

  Lyne could feel someone press a kiss on her forehead gently. She frowned at first but she was so tired she didn't want to break her sleep.

  A warm hand put some strands of hair off her face and a finger ran down her cheek. She turned, now sleeping face up but she felt something wet and delicious on her lips.

  "Mmh." She moaned and smiled.

  A warm and powerful hand ran through her stomach beneath the sheets. Then down under her dress up to her breast. Her senses came alive as she shot her eyes open only to see a handsome Zeidan looking down at her with an interesting smile on his face.

  He's so good-looking. She thought. She made to touch his face but she remembered what had happened the previous night and jumped up. Running to the washroom, she slipped over some clothes and as she picked them up, she realized they were clothes she wore last night.