
The Omniverse Daily Life Of A Humanoid Living Spatial Hole(ATLA)

A young man who loved fiction a lot and spend most of his time gaming, watching anime/series/tv shows/cartoons/movies/porn/hentai, reading manga/manhwa/manhua/webtoons/comics/+18 material of all types, and all that fell victim to his own horniness as he died from a heart attack after beating his meat one too many times. After such a tragic incident he found himself in the typical white room of reincarnation and in front of him was a Goddess who made a bet with him, then let him choose something in his universe, anything real for him to reincarnate into in his next life and something one ability to help him within reason. He chose a black and a White hole as his reincarnation and the Absolute Healing Harem System. After this, he would begin his journey through the Omniverse to win a bet and build a harem as he found his own happiness while in pursuit of absolute freedom. _____________________________________________ Current World: Avatar The Last Airbender(ATLA) Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or anything aside from my added original content. [Tags: Incest, genderbend, Androgenous, Loli, 18+\Lemons, R*pe, Harem, Netori, Monster Girls, Super Powers, Eye Powers, Sex Slaves, First-Time Intercourse, Fellatio, Rare Items, Mind-Control, Magical Space, Magic, Cultivation, MILF, Beast Girls, Game elements, Hentai, Sex]

HaremHobo · Anime e quadrinhos
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9 Chs

Day-2: Learning And Sokka's Sister

It was warm… it felt odd that it was that way at all, but it was.

Laying on a pelt-covered ice-molded bed, Ky found himself looking at an icy unfamiliar roof. One that soon became familiar as he looked around and saw that he was in the same Igloo from yesterday with the same "eccentric" smell that could be expected of a teenage boy's room.

However, that was not the focus, as what caught his attention was the other person with him in that room, right now.

"Morning, young man, it seems you still have some luck in you. How are you feeling?" An old woman questioned as she saw him regain consciousness.

"I'm feeling… somehow still tired." Ky responded with a weak smile as he rubbed the back of his head using his right hand.

"Hmph! You're too young to know what truly feels like to be tired, you're just a little stiff. What you need is to eat and to catch some fresh, then you'll feel as good as new." The old lady snorted as she looked at him with her eyes narrowed, but paying attention one could see a small tiny little smile on her face as she said so.

Not waiting for a response from him, the old woman grabbed a spoon and a hot steaming bowl containing a yellowish-brown liquid with a bunch of purple potato-like things in it, before handing her arm to hand them to Ky.

"It's sea prune stew, it is good for you. Eat it." She explained.

Nodding at her words, Ky grabbed the bowl and spoon before taking in the first bite, it tasted sweet with an earthly flavor that somewhat reminded him of beet. Not a taste he particularly liked, but he forced himself to eat making sure to keep a smile on.

(The taste is quite… not one I'm fond of… then again, I didn't eat fish or most things that came from the sea during my last life, can't expect that to just magically change I guess. Also, who the hell actually likes beets?!) Ky wondered in his mind as he made an effort to eat a dish he found himself despising.

Once that was over, the old lady began talking again.

"Sokka told me about your situation and you can stay here until you recover and then we'll give you a boat and supplies. You could also choose to stay here and become a part of our small village. As you can probably see, we're a bit lacking in male presence at the moment.

"I'm Kanna by the way, but I would rather you just call me gran gran." Grangran introduced herself and picked up the now-empty sea prune stew bowl as she did so.

"… I'm not sure of what I'll do yet… can I have a few days to think about it?" Ky responded not wanting to seem too eager, and hopping to avoid unnecessary compromises.

"Of course, take your time. You've already been through enough, try to rest now." Grangran nodded as she got up and left to give him some space.

"… So, what now?…" Ky asked himself as he began to think of what he knew and what he could do.

After yesterday, things became a little better for him now that he had somewhere to stay, but it was also a bit of a trap, as he didn't know how long he had left until the events of the original plot took place.

Aside from that, he couldn't activate his system even after he tried all the typical phrases, like "status", "Status screen", "Menu", "Activate", "System" and so on.

Then there was the situation with his race… he was now a humanoid hybrid spatial hole, so he had to have some sort of supernatural ability, but he had no idea how to interact with that.

(Think… Come on… So, I choose a white hole and a black hole as basically the bases for my current being, and my weird hair is proof of it being true… But what are the powers I could gain from that… Obviously, repel and suck… Or in other words, push and pull…

(If I take into consideration that this is the kind of world this one is… Then, I think if I had powers like that in this world, they would probably work something like bending… In other words, I would have to integrate some martial arts into my movements in order to use it effectively!

(This is all just a hypothesis, but I think it could work… What's the harm in trying anyway?) Ky concluded after thinking of the current situation.

In order to try out his hypothesis, Ky got up from the bed before taking the basic stance of muay thai, the only martial art he somewhat knows. He pulled back his arm and then released a punch with the full "intent" to push in his mind.

The Universe complied with his request and the icy wall in front of him had not a crack, but instead a precise hole the exact shape of his fist. Proof that the strength and speed applied were no joke.

"Holy!…" Ky who was not expecting this to actually work could only widen his eyes in shock as he regretted doing this immediately, after all, how does one explain such a precise hole that it looks carved?

Being a little more curated with his next move, he turns to the mantle on the icy bed and tries to pull it by retracting his extended arm, however, this time nothing happens.

So, he tries to push again, and nothing.

"What am I doing wrong?" Ky looks at his hand trying to figure out what he was missing from the impact strike he made on the icy wall.

Again and again, for multiple attempts, Ky found himself trying but there was no reaction, something that made his frustration grow with each go.

"… I was sure I had it… think!… what did I do the first time?… I punched and I really wanted it to work… Is this perhaps a mental thing?… intent! Just like in anime that bullsh*t matters!" He concluded as he once again stopped to try and think about his first attempt and only success so far.

Similar to how one had to focus and intend when they exerted themselves physically, there was a higher need for focus and intent, since it was harder to know if you've mentalized things right as opposed to knowing if your muscles are tensed up.

Even so, evoking the sensation of his first try, Ky let it all out.


Which in hindsight was a terrible idea, as he watched the wall of the igloo be gone for good after being hit with his "push" effect.

There was now a third of the igloo missing and everyone around was looking…

"Wow! That's so cool!"

"An explosion cool!"


"… That's scary…"

"Wanna go look? Let's go look."

Various kids from all around were immediately drawn to the explosion caused by the push.

"Stand back kids! You can't go there! The adults will take care of it, now, come with me." One of the old ladies in the village came to stop the kids from getting any closer, followed by a few more women who took care of taking them away from this.

Luckily it seemed no one was hurt by Ky's practice, but he was surely not going to be able to stay silent about it.

"What happened here?! And more importantly are you ok, young man?" Grangran came quickly, well, as quickly as someone her age could at least.

"…" Ky was paralyzed by the suddenness of it all, he was not one to care too much, but they were taking care of him and showing him genuine kindness, it would be hard for him to not feel bad for causing so much trouble and by accident at that.

(She's going to see through you and accuse you of doing it on purpose! Say something! Defend yourself!) Ky ordered himself and even opened his mouth, but the words would not come out, they were stuck in his throat.

Had this been done on purpose, owning up to it, would be easy… But an accident? How could he even allow himself to commit such a mistake?

"Young ky! Can you hear me?! Did you hit your head?" Seeing no response coming from him, Grangran approached and checked on him to see if he was ok, grabbing his inspecting carefully.

(What?… Is she stupid?… there was no one else here… I'm the only possible culprit and after she was generous enough to give me a chance… why isn't she chasing me away? Or at least confronting me?…

No… it will come in time…) Ky found himself confused as to what he was experiencing, but he would not allow himself to get distracted by an unknown variable, the final result would still be the same.

"*Sigh*… Come with me, boy." Grangran said after she was done inspecting his face.

(I see… she's at least giving me the face to not oust me right in front of everyone… quite nice of her… Just what was I thinking when I let out that attack?… that's the problem, I wasn't... I let myself fall too deep into the feel of it… I should have known better, but now I do… There won't be a next time.) Ky decided as he quietly followed Grangran.

In a bit, they were inside a different Igloo the one serving as Grangran's room, they couldn't use Sokka's now destroyed room, anyway.

Inside, Grangran was looking through her things, and then she found something before yelling.


(It's here.) He thought to himself as it caused him to close his eyes in wait for whatever harsh words she may have had for him.

"Take this!" Maintaining his eyes closed he was ready to take a physical hit, after all, he had no way to pay for the damage.

(Brace for it! If you want a chance to stay here and be connected directly to the avatar, you have to take whatever comes.) He told himself.

"…" There was only silence.

(At any moment now...) He kept telling himself.

"What are you doing?! Take the medicine! It will help alleviate any pain you might feel! You might not look hurt, but the body can be very tricky, it's best if you prepare for the worst." Grangran yelled at him seeing no reaction from the young man in front of her.

Hearing this he opened his eyes and in Grangran's hand there was a bowl with some sort of mushy green paste in it.

(What is going on?) He found himself even more confused.

Not thinking too hard about it, Ky took the bowl, and once it was close enough, there was a very strong stench coming from it, that made him almost want to vomit because of the mountain of wet dirty stocks type smell coming from it.

(Disgusting… that's horrible… who in their right mind would put this anywhere near their body?!) Ky could not stand the stench, even so, he bared with it.

"Don't be whiny about it like, Sokka, you boy love to act tough cause you'll be warriors, but when it comes to the real toughness of taking care of yourself, you start to fall like flies to a fly trap." Grangran commented looking at Ky's expression and seeing right through his unwillingness to put the medicine anywhere near his body.


A sigh left his mouth and Ky took his shirt off and started applying the medicine to his body despite its disgusting odor, and like some sort of curse, as soon as it made contact with him, his skin began burning like he had just been set on fire.

(Damnit! That hurts!… who made this?! What kind of sadistic bastard would do this?!) Ky complanied to himself in his mind but didn't stop until he was done applying it.

"Hehehe, you already did better than my grandson, he's such a baby when it comes to these things. He could never apply it without complaining and crying all the way through the process." Grangran exposed Sokka like it was nothing.

From there not another thing was said and Grangran began focusing on doing her own things, even going out and coming back a few times, before sitting down to start sewing.

(She's really not going to address the situation?…) Ky questioned himself.

He had already put his shirt back on and then looked at Grangran, before taking a deep breath.

"Grangran…" He called out to her.

"Yes? What is it, sweetie?" Grangran responded casually as she focused on sewing.

"It's just that, about the igloo I-" Ky wanted to explain himself even if it wasn't necessarily the smartest move, he felt uncomfortable with himself mistreating people who helped him, however, things didn't usually go as we planned them to.

"You don't have to say anything right now… yes, I do want an explanation and I hope you will give me one, but since no one got hurt, all I'll ask of you is that you help around for a while to make up for it." Grangran expressed with a somber tone.

"… Thank you… but I don't understand… why would you be so kind to me?" Ky smiled at being given a chance, but his curiosity could not die down.

"Don't give me so much credit… I'm not doing this for you." Grangran replied with a bit of a bitter tone in her voice, there was some suspension in her eyes.

(It seems I was not fully wrong… there's just something else at play that I don't know of… But what could it be?) Ky wondered.

However, before any more could be said.

"Grangran!!! It's an emergency!!!!" Sokka came running in with a serious expression riddled with worry while carrying a basket full of fish and a net.

"Calm down! What's going on, Sokka?" Grangran responded and stopped sewing to look at him.

"It's just… Well… uh… I might have… kinda… possibly… in a hypothetical sense... Perhaps lost track of Katara… you know… perchance…" Sokka spoke in a weak manner and avoided eye contact as he did so.

"How could you lose your sister?!… Okay, let's gather the people and we'll form search parties… if anything, she's a strong young woman and will find her way here. Now go and call up the others!" Grangran was mad at him, but soon shook it off and instead of yelling more gave an order.

Seeing this unfold Ky saw a chance and chimed in. "I also want to help!"

Both Sokka and Grangran looked at him, and while Sokka smiled before bro hugging him, Grangran focused on his eyes and looked deep into them, as if trying to read his very soul, but that wouldn't be enough to make him back off, so he looked back sure of his decision.

"Fine… Sokka take him with you and go!" Grangran agreed.

So they both left to go on the search mission, together.

I Am The Cringe!

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