
The One Who Devours Everything

Damien always had a not so simple life. Always having to hide his superhuman abilities from anyone and everyone as to not become a lab rat for the government. He just wants to live a normal life, made up of friends and family but he just don't seem to fit in. It all changed on one fortunate day. When he got transported to a different world after being involved in a car crash, a world where people like him are a common place, at least that's what he believes. What adventures are now ahead of him? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first time writing a novel so cut me some slack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE: 02:30 AM Beijing Time Everyday

Alaric_Lock · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


"What does it look like? I'm carrying you since you can't walk," he replied.

She knew he was telling the truth, but she couldn't hide her shame, so she decided not to comment on it.

After walking for nearly an hour with Victoria in his arms, he realized that the end was nowhere in sight. With Victoria sound asleep, he decided to engage in a mental conversation with Sage as he had no other option.

"Hey Sage, do you happen to know anything about the world we're in?"

[Of course]

[Explanation, This world is known as Alderan, and it consists of three realms situated on top of each other in different dimensions.]

[The topmost realm is the Divine Realm, which is where the Gods exist. However, the entrance to this realm has been closed off since the Divine Dissension.]

"Gods, huh"

"I guess if demons and vampires exist so it makes sense but what is Divine Dissension"

[The Divine Dissension refers to the epic civil war that took place between the old and new gods around 10 millennia ago. Ultimately, the old gods emerged victorious, and the new gods were subsequently imprisoned in the Divine Realm. However, the reason why the creator goddess decided to seal off the gates to this and every other realm after it remains a mystery to this day, and it has remained secluded ever since.]

"I see"

[The middle realm, commonly known as The Mortal Lands, is where mortals reside. As the name suggests, this realm is home to beings with shorter lifespans, such as humans and elves, as well as other creatures that are closely connected to nature.]

[Finally, the lowermost realm is known as The Netherworld, and it is where they are currently situated. This realm is inhabited by immortal beings, such as demons or the creatures of the night as they were known in the previous world.]

[Since the Divine Dissension, the entrances to both The Netherworld and The Mortal Lands have been sealed off. Prior to this event, there were numerous wars between the two realms that took place periodically throughout history.]

"I suppose sealing off the realms was in the best interest of all involved."

[The Netherworld is comprised of three continents, each separated by vast oceans. The ruling system in this realm is a monarchy that governs over the various countries within.]

[The southernmost continent in The Netherworld is known as 'Malbolge,' and it is also the smallest of the three. Despite its small size, Malbolge is a place of both twisted and corrupted beauty, as the demons who reside there have transformed the natural world into something both awe-inspiring and terrifying. The beings of Malbolge are highly intelligent and strategic, always working behind the scenes to gain power and influence.]

[Malbolge is made up of a single country ruled by the monarchy, known as The Abyssal Empire, which is considered one of the strongest among the seven. The Serpent's Lair, the place where we currently find ourselves, is located in the southernmost region of the continent.]

[The largest continent in The Netherworld is known as 'Abaddon,' and it is at least three times the size of Malbolge. This vast continent is filled with towering mountains and dense forests, inhabited by beings known for their brute strength, ferocity, and love of battle.

Abaddon is made up of four separate countries that are constantly locked in a power struggle with each other, vying for control over the land. The battles between these countries are often brutal, with no clear winner ever emerging.]

[The third and final continent in The Netherworld is 'Niflheim,' which consists of two countries. This continent is a frozen wasteland, where the beings have adapted to the harsh conditions by becoming masters of ice and cold. The landscape is dotted with glaciers, frozen lakes, and snow-covered mountains, making it a breathtaking but perilous place to live.

The beings who inhabit Niflheim are known for their cunning and ruthlessness, as they must use their wits and strength to survive in such a harsh environment. Despite the challenges they face, the inhabitants of Niflheim have become experts in utilizing the power of ice and cold to their advantage.]

"It's fascinating to think that regardless of the world, beings can have similar traits and characteristics. Even in vastly different environments and circumstances, certain qualities can remain consistent."

After his conversation with Sage finished, Victoria suddenly opened her eyes, but they were blood red. He failed to notice the unusual color of her eyes and casually asked, "Did you have a good sleep?"

Suddenly, without any warning, Victoria viciously sank her teeth into his neck and began drinking his blood. Caught off guard by her sudden attack, he fell backward onto the ground while Victoria remained on top of him, continuing to drink from his neck.

Despite the initial shock of the attack, he realized that Victoria must have been very hungry and in need of sustenance. So he gently stroked the back of her head with his right hand and said,

"I guess you were pretty hungry."

As Victoria continued to drink his blood, he was surprised to find that instead of feeling pain, he was unexpectedly feeling pleasure.

Perhaps it was due to the adrenaline rush, or maybe it was the intimacy of the situation, but he decided to give in to the experience and allowed her to continue feeding.

After a few minutes of feeding, Victoria had not yet been sated. However, an unexpected notification from Sage interrupted the moment.

[Notice, A link has been created with Victoria]

"What kind of link is it?"

[Answer, It's a partner link. It means that you and Victoria are now connected in a deep and intimate way. You will be able to share thoughts, emotions, and sensations with each other, and your bond will only grow stronger over time.]

His thoughts were interrupted as Victoria separates from him with a horrified look on her face, he can't help but feel a little confused and concerned.

"What have I done?", Victoria's tone was jittery as she spoke.

"I'm fine," he reassured her as he sat up.

"But what's wrong? Why did you stop?"

Victoria looked at him, her eyes still red from the feeding.

"I...I don't know what came over me. I didn't mean to bite you like that. I'm sorry."

He placed his hands on her shoulder.

"It's okay. It's just a little bite. No harm done."

Victoria started checking his body, looking for something. He watched her with concern, wondering what had caused her sudden change in behavior.

"Even though you are an annoying bastard, but I have no intention of turning you into my vampire servant."

"That was rude", he retorts as she finished examining

Victoria furrowed her brows in confusion as she searched his body for any signs of a seal.

"There's no seal," she muttered to herself before her expression changed, realization dawning on her.

She closed her eyes for a few seconds and as she opened her eyes, Victoria looked at him with a newfound interest.

"Interesting," she murmured, her gaze intense as she studied him. She had never felt this way before, and the sudden surge of emotion caught her off guard. It was almost as if a connection had been formed between them, one that she couldn't explain.

For a moment, they both sat in silence, unsure of what to say.

"I don't know what this means, but I think we should find out. I want to learn more about this partner link between us.", Victoria spoke up again.

He looked at her skeptically.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? We barely know each other."

"I know," she replied, "but I have a feeling that we're meant to be linked in some way. And besides," she added with a smirk,

"I could use a partner who's not afraid to speak their mind."

He rolled his eyes, but there was a hint of amusement in his expression.

"Fine, we can explore this link between us. But don't expect me to hold back on my opinions."

"Trust me," she said, her eyes glinting mischievously,

"I wouldn't want it any other way."

As Victoria gazed into his eyes, she felt a strange and overwhelming sensation that she couldn't quite place. Was it happiness? Was it something else entirely? To be sure, she decided to probe his feelings with her own.

To her surprise, she found that his intentions were pure and true. Without hesitation, she leaned in and pressed her lips to his, holding his face in both of her hands. A crazed, obsessive smile spread across her face as she lost herself in the kiss, unable to resist the powerful emotions coursing through her.

She breaks the kiss and instantly stands up starting to walk away as the realization dawned on her.

As she is walking away from Damien, a deep blush spreads across her cheeks. She can't help but feel embarrassed by her sudden impulsiveness. But as she hears him call out to her, a warmth spreads through her body, and she turns around to see him running toward her. Despite feeling shy, she can't help but smile at his enthusiasm.

"Wait up, Vicky!" Damien says as he reaches her side, a big grin on his face. "I don't want to be left behind."

Victoria feels her heart race as she looks at him, his bright eyes shining with excitement. She can't help but feel drawn to him, despite her initial reluctance to let him into her world. As they walk together, she can't help but wonder where this new connection will take them.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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