
A long-awaited return

Islanzadí's POV :

They came back later than usual today. After greeting them with a simple nod and a smile. Once they have landed, I invite them with a wave of my hand to follow me and walk towards the garden.

"Eldar, I inquired with Glaedr of your situation and the lust you inherited from Egan. »

I explained to them what Glaedr told me and when I had finished Eldar was rubbing his temples with his eyes closed.

"Eldar, I know it's embarrassing but I need to know how much this lust affects you to take the necessary measures so that nothing untoward happens. »

He doesn't react right away but ends up addressing Egan angrily.

"Egan, you really don't feel anything you're transmitting to me?" »

'How do you want me to feel lust for anyone little brother? I don't even know what a female of my race really looks like and bipeds aren't really to my taste… However, I'm really sorry for inflicting this on you. '

He sighs before answering me.

"I feel attracted with more or less intensity by almost all the women I meet… For the moment it's only irritating but I guarantee you that it's far from being uncontrollable. it's a bit like pain, when I feel it, I can''t do anything to dislodge it but I can always choose to ignore it as best I can. I learned to tame pain, I would also learn to tame lust. If it really gets out of hand, I promise to let you know and exile myself until Egan finds a mate. »

It's much more serious than I thought, he suffers from it? He thinks there's a chance he'll have to go into exile to keep control? Can't hold back my questions any longer, I ask him, "You mean it's so strong that it hurts when you ignore the feeling?" »

Egan startles me with a growl, 'Is that why you haven't let me have full access to your mind lately? '

He turns to Egan and nods.

"There's no point passing pain on to you Egan, you take it a lot worse than me, don't worry, to me it's more like a dull ache and it's easily ignored." »

'So prove it, open your mind completely to me, I'll help you bear it, after all I'm the cause of the problem and don't even think about refusing Eldar, I won't let go! '

I watch the duo and although Eldar looks annoyed, I know he will concede. I have never seen Eldar deny him anything. I knew I was right when I saw Egan flinch.

' It's true, it's really unpleasant. So how do you cope with it on a daily basis? '


"That's stupid Egan, sorry but I'm not going to make you suffer unnecessarily. It may relieve your guilt but you can't help it, it's not your fault that there are no female dragons alive now. You know me Egan, I've spent all my years relentlessly training my mind, mere lust won't get the better of me. You don't have to worry, you know that even without my control, I'd rather die than impose myself on anyone, I'll be fine. »

' Is it supposed to reassure me Abrutit? I won't insist anymore if you give me your word that you'll tell me when it gets too hard and let me help you. '

He replied with a simple "deal" and patted Egan's chest.

I intervene again: "Eldar you haven't answered Egan, how do you deal with your lust other than grit your teeth?" »

He smiled and answered "It's simple, I train, I exhaust myself, I focus 100% on my task and empty my mind. When I'm exhausted my body has to recover and the lust almost disappears in those moments.

I train physically during the day when Egan wants to do a flying or hunting session alone, every evening when Egan goes to bed, I feed him energy until he can't receive any more and leave to train my spirit and my magic. Unfortunately I have been working on my energy reserves all my life and with the size of my current energy reserves combined with the rate at which I recover. It is now difficult to really tire myself with my usual exercises. When I'm really too tired and want to be able to sleep I use my magic in an extreme way and it's got me sleeping 3 times so far since we got here. »

Wait… How ridiculously large are his magic reserves so he can fill a dragon while training the rest of the time without exhausting it? What kind of monster is he?

As if that weren't enough, he says he's only slept 3 times in almost 3 months? How can he even stand?

"Eldar, what you are doing is really not good for your body or your mind. You need rest like all of us!

If this continues you need to stop acting so stupid and find an elf you can clear out your frustrations with. Rest is essential to and must be part of all the training you can find. Treating your body and mind this way can have serious long-term repercussions. Arya should arrive in less than a week, once she teaches you our language I will introduce you to the best warriors and our best magicians so they can train you properly.

I leave you until you master our language to choose an elf to woo and this situation does not worsen. »

Egan thanked me for allowing him to learn our language and allowing him to follow the Elvish martial training.

"You will also find an Eldar companion, I'm not kidding, that's an order! I'll make sure you do your part. »

I heard him mutter to Egan, "We weren't supposed to be free from authority?" »

This moron doesn't take me seriously! It is in a growling voice that I reply: "Cheeky little did you say something ?" »

He took several steps back, shaking his hands: "No, no, I didn't say anything, I'll think about finding a companion..."


Arya's POV :

The forests of Du Weldenvarden are now visible and unlike Glenwing and Fäolin, the closer I get, the more nervousness takes hold of me. It has been almost three decades since I have set foot in our forests. I've spent more time with the Varden than with those of my own race.

I don't know how I'm going to be welcomed by my family because I left my duties as princesses for a cause that is much more important to me: Save the last dragons, prevent their extinction and kill the traitor who caused so much suffering. .

My mother is the one who resents me the most for having made this life choice. I took away the happiness of raising her child, of showering her with happiness, of guiding and protecting her in a bubble of ignorance as much as possible. Unfortunately for her, with my status as a princess, I was taught the history and political situation of Alagaësia at a very young age.

I couldn't stay idle knowing that the dragons who are so sacred to us and who have given us so much were now on the brink of extinction and the last living were doomed to slavery. Glaedr once confessed to me how ashamed he was of having to stay hidden leaving the last of his people in such a state.

My mother refuses to attack Galbatorix because there is no doubt that we will lose many elves in such a war. The weakest elf is stronger than any man, dwarf or Urgal. No army could stop us but with shadows and Galbatorix himself the game changes. The shadows are extremely dangerous besides the ancient dragon riders are terribly powerful and there is no doubt that a direct confrontation would cause us a lot of losses while we would have no guarantee of bringing him down. With the blessing of immortality came the curse of our very low fertility and such a war could bring us to a state of near extinction as well. In our forests we would be much stronger and not even Galbatorix would risk attacking us.

So I understand my mother's choice but someone has to do something or there will come a day when Galbatorix will manage to hatch its eggs and collect enough disgusting creature to pose a danger even within our forests.

I don't regret my choices as I am currently carrying an egg and bring the hope of hatching a female dragon that could re-brood with Glaedr. I also bring the chance to have an elven dragon rider in our ranks in order to make the balance of forces a little less unbalanced.

Reflecting on all the hope and happiness I bring with me, I relax a little.

I hadn't noticed the time that had passed during my reflections until I heard a voice which spoke in the common language and which must have belonged to one of the ambushed scouts.

" Who are you ? Foreigners are not welcome here! Turn around right now and leave our lands or we'll cut you down. »

We were only four so as not to attract attention during our journey and we all had a hood and a toga that hides our appearance.

After releasing a sigh in an attempt to relax my tense muscles, I lowered my hood and began the elven salute. Once executed I introduced myself:

"I'm Arya Dröttning, I'm coming home with a dragon egg with the hope that it hatches for one of us. »

I lift the egg and present it so they can see it.

I pointed to Glenwing and he lowered his hood, "This is Glenwing who accompanied me on my mission as an ambassador for the elves." »

Once he had made his greetings I move on to the next one.

"This is my companion Fäolin, son of the regent of the town of Kirtan. »

The my greetings have been made. I then present our last companion:

"This is Brom Holcombsson , former Dragon Rider, leader and creator of the Varden faction. »