curiosity about Kaito to the point where she wanted to be able to seduce him and throw her nympho body into his arms.

As Kaito was truly her ideal man—strong, magical, handsome, charming, and most importantly, incredibly well-endowed in the areas between his legs—he knew exactly how to make women feel good about themselves.

His treatment of Ephildis, for example, turned her into a mindless submission bitch who was only interested in his cock and pleasure.

"*Gulp* Sh*t... I have been drooling in secret; just imagine that he has turned me into a mindless cock bitch."

Almia brushed her stomach, satisfied since the girl was already addicted to the food Kaito had prepared.

She now blushed in shame, as she was defeated just by the food. She feels somewhat relieved that no one is staring at them and that she is not under any obligation to compliment the bastard for the food he prepared.

"Princess, how is the food?" Narrus abruptly broke the ice and got everyone's attention, which was exactly what she had been thinking.

She instantly straightened her posture and sat elegantly, as a princess would, instead of just lying on her back like a coward.

"Well, the meal was excellent, but that is about it."

Almia could feel the heat building up on her face and wanted to hate and slander Kaito like she did yesterday, but she could not lie because the food tasted so good.

The others, hearing it and observing Almia's tsundere face, can only laugh helplessly because they know that she is being viewed as a dishonest princess who is unable to speak the truth with dignity.

"It's my honor, then, that the princess of Almia likes the food that I made."

He spoke in a soft voice and with a hint of a smile, but the others could tell that he was being sarcastic and that his goal was to elicit the opposite person's volatile emotions.


It was an easy success, as Almia stood up from her seat and slammed the dining table, glaring deathly at the man who was only smiling at her.

"Princess Almia, calm down; remember what I said last night."

Hearing the word from her big sister made Almia take a deep breath while controlling her unstable emotions.

'Yeah, don't be provoked so easily. Remember that you are a princess of this kingdom, where you had many chance to humiliate that man in an elegant way.'

Finally, the lunch ended peacefully, with Almia grabbing Narrus for their practice routine while the others went their separate ways, leaving Kaito alone, who expressed a desire for alone time.

"You there, beauty?"

With a glass of warm camomile tea that he refills for the third time, he wants to talk to his baby girl, who lives free inside his mind.

(Hmm? What?)

"Jeez, your reply was so cold, Luna. I just want to have a leisurely talk with you before doing something."

Kaito will always remember the beauty who has been with him since the day he entered this world and has experienced a variety of supernatural events in his life.

(Heh. In the end, no matter what beauty seduces you, you will return to this big sister's embrace, will you not?

Hearing it made Kaito laugh softly, sipping camomile tea in his cup.

"You can also say that, I mean, in the end, you're want to be the number one and only that sit beside me, right?"

Kaito is well aware that Luna has a tendency towards madness, obsessiveness, and untrustworthy pride and that she must be the one to take the throne alongside him, where he eventually assumes the position of ROB as the only one who rules all.

(Well, You are not wrong about that, as I already stated to you when you had your training routine in those rooms that I lent you.)

"Yeah..." Kaito smiled softly, enjoying the silence. "I believe you have had a lot of pride and capability to be able to declare that to me with such eagerness.

I do not know your face, your appearance, or any other physical characteristics you have. Still, the way you have helped me, guided me, and possibly modified the reward that I received in the last week.

In the end, with all of my power and cheating removed, I am just a hopeless man who has already been captivated by some unknown beauty thief."

It is funny, but that is the truth about his relationship with Luna.

Kaito, do not be sad like this. You promised me you would never have those useless thoughts, right?

Hearing it only made Kaito smile slightly. "Yeah, I remember."

After drinking one-third of his camomile tea, he remembered something.

"Oh yeah, what am I going to do now? As I think, it's time for me to visit another world to fix one, or is there something I must do in this Eroge world?"

Oh, about that. You still have two places in the world where you currently live that need to be fixed. As for the system, it's not going to post the main mission or another mission as it's kind of broken right now due to some malicious factor.

"Eh? So, from now on, I can act freely without having to complete a mission?

(Yes, it is a hassle to fix the system because it is complex and only the creator can fix it.)

(At the same time, I believe you have already had enough broken talent to learn all of the possibilities that you have seen in an instant and upgrade them to their full potential.)

"I see... I think similarly. As of now, the reward seemed somewhat futile to me."

Kaito then paused for a moment, having completed his business in this world, or more specifically, in this kingdom, where he wishes to travel to the human kingdom, recalling that there is another protagonist of Eroge from another story with the same setting.

Luna, can you see what is happening in the human kingdom? As I recall, that kingdom would also fall to human greed and the thirst for vengeance, which the author had set as the protagonist.

(Wait a second... Nope, the kingdom was still fine, but from the fluctuation of the world, it seems the main event is going to happen a month after this.

"Well, I think I will go to visit the human kingdom later."

(Hmm? As for the reason?)

"It is my duty to fix the world and preserve its beauty."

(Pfftt, you foolish Incubus god. It is really a perfect combination with the shameless pervert with Incubus blood you have had.

They both laugh together, knowing how trashy and scumlike they are. They have stated that their actions were good because they are the world's fixers and want to bring everyone's lives to a happy ending. But, at the same time, there is a lie behind it because it is not for everyone, and in the end, it is all about the scum who want to bring happiness and a perfect ending just for the beauties.

Regarding bringing them into his embrace, that is entirely up to them; the man does not wish to coerce them into going on a new adventure with him or simply to remain behind and resume their previous happy lives.

Ultimately, the individual who has embarked upon his path to become the inheritor of the title "The one who stands above all" was initially aligned as chaotic neutral.



*Klang!* *Klang!* *Klang!*

A real steel sword sparring match between two beauty swordmasters took place in the royal training room. Where their swords collided to create a tiny spark, they exchanged moves with each other.

"Come on, princess, squeeze all your strength into those arms and legs!"

"Yes, Master!"

The sound of the collusion sword from both parties appears to be more intense than a second ago, when each clash came from the brown chocolate-skin elf aggressively attempting to reach the milky white skin of the princess of this kingdom.

They sparred as they usually do, with Narrus attempting to test and improve the princess's footwork, endurance, and ability to defend herself from incoming attacks. This was all due to their agreement last night before going to bed, which stated that their agenda for today would be to learn to defend as well as launch counterattacks against any incoming attacks.

Whereas on the battlefield, endurance and intense focus were all that the swordmaster needed to stay alive while fighting against enemies who could come at her at any time, and taking a break or even taking a breath was difficult.

Because of this, Narrus, who attained the highest level of swordmastery and reached the edge before entering the realm of the sword saint, attempted to attack Almia aggressively without giving her even a moment's breathing space or a chance to gather herself.

"Ghh... Breathing is so difficult. *Ding!* *Ding!* *Ding!*. This time, Narrus-nee truly showed me no mercy; each attack she launched at me was both powerful and swift."

Almia found it difficult to repel or stop every attack that was directed at her, even if she wanted to launch a counterattack.

"Ghh!" The point of the sword touched her cheeks, causing her to momentarily lose focus. The blood began to trickle and cover a portion of her face in crimson blood.

"Hmph! Focus!" Narrus yelled in a proper, strict tone, like a proper trainer and captain knight.

"Yes!!!" Almia gritted her teeth and tried to increase her focus to see every sword trajectory Narrus made with her eyes.

She is aware that she has the ability to see the trajectory of a sword using magic, but she will not act foolishly. She still desires to improve her vision and the use of every body part by a pure swordmaster.

There are many situations that can occur on the battlefield where she is unable to rely solely on her magic or mana. For example, yesterday she was unable to maintain her strength and eventually passed out because the battlefield was taking too long. However, yesterday was an exceptional instance that could have been resolved quickly due to the presence of irregulars who easily dominate the battlefield and obliterate the enemy.

After sword fighting for an hour straight, they finally put an end to their sparring. Almia, who had been grazed by Narrus in numerous places on her body and had blood seeping from the wound, was finally unable to sit down because her legs were giving out from a lack of blood and fatigue, as opposed to Narrus, who barely perspired at all.

"Haa... Haa... So tired..." Almia's vision blurred as her consciousness slowly drowned.

"Narrus-nee... you are teaching too harshly... do not you... think..." Almia can not help but pout while glaring at her older sister, who smiles faintly at her.

"What did you say, princess? I just granted your wish to be strong enough to inherit the queen position from your mother in the future."

Narrus smiled faintly, her eyes curving perfectly into a half-moon shape, and her heart was filled with excitement as she saw Almia's chaotic appearance, full of wounds and blood dripping from her skin.

She appeared to have awakened a dark side once more, and if she allowed it to develop and blossom in the future, she would resemble Esdeath, the Empress of Ice from the Akame Ga Kill series.

At the same time, she was happy with the result of her work, where their activity just now was all part of her plan to discipline the arrogant bratty princess and turn her into a good slave for her husband.

What her exact plan is, only she and God, if any gods exist in this world, know. She also thinks that Kaito, her spouse, has a sneaking suspicion about what she is going to do because she never questions her and always lets her do as she pleases.

"Princess, please quickly heal yourself because we have another sparring coming up."

Narrus flashes a charming smile that, if Almia is not blinded by her admiration for her, looks a little frightening. If Ephildis or Dinelynd had been present, they could have easily discerned something was wrong with her.

"Oh, I forgot that I have not studied healing magic."

"....." Narrus merely sighed in silence, having kind of forgotten that the princess's magical talent was limited to elemental magic attacks, where the support kind of magic was oddly difficult for her to learn.

Agraliel Kingdom only had a few pure magicians with talent and affinity for this element, and healing magic originated from a fragment of this holy element. In fantasy worlds, churchgoers are usually thought to possess a holy quality, but in the Agraliel kingdom, there is no religion or church—people simply live there and pay tribute to the Agraliel ancestor who established the kingdom.

"Okay... Then wait here for a moment, as I will search for one of the royal magicians to come here to heal you."

When Narrus attempted to leave the training room, Kaito, who appeared to have recently arrived, opened the door for him.

"No need for that."

Before approaching them, Kaito turned to face Almia, who was covered in cuts and had numerous holes in her training clothes that exposed her underwear.

With a disgusted expression on her face and a slight blush, Almia covered her sensitive area with her hand as soon as she felt someone staring at her body.

"Pervert! Scum!" She can't help but yell at him and badmouth him.

Narrus, hearing it, grits her teeth and grabs the handle of her black sword at her waist, almost ready to chop Almia's head if Kaito did not give her a quick glance to keep her calm. Her love for Kaito had already reached "Sickening Obsession Type," similar to what Albedo did to the Ainz Ooal Gown.

"Really a troublesome princess you are." Kaito sighed faintly before snapping his finger, revealing that in the next second, Almia's wounds and blood had vanished as if they had never existed. Her training clothes also returned to their original state at that point because there was no longer a cut hole exposing the underwear underneath.

This surprises Almia because Kaito did more than just use healing magic to return her body to its optimal state, eliminating all negative effects that had occurred. She had never experienced magic of this kind before, so the way her clothes returned to their original state was completely foreign to her.

Still, Narrus's radiance of love and his boundless admiration pleased her. She had always believed that her husband, Kaito, was a strong entity who could consistently work miracles in her presence.

Almia nodded, satisfied to see that her state had returned to its previous one. He had just experimented with his new ability after trying to learn a healing skill that she had read about in a book of magic from the royal library.

<Instant Learning (Absolute Version)> was a broken talent that allowed him to instantly learn and upgrade healing magic to its absolute version.

He used his new skill, <Absolute Restoration>, to restore anything/everything back to its natural/original state without flaws or mistakes, regardless of how badly damaged the target is. At the same time, undo potentially apocalyptic powers, reverse altered effects, restore destroyed souls, resurrect and heal any and all types of damage, whether mental, conceptual, emotional, spiritual, mystical, or physical.

This skill was impossible to achieve, regardless of what happened to an individual. Kaito's ability to achieve and integrate the skill into himself was entirely due to his talent, title, and fate as the inheritor of the ROB position.

Luna and the two outer gods who sat beside her were speechless when they saw how easily he could achieve that skill, as if it were a common skill in the omniverse.

Kaito then gave a faint smile before walking to grab one of the dozen steel swords in a sword rack not far away.

"It is a nice sword," he said, noting the sharpness of the blade. He, who had been bored because there was nothing to do in the area, appeared to decide to join the fun that two girls were having in the royal training room.

"Almia-hime, How about sparring with me?" He said it with a slight smile.

To be continued. 

- - -

A/N: Senpai, I hope you enjoy the chapter. In addition, I believe that going forward, every Saturday will feature a batch chapter. So, please be patient if there are people who adore the narrative and eagerly await each daily release.

Also, I will post Kaito's status at Author Thought for those who are curious about his growth in every chapter.

Free Hug for you, Senpai~ Gyuu~ (つ≧▽≦)つ


= = = = =



= = = = =


The One Who Stand Above All

= = = = =


Ancestral Alpha Human God

Ancestral Incubus Demonic God

= = = = =

[Energy Source]


= = = = =

[Ultimate Abiltity]

Gluttonous King Beelzebub

Addictive Headpats

Absolute Restoration #New!

= = = = =


Eternal Evolution

Instant Learning (Absolute Level)

= = = = =


Spatial Ring (Infinite).

= = = = =

[Character Card]

Gojo Satoru (Six Eyes, Limitless, Domain Expansion: Unlimited Void, Reverse Cursed Technique, Black Flash)

= = = = =



Melee-Weapon (Knife)

= = = = =


Object (Thread/String, Silk, Wire, Yarn)

= = = = =

[Other Ability]

Food Empathy

Soul Mutilation

Haki: Conqueror, Armament



= = = = =


Electricity Lordship

Ice Lordship

= = = = =


Tongue of Heaven Pleasure

Heavenly Eargasm ASRM Voice

Godlike Precision

Accuracy of God

100% Muscle Usage

Killing Intent

= = = = =


Control Immunity

= = = = =

[Lewd ability]

There's no pain but pleasure (Passive)

Natural Seductive Magnetism (Passive)

Endless Libido (Passive)

Ambrosia Semen (Passive)

Fertility Control (Active)

Woman Slayer Cock (Passive)

Pleasent Scent (Passive)

Absolute Incubitic Bond (Passive)

= = = = =

[System Function]



Convert Money

= = = = =


Luna (Unknown)

N̷̡̢̮̘̻̭̭̙̞̔͜y̴̢͉̭̱̳͔͒̂̎̓̑́̒̚͠͝a̸͇͖̮̠͔̬͍̯̰͗́̐̀̓̎̋͒ͅr̷̦̻̠̩̱̦̪͖̄̀̋̄͋̀̐̕l̵̝͖̈͘̕å̵̺͑̾̑́͑ͅḣ̷̨̻̦̙͜o̶̭̗̺͑͌ͅť̴̻̻̏̐͂̏͗̈͐͛͠ͅh̷̪̲̤̦̦̋́̇̂ͅe̷̙͍̦̥͛́̐̽͜p̶̥̲̩͔͒ͅ ̸̧̝̻̩̣̭͚͙̲̇̐̾(̵̰͂̀̋͗͗̆̾́O̸̡̖͎̤͚͚̟̬̍͆̔̂̈͗̓̂͝ů̵̥̙͈̙̫̦̦̗̞͈̓̔̑̈́t̶̟̣̋̓̅̍̓e̸̢̦̦͛̄r̸̡͔̞̗͇̳̱̙̙͑͝ ̸̺̜̙̯̀̊̑͗G̶̛͙̠̘̪̀̿̽̽̿̎͊͘̕ȍ̵̲̮̺̉͑ḏ̵̟̖̘̼̦̠̯̣̈́̀̇̀͒̃̈)̸̛̗̰͎̫́̎̾̀͒͌͌̋ ̴̹̩̎͗̏̇̎̀̇

Ş̸͙̬̯̙̖̯̍̀́̿̆̆̓͘h̸̢̫̦̠͙̤̥͙̃̐̿͠͝ư̷̢̙̱̞̙̼͉̰̱̆̃͂b̷̘̙͓͉̄̉̔̕̚-̷̗̩̭͠N̵̼̲̤͓̳̬̰̩̻̐̄̇͗ḯ̵̘̝̳̭̺̞͗̌̀̔̿͘g̵̛̜̎̇͂̓͋̊̽͐̈́ğ̵̡̧̲͓͉̱͚̺͙̩̀̎͛͌͛̆̌̈́͠ú̴͔̙̠͎̦͇̇͌̃̎͂͝ͅr̴̦̣̭̲͉͇̈́͑å̷̪͈̓̈̇̆̇̒̈́̕͠t̸̪̯̝́͜ȟ̶̰̰̱͕͔̥̟̖ ̸̢̢̛͕͚̲͊̀̈͂̑(̶̡̧͎͍͈͇̿͘ͅO̵̧̤̪̥̭̙͚̝̭̔͜ǘ̸̱́̓̽ṱ̶̢͍̳̪͖͗̈́͂̍̑̚͠ȩ̵̳͚̠̙͈̻̰̭̋̄̐̿͐̐̚͝͝͠ͅṟ̸̈́̂̋̄̌͝͝ ̶̡̯̞͖̤̫̈́̈́̐̀̑̓͊G̵̣͖̮̘͍̉̀̂ṏ̶͈͙̋͑͘͝͠d̵̡̢̤͋)̸̛̦̙̙̟̗̲̩͚̂͊̐̄

Narrus (Kyonyuu Elf)

Dinelynd (Kyonyuu Elf)

Ephyldis (Kyonyuu Elf)

Almia (Kyonyuu Elf)


GyaruSupremacycreators' thoughts