
Chapter 13: The Monster Mash

The ground seemed to get more moist the further they walked.

Strange mixtures of smells danced around the air as the end of the tunnel approached.

"What is that," Katrina sniffed.

"Who knows. Mom's been in the kitchen all day trying out new and unnecessary concoctions. I will tell you though, she can make a mean pumpkin bread. She adds uh… blood orange pieces in it."

"Sounds good."

Adrian chuckled as he gestured to the tunnel exit.

The lighting faded from blue to orange as they walked out of the trees,

A stone path greeted them as they approached an empty space in the woods, cleared out just enough for the large stone building.

"Well, here we are."

Katrina let out a long gasp,

The building itself seemed to be taller than the trees around them.

Four stories and rows of windows on each corner wall,

Dozens of lantern posts scattered around, the flaming light made shadows dance on the dirt ground.

"Adrian…" She gasped again,

"You said this party was at a stone house… this looks more like a castle."

"Huh, must've left that part out." He chuckled.

"Well, come on, let's go."

They followed the stone path leading to a small bridge to the entrance,

Squeezing through groups of people dressed in costumes.

They walked in through the arched doorway.

The inside was something to behold:

Mirrors on the ceiling, pink champagne on ice, floors lined with velvet carpet and tapestries with mysterious pictures hung on the walls, metal torches hung beside them.

The inside was crowded with people, Katrina hung on to Adrian's arm as he led her through the crowded floor.

"This looks like way more than half the neighborhood..." She had to shout to be heard over the conversations around them.

"Yeah. Word gets around I guess.."

Adrian continued to lead up a set of stone stairs, stopping at the top to look down at the crowds.

"This is amazing," Katrina stared in awe at the party below,

A large brick fireplace stood against the far back wall,

The flames roared as tiny sparks flew around the air.

"I know. Apparently this place has been in our family name for generations.

Though this is the first time I've heard of it."

His eyes drifted to the side, there was something about the excitement in Katrina's smile that made him grin.

He opened his mouth to speak, but quickly closed it as a tall, dark figure approached from behind.

They turned around to see a man towering over them. He wore a black suit,

His black hair slicked back as he glared down at them.

Katrina noticed the dark circles under his eyes, exactly the same as Adrian's.

The man cleared his throat as he looked at Adrian. "What is going on here?"

"Oh, hey… dad," he gave a slight glance to his father, who scowled as he waited for an answer. "I was just showing Katrina - the neighbor girl around. I didn't think you'd care if I invited her."

The man turned to Katrina, looking her up and down in a way which made her uncomfortable.


The man turned back to Adrian, scowling again as he locked eyes with him.

"Don't forget what I told you about tonight, boy. You hear me?" His voice came out in a raspy tone with each word.

Adrian sulked as he glanced back down at the party. "Yes, sir." He mumbled.

They watched as the man disappeared into a crowd of people.

"Your father seems… a little upset." Katrina stated.

"Yeah, he's always like that. He hates me, my whole family does pretty much."

He let out a breathy chuckle, fidgeting with the ends of his white t-shirt.

"I mean, Mom tolerates me I guess, but that's pretty much it."

Adrian noticed Katrina giving him solemn eyes as she listened to his words.

He could feel his face growing warm as he shook his head, chuckling.

"Sorry, don't want to start rambling on."

Her eyes stayed solemn as she looked away with no reply.

The two of them stood in awkward silence for a few moments before he spoke.

"Hey, you want to see something amazing? Follow me."

Katrina became hesitant as she followed him beyond two large wooden doors…