
The One Who Stand Above All (Continue)

While traveling to his university as usual, Kaito, a typical college student, met a ROB with clichéd luck and plot armor. Kaito died in a train accident and believed he was going to either heaven or hell. Never does he know that there's already twisted love, obsession, depravity, lust, and endless pleasure awaiting him and his new journey. —•— Arc 1: Kyonyuu Elf and Saimin Princess Verse.

GyaruSupremacy · Anime e quadrinhos
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36 Chs

Agraliel Kingdom (III)

The tide of war has turned, and the kingdom was previously in a state of panic. Now has been the side of victory with only one person, an erroneous identity that should not have appeared on that world and disrupted the destiny that had been set by external authority out there.

The witch elf and human who awoke from a fake death and were destined to conquer and bring the kingdom to its knees have been captured and are being held inside the <Spatial Ring> while they are still unconscious.

As for the culprit and hero, who has been destined from the beginning to save the kingdom from falling, he now walks with Narrus while his head is covered with a simple blackhood.

"Husband~ You're looking so sick! Suddenly, a massive thunder dragon appeared from the thunder cloud and slammed into the ground!"

Narrus cannot help but be excited while her eyes are beaming with glitter as she looks at her beloved, Kaito.

Hearing it made Kaito just smile while brushing the head of Narrus with his hand.


Narrus was so adorable that it sent shivers up everyone's spine who was walking nearby.

That cold, sadistic captain who never appears gentle.

With Kaito, she quickly became a docile pet.

It has completely flipped their beliefs and visions about Narrus.

Kaito then looks at the palace building, which appears to be luxurious, with nearly half of it made of glass, which appears to have increased its durability.

He can feel the "fantasy" simply by looking at it.

Kaito has already regained his memories and is aware of the plot that would have occurred had he not appeared.

simple classic revenge story in which the MC uses his hypnotic abilities to control the woman who has caused him so much grief.

There are three types of stories, and he now has to enter one of them.

It appears to be a spoiler and will ruin the fun, but he is unconcerned.

Knowledge is the most important factor in planning every future move.

"Oh, how about the sword I gave you?" Is it feel nice?" 

Kaito cast a soft glance at Narrus.

"Un! It's really a perfect weapon for me! Thank you, hubby."

Narrus hugged and entangled her arm in Kaito's arms, rubbing her face on it as she needed the scent that oozed from his body.

A dangling black metal sword hangs from Narrus' waist, the same one she used to hack those demon creatures earlier.


That sword came from the werewolf, who used an artifact earlier.

Observing that it was a good sword and sensing that Narrus would be able to handle it perfectly, he plundered it and covered it with his armament, Haki.

Any weapon imbued with armament haki on Kaito level can be said to be a treasure of the world.

As for the performance of that weapon, it can be seen earlier that Narrus can easily slash the demon body without breaking sweat.

'The culprit has been captured, and the urgent mission has been easily clear'

'Still, it's far from over. Right, Luna?'

[ Yeah ]

Both Kaito and Luna know that this is far from over before moving into the next world or some stories, as the main mission has not been notified and is not clear.

[ Main Mission: Prevent Agraliel Kingdom from Falling ] 

As for the reward that he received for his excellent performance in completing the urgent mission, it was a spectacular ability that opened the door for a future tyrannical emperor.

< Ability: Conquer Haki (Absolute Level) and Passive: Killing Intent >

"Narrus Onee-sama!" 

When Narrus and Kaito were already inside the palace, suddenly a beauty elf ran and threw herself into Narrus.

"Princess Almia!"

Narrus reflexively hugged the beauty that Narrus said was the princess of this kingdom.

Both of them hug as they know they're missing each other, especially Almia, who is so worried about Narrus suddenly missing in action with another soldier.

"Ara, it seems Narrus has come back from her little adventure."

Suddenly, there's another presence of a beauty elf that's more mature, looking at Narrus and Kaito from afar before walking closer.

Kaito, who notices the gaze from the mature beauty, should just be silent with a stoic expression, as that exquisite beauty charm of hers doesn't affect him at all.

"Your highness,"

Narrus, who smiles softly while being hugged by Almia, quickly releases the hug and kneels down in front of the presence of the one who rules this kingdom.

Queen of Agraliel Kingdom, Ephildis.

Ephildis just let out a soft smile before focusing her attention on the person who stood tall while looking straight into her eyes without any emotional fluctuation in his expression.

"Nice to meet you, a strange human."

Almia and all the soldiers who enter the palace with Narrus and Kaito hear the statement from their queen.

Quickly, all of them drawn their weapons and pointed straight into Kaito, as there's a hatred for race humans.

In particular, Almia, who suffered trauma and intense hatred for humans as a result of Ingwill accidentally seeing her naked body,.

Narrus, who kneeled down in front of her queen, quickly drew her sword and stood still in front of her beloved.

Her action surprised the others, especially Almia.

"Narrus Onee-sama! What're you doing!?"

Almia can not believe Narrus, who resembles her older sister and whom she adores, jumped to defend a human.

"What a warm welcome, don't you think Queen of Elves?"

Kaito opened his mouth and expressed his opinion sarcastically, without evoking any hatred or emotion.

Ephildis, the queen, simply smiled softly.

"I believe it is a natural reaction for us who have a hatred relationship with the human race to greet you in this manner."

Ephildis has her own story before and after becoming queen; an obvious hatred relationship with humans has been ingrained in their bones as their race has been slaved, hunted, and tortured by those disgusting humans who are obsessed with their beauty and body.

There is also a story about how her hatred has reached new heights, thanks to a deep secret tradition that only the royal family and elders are aware of.

"Well, I know there's a ruckus happening outside the kingdom as well, that someday the prophecy from elders that's there an day for the infamous witch going to come to flip this kingdom upside down.

At the same time, I can see that you seem to help our side to fend those demon armys or to exactly massacre them.

I know your intention was good, but still, it's not enough to make an exception for a relationship to welcome a human race like you."

Despite the warm aura that emanated from Ephidis body, he is still the queen of a huge kingdom that can easily let out cold words into the opposite, especially to the race that has been an eternal enemy for her people.

"As for you, Narrus, I can feel there's a special relationship between you and that human. Seeing your action, who had no hesitation to stand and protect that human."

Narrus, who is a dark elf, could feel a shiver on her spine when her eyes caught those pierced, cold gazes from the queen. 

She feels guilty for betraying her queen, princess, and her race. But, still, she can already see her perfect future in that dream, where she had a beautiful leisure life with her husband, her family, and all of her future sisters!

She didn't know if Almia and Ephildis were included as her future sisters with the same husband, still seeing this reaction and how hatred the queen had for the human race.

It's made her make the best choice.

"I'm sorry, but this is my choice!" 

There's no need for an extra explanation that emitted from her mouth, as her resolution was already firm from the beginning. 

That she's going to stand still beside her beloved husband, no matter what happens, even if it's going to make her a betrayal person like Dinelynd did in the past!

Kaito, who still did not say a word, opened his mouth to let out a big sigh.

"What a letdown to think that the queen itself is going to let out gratitude to the person who stopped the catastrophe from happening to her kingdom."

Kaito snorted before his expression became cold with empty eyes, like his hidden personality gradually came out because of the disappointed reaction.

"Who are you to say I was just a mere normal human? Oh, a dissapointed queen of elves."

Like he said before, a normal human like him who has been shower with an absolute power that can never be obtained by just a hellish training can easily awaken something dangerous within themselves.

Kaito, who was a normal human in his previous life, has, without his knowledge, awakened a hidden personality in his unconsciousness that pointed into one of the seven sins that exist in the universe.


Yes, Kaito had become so accustomed to his cheating power that it boosted his pride.

He's aware of this hidden pride personality that accustoms himself to his consciousness and feels he doesn't need to let out this personality in the near future.

And there's this ignorant queen who has been destined to be a mindless pupet cock sleeve of Ingwill that has been infected by the power of mind control that came from the world tree ring that Dinelynd gave to him.

When Kaito pride has been grazed by an ignorant, destined heroine, Luna, who watches him 24/7 from somewhere, quickly lets out her word.

[ Calm down, retard; there's no point in showing your pride in them.]


As if slapped so hard by Luna on his cheeks, Kaito gradually calms himself while taking a mental note in his mind that he is still a bitch who can easily be influenced by useless emotion outside his precious person.

'Well, if it is not the main mission and reward behind it, I am the one who is going to bring this kingdom down.'

Kaito then decided to let out Dinelynd and Ingwill from his spatial ring in front of the queen and the others.

"Well, let's get out of here, babe, seeing as there is no gratitude for my charitable act to save this kingdom."

'Let's see how you can handle both of them on your own,'

Narrus is quite confused as to why Kaito suddenly let out those masterminds who have tried to flip upside down the kingdom easily like this.

But seeing the expression of her husband, who was already as cold as an iceberg,. She quickly nodded before she grabbed Kaito's hands, and both of them instantly disappeared from that place, leaving dust on their behalf.

Almia, seeing Narrus in that state, chose to side with the humans she despises, causing her legs to wobble and her knee to fall to the ground.

When Ephildis saw the infamous witch who caused a ruckus on this kingdom in the past and a mere disgusting human who appears unconciouss in front of her, her face turned cold.

"Put them in prison, and also post the announcement that Narrus Linhen has been expelled from this kingdom, and her status as imperial guard and first class captain knight of elves is no longer valid!"

"Yes, your majesty!" 

The arrogant queen, who had no sense of gratitude, gradually turned her body to go meet the elder because they had an important meeting.

As the soldier attempted to apprehend the perpetrators and place them in cell prisons beneath the palace.

Almia, that princess, just sits still as her eyes seem to blur as her loved one is taken from her.

"Narrus Onee-sama..."

Who knows what she is thinking right now, given the kingdom's impending disaster.

— To be continued


Name: Kaito

Race: Supernatural Human

Age: 20

Ability: <Enhanced String-String Fruit Power (Thread, Silk, Wire, Yarn)>, <Armament Haki: Absolute Level>, <Culinary Mastery: Absolute Level>, <Magical Touch: Culinary>, <Purification: Intermediate Level>, <Electricity Manipulation: Absolute Level>, <Conqueror Haki: Absolute Level>

Passive: <Control Immunity>, <Enhanced Sense>, <Aphrodisiac Body Fluids: Opposite Sex>, <Endless amount of cum>, <Woman Slayer>, <Pleasant Scent>, <Pleasure Touch>

Equipment: Spatial Ring (Unlimited), <Killing Intent>

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