
in the beginning there was one

Hello, if your reading this then I can assume you must be from across the void. I wasn't sure whether this would work or not, but cleary it did. I'm writing to tell you my story, to share my experience, and to tell you my hope. I guess the most important thing is tell it as it happened and the easiest way to do that, is to start at the beginning. It was a normal day, the birds were chirping, the dogs barking, and the world was at peace. But suddenly with a flash of lightning and a crack of thunder that peace broke. The Earth began to shift, the sky turned a dark red, and the ground itself was split in half and from the dark rescess of the underworld came monsters. Horrifying beings whose maws wanted only one thing the flesh of every living creature around. Each of them were at least the size of a car several were monstrously big, scaling to the size of buildings, their body's muscular like nothing I had seen before. Nothing was safe everything was prey to them even other creatures from the deep, they fought each other for food even eating the other monsters. it was as if hell was brought down upon the Earth. Many tried to fight back but all was in vain the beasts were unaffected by any weapon tried. Even the military were ineffective when handling them, guns, grenades, bombs, blades, nothing effected them and slowly the hope fell from all eyes. As time went by the world became quiet no one knew how many people were still out there not giving up hope and striving to live for another day. I was one of the lucky ones, I managed to stay clear of the eyes of the beasts and survived the onslaught. Spending most days inside only venturing out for food when absolutely necessary, I continued living the best I could. During this time I found out something amazing happened, as I was reminiscing about my childhood and all the games I used to play suddenly a spark came from my hand. I realized that the magic from the games I once held dear was made real. After this discovery I spent my days training this new found power wondering if others knew and if one day maybe some great wizard would come and save the world from those monsters. As time went by this childish dream of a hero from above descending down to save me was crushed as I realised it was never going to happen. Until the day I decided, if no one was going to be the hero I needed, then somehow I needed to become someone who would be a hero to others. I packed my bags, gathered supplies, prepared myself and set out from my house knowing the danger, feeling the fear, and sensing my doom, all to help those who needed it and become the one.