
The one above omnipotence

Once in a crowded and bustling city, there is an orphan boy without a family. He was born with a terrifying understanding and talent but lived a boring life. The only thing that makes him happy is watching cartoons and reading novels. And one day, when he was getting ready to watch a movie, a terrible accident occurred as the TV exploded and he died instantly. His soul disappeared into a dark place for an unknown period of time. Just when he thought it was the inevitable end, his soul was taken away and he was reborn.

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10 Chs

Chapter 2 Infinite dimensions book

After two weeks!!!

Licht opened his eyes and started to smile. "I knew it! I can accelerate the absorption of the aura from my blood vessels, gather and blend it to make it stronger and purer."

"I can even sense the evolution in the true sense of infinity. Now, I must gather all the aura and compress it to create a vast spherical space (I'll call it the Inner Space) for storing the aura to enhance it."

"After that, I'll reabsorb the aura and blend it to strengthen the Inner Space and increase its size."

Licht was contemplating what he would do next, but suddenly frowned and expanded his consciousness outside the dark place to check on something.

As soon as his consciousness emerged, he saw his mother. Now, he didn't have a shortage of aura like the last time and began to examine the surroundings.

It was an incredibly beautiful and spacious room filled with exquisite and antique decorations and artworks.

His mother was sleeping on a wide and comfortable royal bed It was the shape of his mother, her black hair, her bright white skin, so beautiful, her plump body, her face a continent-wide disaster, she had a blue diamond-like mark.

but her face was pale, her breathing was irregular, and her body was trembling.

Licht was shocked to see his mother in such a condition and immediately extended his spiritual consciousness to investigate whether she was injured, sick, or even poisoned.

As he delved deeper, Licht realized that his mother was not injured, sick, or poisoned, but her body had become extremely thin, as if she hadn't eaten for weeks.

He quickly analyzed the situation because he knew it had only been two weeks since he created the cheat book.

As he thought back to those two weeks, he started to piece together what had happened.

By the time the analysis reached the first four days, it came to a halt.

Licht noticed that his mother's body had been losing physical energy until now, and she had lost consciousness. He understood the reason and felt embarrassed.

"I never thought that the real reason was me. As I absorbed the aura, my body and soul became stronger to the point that my body devoured nutrients from my mother.

Since my body never felt satisfied, and there was no more food, I started to consume my mother's vitality.

Now, this is the result: her skin turned pale, she lost the ability to think, speak, or move; she is in a coma and won't recover unless I stop absorbing the aura.

Licht appeared distressed because this would delay his growth, but he knew his mother was more important.

He got a headache when thinking about the situation, but suddenly his eyes brightened.

"If I don't absorb all the aura, I can divide it between my mother and myself. I can give my mother the ability to move while becoming stronger at the same time."

With this idea in mind, Licht felt excited and quickly attempted to split the aura in half, half for his mother and half for himself, when he tried to infuse his mother's body with half of the aura.

The aura entered his mother's body and began circulating through her bloodstream, purifying her body and soul, healing the effects of hunger and vitality depletion.

Licht was afraid of making mistakes and harming his mother, so the process took hours to complete.

As soon as the last area was healed, Licht felt relieved, and he immediately noticed his mother's condition.

Her skin returned from pale to rosy, and her irregular breathing gradually calmed down.

Licht felt a mix of joy and exhaustion and went to sleep.

Three hours later...

Licht woke up and analyzed his mother again just to make sure. Everything seemed normal.

"Now that I'm done, let me analyze my cheating art."

He closed his eyes and began the analysis once more.

While he was deep in thought in the vast room, two people entered swiftly.

One was an Middle aged man His long, spiky black hair, his wise eye that could make you see the reality of the world at a glance, and his strong body with the aura of the ancients, his eyes filled with the truth of the world.

And the other man was imposing with a regal aura with brown hair and sharp black eyes with white skin with arrogance concealed but carved by his bones.

The man addressed the old man nervously, "Uncle Kyuhaku, is Yumi alright?"

The old man, Kyuhaku, replied, "Don't worry, Takashii, I'll examine little Yumi now to make sure."

Takashii was anxious because his wife, Yumi, had been unconscious for two weeks.

He knew Yumi since they were children. They were childhood sweethearts, deeply in love from an early age, and not even three months had passed since their marriage when this sudden illness struck her.

As Takashii was lost in thought, Kyuhaku swiftly went to Yumi's side, raised his hand, and began to analyze the cause of the problem. As he examined her, he noticed that her body was fine, even stronger, and her skin had become smoother.

This puzzled him since, in his opinion, it wasn't an illness but rather a breakthrough in the world's level, albeit only physically.

However, he quickly discarded those thoughts when he noticed the presence of another life within her.

His face turned extremely serious, and even his hand trembled as he looked at Takashii with excitement.

Takashii was tense from Kyuhaku's gaze.

"Takashii, little Yuumi is fine, and I have fantastic news; little Yuumi is pregnant!"

Takashii breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing that Yuumi was fine, but as soon as he heard that she was pregnant, he became overjoyed and started laughing.

"Hahaha, Yumi is pregnant! I will finally be a father. My empire will finally have an heir"

Kyuhaku was also happy because Yuumi was his only daughter, and he was afraid that something might happen to her. However, when he noticed Leekht's reaction, he knew he would become a grandfather.

"Alright, Takashii, I want you to bring lots of monster meat, medical materials of rank seven and above, and also milk from a rank nine cow monster."

Upon hearing what Kyuhaku said, Takashii was shocked and terrified, as these materials were beyond the capabilities of even ninth-rank mages, swordsmen, spear users, or chemists. Their bodies would explode from the strain.

In this world, all abilities, be they magic, swordsmanship, spear techniques, or alchemy, start from the first rank and go up to the ninth rank. The first three ranks are known as the Low Ranks (1,2,3), followed by the Middle Ranks (4,5,6), and finally the High Ranks (7,8,9).

The physical constitution of someone at the ninth rank is terrifying, and just imagining someone like that dying and affecting the whole world is unimaginable.

Kyuhaku noticed Takashii's expressions and understood what he was thinking, but he remained calm.

"Takashii, the monster meat, medical materials of rank seven and above, and the milk from the rank nine cow monster are not for Yuumi. They are for the child."

"Yuumi is merely a channel of transmission for the child, as the child won't be able to sustain itself on the nutrients in little Yuumi's body. This will only affect the child and little Yuumi."

"Even I, who has lived for hundreds of years and seen the world, have never come across such a situation."

When Takashii heard Kyuhaku saying that even he had never encountered such a situation, he was stunned. Takashii knew that Kyuhaku was a close friend of his father and was also one of the few ninth-rank individuals, just like his father.

Hearing that the child wouldn't be able to sustain itself from Yuumi, Takashii understood that these children were geniuses, but many of them didn't survive because they either consumed their mothers or lacked high-rank monster meat and medical materials.

Kyuhaku saw Takashii still in shock and gave him a slap to wake him up.

"Get going quickly and bring the items. Do you want to wait until little Yuumi suffers?"

Half of Takashii's face swelled from the slap, making him look funny, but he quickly responded.

"Yes, uncle Kyuhaku, I will quickly bring the items."

Takashii heard Kyuhaku explaining and smiled confidently.

"Don't worry,uncle Kyuhaku, I will be with Yuumi and the child."

Kyuhaku was reassured by Takashii's response and could now go.

After five weeks, Yuumi woke up and tried to open her eyes, but whenever she tried, a headache hit her. She attempted to move her hand, but she couldn't.

"What's happening? Why can't I open my eyes?"

As Yuumi tried to move her hand, Beeyou, the maid, entered the room for cleaning and saw Yuumi trying to raise her trembling hand.

Beeyou was delighted to see Yuumi awake and began shouting.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the Empress is awake!"

Her voice was so loud that Takashii, who was sitting on the throne, heard it.

Upon hearing the news of Yuumi waking up, Takashii immediately left the meeting and ordered his subordinates to take a day off. He hurried to Yuumi's side.

Takashii entered the room and saw Yuumi awake, trying to raise her hand.

He immediately held her hand and spoke enthusiastically.

"Yumi, how are you? Are you well? Are you hungry or thirsty? Beeyou, go quickly and report to Uncle Kyuhaku. Tell him Yumi has woken up."

Beeyou heard Takashii's orders and nodded with her head.

"Sure, Your Majesty, I will go to Kyuhako-sama now."

As soon as Beeyu said that, she hurried off.

Beeyu is a sixth-ranked sorceress, and it would take her a few hours to return with Kyuhako.

Takashii turned his gaze to Yuumi.

"Yuumi, do you remember what happened to you? If you were in pain, why didn't you tell me?"

Hearing Takashii's concerned voice, Yuumi's heart felt warm, but she still didn't know what had happened to her.

"Dear, I don't know what happened. I was in the library reading, and all I remember is feeling sleepy and then falling asleep."

Upon hearing Yuumi, Takashii couldn't help but sigh, realizing that everything seemed normal since he knows that Yuumi usually takes a nap while reading in the library.

"Don't worry, Yuumi. Let's wait for Uncle Kyuhako to arrive, and as soon as he's here, I have great news to tell you."

Thinking about the news, Takashii's face lit up with a smile, and he chuckled.

Seeing her husband, Takashii, like this, Yuumi couldn't help but feel curious.

However, she didn't dwell on it and waited with her father and Takashii.

After five hours, Beeyu returned with Kyuhako.

As soon as Kyuhako saw Yuumi, his eyes teared up, and his lips trembled.

"Oh, my little cat, how are you? Are you okay? Did that scoundrel Takashii hurt you? Don't worry, tell Papa, and I'll beat him up for you."

Hearing his words, Yuumi blushed and wanted to find a hole in the ground to hide. Takashii was afraid she would believe Kyuhako's nonsense and end up throwing him to the ground.

"Daddy, I'm fine, really, and Takashii didn't hurt me."

Yuumi opened her small mouth, her face red with embarrassment, but deep inside, she was happy because she loves her father this way.

"Uncle Kyuhako, now is not the time for jokes. Examine Yuumi now."

Takashii couldn't help but sweat because Yuumi's examination was more important.

Kyuhako was calm as he listened to the explanation, but deep inside, he sighed. Takashii had really put himself in trouble. Kyuhako is a ninth-ranked sorcerer and swordsman, a terrifying presence, and only a few like him exist. Takashii, being a seventh-ranked swordsman, couldn't handle this aura.

He had to tell Yuumi, but he waited for Kyuhako to explain.

Kyuhako was calm when he heard the explanation, but he sighed internally. Takashii was in trouble. Well, he should tell Yuumi, but he waited for Kyuhako to explain.

"Okay, Takashii, now you don't need to say it, I'll tell her. Little Yuumi, listen to me, you're pregnant, but don't worry, Papa and Mama are here, and nothing will harm you."

Upon hearing the news, Yuumi was both happy and scared to the point that tears welled up in her eyes.

Seeing her like this, Kyuhako and Takashii were worried.

"Hey,bastard، look what you did. Yuumi is crying now. Come here."

Kyuhako was angry, and he took Takashii aside and punched him in the face.

The punch was so powerful that Takashi rolled at a terrifying speed and punched a hole in the wall.

Yuumi remained calm as if she was used to this.

"That bastard's face always bothers me. Where's your father? The old man has gone to see him."

Kyuhako was angry, and Takashii felt helpless.

When Kyuhako was leaving, he heard a calm and confident voice behind him.

"No need, Kyuhako, my old friend. I'm here, by the way. I noticed a hole in the wall. I guess it was Takashii. This boy never stops bothering you, hahaha."

The voice was charismatic, drawing everyone around him. Even the old man, Kyuhako, calmed down and smiled, looking at the speaker.

"Hiroshi, You old bastard, look at your son. If he had a fraction of your calmness, the old man would have loved him."

Hiroshi had short brown hair, black eyes, and white skin with the aura of royalty and the ancients. He was full of charisma and was smiling.

Hiroshi heard Kyuhako's words and laughed.

"Hahaha, Kyuhako, You old bastard, forget about this fool. But why did he make you angry?"

Kyuhako explained to Hiroshi about Yuumi being pregnant and crying afterward, which resulted in him giving Takashii a strong punch.

He was happy to know that Yuumi was pregnant and laughed when he saw Kyuhako punch Takashii.

"Hahaha, little Yuumi, congratulations, you'll become a mother, and Kyuhako and I will become grandparents."

Kyuhako smiled on the side and laughed along with Hiroshi.

Yuumi stopped crying on the side and began to smile when she noticed Takashii, who had a A panda-like face, and she started to laugh.

Let's go back to Licht.

Licht was planting and trying to develop farming techniques. He didn't notice what was happening outside and began to analyze his situation.

"Now, I've succeeded in creating an art of cultivating the halo. But that's not enough because I want it to be perfect. I've created an inner space, but it's only for storing the halo. If I use up all the halo, it will disappear, and I'll have to cultivate it from scratch."

Licht wanted to think about a solution, but he didn't ponder much when he found one.

"Wait, let's assume that the halo is governed by the laws of heaven and earth. So what about its infinite interaction?"

"When thinking outside the box, in the original world, there was nuclear fusion, where nuclear fusion naturally occurs in our stars, including the sun, where temperatures and pressures are sufficient to ignite nuclear fusion in stars. Hydrogen atoms are fused to form helium, and this process releases tremendous energy in the form of heat and light, making stars shine and become a source of energy. Technically, this is nearly infinite. So, if I can transform the halo into a process similar to the sun's, then can I turn the halo nearly infinite? Because I create the halo from my body, and initially, it's the size of a small pool. I can turn it into something nearly infinite."

Licht's face lit up with happiness, but immediately, he thought of the negatives.

"No, wait, my body can't handle this energy. So, there must be a solution."

When he thought about the negatives, there must be a solution.

"To solve the negatives, I can strengthen and expand the inner space. It will serve as a storage for the nearly infinite halo. If it's weak and small, it will explode, and the nearly infinite halo will kill me. Even if the nearly infinite halo itself doesn't kill me, the explosion of the inner space will."

Licht realized that the solution to the negatives was to strengthen and expand the inner space.

"Secondly, I can purify my body, bones, organs, and cells by using the halo."

"Thirdly, the spirit and will, I can strengthen the spirit and will by burning the halo and tormenting my body and soul. This was how I trained in my previous life on self-defense techniques. I trained myself until I lost consciousness. Of course, there are devices to cure the dark diseases I created."

With this, I've finished my path. I'll only create martial arts and explore the terrifying will and return to the original world to find my older sister. By the way, I forgot to name the cheat book. Let me think about it. The halo will eventually become infinite with my body and soul. Of course, the more I become stronger, the more time it will take. So, I'll name it "The book of Infinite Dimensions."

Licht was happy with the name of "The book of Infinite Dimensions" and thought about what he would do when he was born. He entered the training and cultivation mode, this time Cultivation until he was born.