
The Novel's Villainics.


Noxx_In · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs


In an abandoned factory stood two men amid countless corpses butchered around some having holes in heads, hearts, or other vital points some stabbed to be killed at once.

One was a middle-aged man with brown hair and a brown beard with green eyes gun pointing at another young man who had black hair and black eyes who was in a battered state.


Gunshots echoed through the abandoned factory, one after another.


The young man cried out in agony.

"As I have said before, You will live to regret this."

said the man standing with the gun as he kept the gun pointing at me even after shooting me five times already.

"Because of you, I LOST EVERYTHING I HAD!! – my power, my money, my men, and countless other things, all because of you and that little girl!!!"


A lone scream filled the air.

The man continued to say countless things and at the end.



After saying that the man in front of me shoot the last bullet in his head and why would he not because there awaits worse than death in living now for him.

But I wanted him to suffer more because his life in hell was now all that to me there was.

I gasped, struggling to speak through the pain.

'Sorry... cough... I'm so sorry...'

And now I am dying with five shots with two bullets in both hands each and each one at the legs and finally one in the heart.

Miraculously, I am still alive to think and regret....I think this is all left of my existence, but not for long.

Because eternal slumber is coming my way.

My eyes are blurry and I can't see anything now darkness is coming my way my body is numb and my mind is on the verge of collapsing.

'Ah! Sorry.....cough...sorry... Cynthia.... i.....couldn't ...save you.'

Grief was all in my heart for the one I lost dear to me and maybe the only one, and even after three years after that incident I still found the same grief in my heart, even though I have become emotionless.



My final thought, as darkness consumed me, was a prayer for her peace.

  'May she find eternal rest.'

  "Cadet, wake up!"

I should be dead so why am I hearing voices??

"Cadet, wake up!!"

Huh? I can feel but shouldn't there be no feeling at all, what was it?? ah, it is said that death is eternal slumber or maybe I can meet Cynthia oh yes right I will be in hell and she will be in heaven.


Suddenly I lifted my head and slowly opened my eyes it was blurry.


And after everything was in view clearly what I saw confused me.

I was at an unknown desk in an unknown class and among unknown students and on the podium seemed a strict woman seeing me with those strict eyes.


A confused young boy of 17 years old was sitting in the corner of a classroom after being scolded by the instructor on the first day of the academy.

And yes that confused young boy is me as Noah.

Now "what is happening here?!" I thought.

Of course, I thought to myself. I couldn't say it out loud, but if I could, I wanted to scream.

And occasional stares of ridicule from some students didn't help it either.

Now, let's calm down and think. I was just shot by the lord of the underworld, and I should be dead. So why the am I here in this classroom among these young people?

"Wait! it is weirdly like those cliché development of novel I used to watch with....cynthia...."

No this is no time to fantasize about those things and...to remember her, first, let's observe the situation and then decide now as I observe I am wearing different clothes from before when I was dying, they are same as of people or more appropriate students here and my hands are filled with callous which until the moment I died was bloody, but not this much calloused.

"How can he be at this academy with those manners." said the boy whose name I don't know as obvious it is.

"right sleeping on the first day of the academy that's ridiculous, he is like what rumors say," said another one.

"Hey but I can relate to him about sleeping here, after all, how long was the orientation"

"Yup! That was boring, I want to sleep too. "

As I was observing.


a loud voice echoed across the classroom, the instructor stood behind the podium as she looked at the class.

"Today is your first day, so there won't be anything special planned, but I sure hope you haven't slacked off during the short interval where you were accepted here. How do you expect to graduate from this place if you can't be diligent?"

said the instructor especially looking at me.

Slapping her hand on the table a small shockwave spread across the classroom, by which apart from some everyone in the classroom was pushed back, I included.

"There will be no slacking off in my classroom!"

Placing both hands on the podium she looked at the classroom

"Now, let's start with my self-introduction tomorrow you all will introduce yourself too. I'm jasmine eyre, your instructor for this year and possibly future years."

That name, I knew it.

And what did she call me Noah Elrod?

I have heard that name before but where?

She was a tall, strikingly beautiful woman with emerald-green hair and deep green eyes, reminiscent of a fantasy character.

"Now this is all there is to it, class is dismissed for today and we will meet tomorrow you can spend your time exploring the academy and academic city"

After saying that she left the classroom.

And after her, all cadets started to move out of the room too.

I, at last, got out and saw a grand corridor after walking for some time in random directions I asked the direction for the washroom.

jasmine eyre and Noah Elrod, I have heard those name's before but I can't seem to understand the situation as all this is too weird and sudden.

just as I was thinking that I saw my reflection in the mirror.

"What the?"

I exclaimed after seeing my reflection which was different from before.

Jet-black hair, dark eyes, and a handsome face stared back at me from the mirror. It wasn't my face at all.

And just then all started to dawn upon me.

New writter support the work by giving me ideas and by correcting my mistakes and also by giving me inspirations.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation.

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