
The Odyssey of the Chosen One

A hardworking youth who always pray for excitement and happiness was heard by the most powerful being of the vast universe. Giving him the power to fulfill his wishes through conquering other worlds and finally becoming his successor. Can he really find his happiness on his quest on becoming a True God? Or something will happen on the way that will make all his efforts to fail? _____________________________________ Worlds: 1. Douluo Dalu - Completed 2. God Eater - Completed 3. Magi - Completed 4. Toriko - Ongoing _____________________________________ Upload: Due to some reason, this FF will only update every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.) _____________________________________ Be warned: This novel will be full of mature contents. (This is a novel where I write whatever comes to my mind.) Disclaimer: [1] I don't own the novels, animes, and movies. [2] Pictures are copied from Google so whoever you are, let me borrow it for reference. However, if you don't like, just let me know and I will delete and remove it immediately. [3] This book is a world of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents does not intent to represent real-life counterparts as this books meant for entertainment purposes only (ENTIRELY FICTIONAL) and should not be constructed as factual or a representation of real-life events or people.

Alter_Fanfic · Anime e quadrinhos
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216 Chs

Chapter 55 - Hendra


True God's Continent,

While Lev was fighting the Gods, True God's Continent was filled with fear. Though the people could not see what was happening, the sound of destruction could be heard throughout the continent. However, they were safe for the time being because of the fast response to Lev's warning to his subordinates. They could only stay inside their home and wait until the calamity ended.


---The next morning---

True God's Palace,

The fight had lasted early the next morning leaving only Poseidon, Rakshasa, Angel God, and a small number of capable Gods. Even with Lev's battle power that was capable of fighting First Class Gods, he was still overwhelmed by the sheer power of their number.

After fighting for a day, all the remaining Gods looked at Lev in horror. They fought with him all this time and used every shameless move they could take and yet Lev was still standing. They could tell that he was tired, but they could also feel that he was getting stronger.

"Poseidon, this is the end. No matter what tricks you had you're all still bound to lose. Heh. Those God Kings must already be coming here at any moment seeing how you lost badly. Hufff...Hufff." Lev said while breathing heavily while he admits that he underestimated them and overestimated his power despite them being restricted to Extreme Douluos.

"Human, don't think you already win. God Kings were the strongest beings in the world. Them being here would only mean your end." Poseidon comforted himself and believed that the God Kings could deal with Lev because if not, then all their efforts of coming down would become a waste.

"You also said these words earlier but look at you now. You lost horribly and even took a cowardly action just to deal with me. Heh." Lev looked at them with ridicule, but he was still alert if ever happened since the battle had still not ended.

Hearing Lev, Poseidon could only grit his teeth while looking at him as he could not find the words to respond. The same goes for the others as they were still catching their breath as they were already exhausted.

"Resshin." With that, Lev then ordered Resshin to devour them all and end this.

On the other hand, Poseidon and the others could only look at the dragon coming toward them as they could not move anymore due to exhaustion.

With that, Resshin completely devoured them easily with Lev smiling widely however, before he could celebrate, the sky suddenly turned dark all of a sudden and it was way more horrible than the last time.

Lev looked at the sky and knew that it was now time for the main event. He thought, 'So after dealing with the small fries, the boss makes its appearance.

Fighting for a day, Lev's body had been tested to the limit. He could feel his body aching and shaking, after all, he was originally a human in spite of being a powerful one, however, he didn't know why but he still could put up a smile in his situation.

After waiting for a while, the sky cracked again, and this time five people descended. Every one of them had distinct appearances and the aura they were giving off was much stronger than the Gods Lev killed.


True God's Continent,

As the five beings descended, the whole continent was about to be destroyed just by having their presence. The people living all throughout the continent thought that it was now the end of the world. Every place was filled with fear while the others had started crying, however, they were still people who were praying and hoping that all of this would come to an end.

All of this was just because of the five beings that had descended. It could be seen that the world could not support them seeing several cracks in the ground, the sea creating large waves, and the sky full of thunder and bolts of lightning.


True God's Palace,

On the other hand, Lev looked above and finally saw the five Great God Kings. The palace that he can call home had long been crumbled and might probably turn to ruin after this. He then breathed deeply before he stayed focused and activated all his guards.

Lev was about to talk when a sudden attack instantly rushed upon him, but he reacted on time and used Madoka to block, however, the barrier could not handle it and was destroyed. Seeing it with his own eyes, Lev was shocked as it was his first time seeing it crumbling against an attack which he then activated his hidden soul bones.

"What!! I-Impossible!!?" The five God King could not help but blurt out upon seeing and feeling a familiar aura coming from Lev. They didn't know how it happened, but it only made them regard the situation more seriously.

"So that's how it is. Human Lev. It was the world's blessing that someone as talented as you was born, however, it was also a curse seeing you left astray and side with the spirit beast. Seeing you killing all the Gods despite being a mortal, your danger level was way higher than the Silver Dragon King. I don't know how you did it, but I know that you weren't Dragon God." Asura God King said while looking at Lev with pity. He was still surprised to see how Lev fought against the Gods they sent, and he admitted that he was really powerful and very dangerous at the same time especially now that he still has this trump card.

"Is that a compliment? Heh. then I don't like hearing it from you if it was." Lev amusingly replied before adjusting himself wanting to continue at its peak condition as he had felt that despite them being restricted, their power was still on another level compared to the Gods he had killed before.

"You sooner or later will become a great God or even become a God King if fate allows. Unfortunately, you were destined to be our enemy given the power that you have right now." Asura God King said before pointing his sword at Lev from which a destructive blade-like energy then came dashing towards him.

Seeing the attack, Lev immediately used the ability of his right leg soul bone as he appeared right next to Gu Yuena and the others in an instant. Following that, he then used the ability of his left leg soul bone as a crescent-like wave of energy came flying and parred the incoming attack.

[Right Leg Soul Bone: Dragon God

Description: A soul bone extracted from Dragon God, the initiator of all Spirit Beasts and the creator of the Divine Dragon Domain.


* Dragon God's Leg (Active)

Description: Using the ability, it transforms the host's right leg into that of the Dragon God. In addition, using this ability will give the host a temporary constitution of Dragon God increasing the host's overall speed and defense.

* Dragon God Time Acceleration (Active)

Description: Using this ability allows the host to alter time itself. It was capable of accelerating anything not just to the host but to those who were directly targeted by it.

* Dragon God Time Deceleration (Active)

Description: Using this ability allows the host to alter time itself. It was capable of decelerating anything not just the host but those who were directly targeted by it.]

[Left Leg Soul Bone: Dragon God

Description: A soul bone extracted from Dragon God, the initiator of all Spirit Beasts and the creator of the Divine Dragon Domain.


* Dragon God's Leg (Active)

Description: Using the ability, it transforms the host's left leg into that of the Dragon God. In addition, using this ability will give the host a temporary constitution of Dragon God increasing the host's overall speed and defense.

* Dragon God Space Dome (Active)

Description: Using this ability allows the host to alter the space by creating a dome-like prison separate from the outside world. Anything caught up inside won't be able to leave unless the host allows or gets killed.

* Dragon God Space Wave (Active)

Description: Using this ability allows the host to create a powerful space element attack capable of swallowing anything into space.]

As the two powers collided, it completely devoured Asura God King's attack seeing still moving towards them from which Asura God King frowned before moving his sword again and this time, Lev's attack was completely cut in half and disappear.

"Did you not feel it?" Lev suddenly asked as he clenched his fist. He knew for a fact that Dragon God Space Wake was a completely overpowered skill, but it was only limited to those who have known nothing about space as beings that could tear through space would be a different matter.

"I may be tired, but I can feel it. The 'me' earlier was not the same 'me' you're facing now." Despite knowing that, Lev was still filled with confidence to come out victorious in this situation as a new Spirit Ring suddenly emerged and rose above him.

Seeing and hearing Lev, Asura God King, and the other God King then felt surprised after seeing another Spirit Ring, and following that, they all thought that Lev had finally become God himself. But the question is 'How'? Becoming a God in the mortal realm would make the world move against him/her yet Lev was still here unrestricted and unharmed unlike them.

[Spirit Ring has been absorbed.]

[God Spirit Ring

Description: Using the ability, the flame dragons will come and merge with the host embodying all of them into one.


Flame Dragon of Destruction (Active): In this form, the host could directly use the skill of every flame dragon without calling them.

Sword of Devouring Dragons (Active): An attack encompassing all the flame dragons in existence. Using the ability, the user could unleash a powerful attack in the form of a dragon that would burn all that would block its way.

Domain of the Flame Dragon (Active): Forming a ring of fire in the surroundings which greatly enhance the strength of the host and at the same time burns the enemy inside.

Flame Sword of Destruction (Passive): An ability that creates a sea of fires that could burn anything with every swing of a sword.]

Lev, after reading their descriptions, retracted all his soul bones and immediately used his newly acquired God Spirit Ring ability. He looked at the Five God Kings above before he smiled faintly wanting to test its power to them.

Following that, the surrounding place then started to become hot all of a sudden to the point that the surrounding area was starting to melt. The flame dragons, meanwhile, were dancing or more like surrounding Lev as if they were protecting him.

However, it was only the beginning upon seeing the flame dragons disappearing one by one. Lev, on the other hand, felt great every time the flame dragons entered inside him as he could feel that he became stronger and stronger.

Meanwhile, Asura God King and the other God Kings looked at him seriously while having a bad feeling about his sudden changes. They could feel it, the will of the world started moving against Lev and so they were not in haste to end it and see what he was up to.

Gu Yuena and Bibi Dong, on the other hand, were completely shocked while looking at Lev as it was their first time seeing him using this skill. Yoruichi, on the other hand, just smiled as she stared at him while licking her lips.

After all the flames dragons disappeared, a sudden fire then engulfed Lev and created a sudden change in the sky. Clouds were forming above him, and thunder and flashes of lightning were also present as if it was the same thing that happened when the God Kings descended.

As the heat rose, cracks were now forming in the ground where magma was coming out of it. Gu Yuena and the others already took some distance as they could not endure the temperature anymore and could only move back.

Not long before that, as the fire engulfing Lev disappeared, the five God Kings, Gu Yuena, and the rest all focused on Lev who was now completely different than before.

At this moment, Lev looked very intimidating seeing two enormous horns on his head and scales covering his arms similar to that of a dragon with his hair dancing like flame due to its length. Everyone could tell that Lev had become something like a dragon in human form.

As they observed Lev, Lev, himself was also observing his body and he very much could feel that he could destroy the world with his current strength now. He tried casually waving Sword Infinity in his hand yet the direction he pointed to was immediately engulfed in flames.

This time, Gu Yuena and the others looked at Lev with shock, however, besides their shock, they also felt fear while looking at him. To their eyes, Lev was more like a monster or maybe a God but despite that, their feeling and trust keep them believing him.

Meanwhile, Asura God King and the other God Kings also felt the same after seeing Lev's new form. They could not help but wonder how but somehow, they felt the presence of a much greater threat than the Dragon God King itself.

Lev, after carefully looking at himself, felt the will of the world started restricting him and so before that happened, he then looked towards the God Kings and thought of ending them once and for all.

Lev smiled at them before casually slashing Sword Infinity which was now engulfed in flame and pointing it to the sky. Following that, a blade-like flame energy then moves towards the direction of the God Kings.

Seeing and feeling the incoming attack, Asura God King and the others immediately felt threatened and thought that the attack had the capability of obliterating them. However, God Kings are God Kings after all, seeing them immediately use their powers to repel it, and yet they found it difficult from which they could only combine their power to parred it.

Asura God King and the others looked in horror after repelling his attack. They were completely surprised upon knowing that he ascended to God Level and despite being restricted by the will of the world, they could feel his power the same or maybe stronger than theirs at their original state.

"To think that I've been referring to you until now as a human. How naïve. I don't know what you are but seeing your appearance, it doesn't matter if you are one or not. Seeing you, I could not help but be reminded of someone, but it did not matter since I had defeated him in my own hands. And it will go the same way with you!!!" Asura God King shouted. Seeing Lev, a sudden memory of the past flashed through his mind, but it only made him laugh and filled with killing intent. He then just pointed out his sword against him ready to kill him once and for all.

"Heh. I also starting to doubt what I am or what will I become however, I could also tell you this. What I am right now was just the starting point. I still have a long way to go so I can't let myself get killed here." Lev replied while looking at them while being pressed down by the will of the world.

"We can't let this human live. He's becoming more dangerous." One of the God Kings immediately said while tightly welding the weapon in his hand.

The other God Kings then also took out their weapon and prepared to kill Lev as they also felt the same thing or else, they would soon face calamity if they had left him alive and grown into something else. They had long left the arrogance they had earlier as they could not underestimate him anymore.

"Asura God, God of Evil, Goddess of Life, God of Destruction, Goddess of Kindness, I am shaking in excitement on which among us will win but fighting you all now with the restriction of the world is something I will take not pride off. Only defeating you in your original state will make things fair. So, leave this continent for now and wait for me there in the God Realm." Lev said while looking at Sword Infinity in his hand.

Following that, Lev closed his eyes as he took a battle stance and used one of the skills that his current form had. He was wondering how powerful this skill was and wanted to test it on the God Kings while sending them away back to the God Realm at the same time.

"Sword of Devouring Dragons." Lev opened his eyes and slashed the sky with the sword in his hand.

"Not Good." Asura God King and the others didn't dare to look down upon Lev's attack, and the vigilance in their hearts rose to the extreme in an instant. It may look like he had just swung his sword, but it was only right after that that they noticed a raging flame dragon rushing towards them.

In an instant, the divine power of the five God Kings surged wildly as they combined their power once more to the fullest.


The power of the two sides collided but the five God Kings looked in horror after seeing that their attack was devoured like it was nothing, and it continued to move towards them. It was too late for another move and so they were completely overwhelmed by its power.

"Levvvvvvvvvvvvvv!!!" Asura God King shouted furiously before they were also devoured by the flame dragon to the sky.

Following that, Lev then smiled after hearing the notification of killing them. He then looked up and saw the sky become bright again. He then thought that it would be just the start as he still needed to go to the God Realm to kill them fully and finish his mission.

Lev could not help but smile before canceling his Flame Dragon of Destruction and turning back to human form however, as he already ascended into Godhood, the restriction of the world started compressing him and so he then took out his Universe Identity Token and used its ability to hide his strength. Following that, he sighed and breathed in relief before turning around and saw Gu Yuena and the others looking at them.

"Master." Megatron greeted after flying down and letting Xiao Wu and the rest stand on the ground.

Upon seeing Lev, Gu Yuena and the others immediately ran toward him and hugged him tightly to the point that they all fell to the ground.

[Do you want to name the God Spirit Ring? If not, the system will automatically name it itself.]

"Let's call it Hendra from now on." Lev said as he smiled before embracing all of his lovers.


True God's Continent,

Each and every one living on the continent could not forget this very day as the scene of a flame dragon flying to the sky was still printed on their very brain, and they all referred to it as the start of the golden era seeing the dark clouds fading and was replaced by a beautiful ray of the sun.


Elder's Palace,

"H-He made it." Qian Daoliu sighed before a wide smile appeared on his face after seeing that the continent was now back to normal or to be exact it would even develop more.


Seagod Island,

At the same time, Bo Saixi just looked outside the island as a drop of tears fell down her eyes upon seeing the end of it.


Meanwhile, kilometers away from True God's Palace, a man could be seen shaking while looking in a particular direction. He had witnessed everything with his very own eyes, and he was shaking just from the scene of it.

"H-He m--." Tang Chen was about to say something when an arrow pierced through his heart and made a hole in it. He looked at his stomach first before looking at Lev in the distance holding a bow while smiling at him.

After this, Tang Chen died and fell down with great regret on his face.


God Realm,

Meanwhile, the atmosphere in the God Realm was very quiet and heavy, many Gods gathered in one place quietly while looking at a certain God King waiting for him to say something.

"A-Asura." Goddess of life suddenly said.

"Call all the Gods. I don't care where and how busy they are. I want them all here." Asura God King said with his eyes burning with rage after experiencing a humiliating defeat.

"Y-Yes." Goddess of Life replied. Though she had a different opinion about this matter, she did not bring it up as she knew he wouldn't change his mind.

On the other hand, the other God Kings were also furious and shocked at the same time after what just happened, however, the most shocked of them was the lesser God as they realized that even the God Kings were killed by that human.

"Lev, when you step on this realm, I promise to kill you with my own hands." Asura God King declared with his shot red eyes. Though he understands and accepts his defeat, a defeat is still a defeat. Making excuses because you cannot accept defeat was an act of a loser.


True God's Palace,

After a whole day of fighting, Lev and the others looked at the destroyed palace and thought that they probably needed to stay back for a while back to their other home while waiting for this one to be repaired.

Not long after, Lev and the others then could hear marching sounds in every direction moving toward them.

"Y-Your Majesty, are you okay?" Ning Fengzhi worriedly asked. They were informed by Lev that a terrible war would happen someday, however, they never thought that it was now. They somehow felt relief upon hearing Lev's warning through Dugu Bo.

Meanwhile, the other Clan heads were also present together with an army of Spirit Masters thinking if there was something they could help Lev with. Though pathetic, they only went now because they could not even get close before due to the suffocating pressure.

"Well, I've won." Lev said with a smile from which he then stood up and looked at them.

"Gather everyone. We will now commence a continental meeting." Lev then ordered.

Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi and the others then heed his instructions.



Star Dou Great Forest,

After having the time to rest, Lev and the others decided to stay in their house back in the Star Dou Great Forest as they were now currently on the bed resting. Due to exhaustion, all of them immediately fell immovable as they could not feel terrible aching all throughout their bodies.

"Lev, we're very sorry as we only hold you back." Gu Yuena sadly said. Though she was also a 1st Class God, fighting several Gods despite them being restricted was still difficult.

Meanwhile, Bibi Dong and the others also looked sad after they felt powerless and could only hold Lev back as some were even forced to leave the place due to helplessness. They thought that they were already strong but after fighting with the Gods despite having some restrictions, they still felt that their power was nothing, and without Lev, Gu Yuena, and her Spirit Beasts Army protecting them, they were sure that they would not survive.

"Hmm, It's not that you're all weak. They were still Gods after all. Of course, they were strong. Wait for me. When I finish my business with them. I will give you all God Positions in the God Realm." Lev replied with a smile. He was still happy because even though they knew that they were weak, they did not cower in fear and faced the calamity together.

With that, Lev then talked to them for a while before they fell asleep one by one as they could no longer resist their tiredness. Lev, on the other hand, fell asleep with a smile on his face thinking that a time of peace would soon fill the continent.