
The Novel's Villainics.


Noxx_In · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Performance Evaluating[3]

After the performance of Leon At the VIP stand.

All veterans were seated here on their luxurious couches with the directors and the family of sponsors.

As Leon made his way to his family stand several people watched as the sword king who was present here by the Reinhart family welcomed him.

"How did I do master? " Leon asked with a sheepish smile.

"Hahaha Good That's how you do disciple, and thanks to you I won the bet, with that old bastard of the Fraith family, his face was very funny to watch. "


"Heh, well you are old so you are old ba*tard."

As Gred entered VIP stands his uncle made his way to him.


Leon watched as his master bickered with his old friend.

"hehe, you sure are good friends, master. "

"Hmph, what do you know? "

Sword King was a man in his 40s with grey hair and deep black eyes in 9-star rank, people can be counted on his hands as his level in the list of instructor present here.

As the next matches commenced the disciple and master bickered and all people watched as if it was their regular for them to see.

" you zekker stop bickering and see the match", ziao Han another 9-star instructor said to the sword king.

"What do you want old man?"

"Stop the bickering and let us see the match. will ya!"

"Yeah Yeah."

"Hey! Betting is starting now who is interested please join in. " said an 8-star instructor.

All Looked at the screen and read, 'RANK 56 VS RANK 666'

"Of course, I am into 56!"

"Me too!"

"Ok, so the majority is Rank 56, ANYONE ELSE."

As cadets made their way out of the waiting room cheers started, but this time there were booing also.

"Eh isn't that the scum of the Elrod Family! "

All looked at the student council vice president

Aster Elrod when heard it she was indifferent like it has nothing to do with her

"Hush! His sister is here student council vice president. "

"So what? "

"SILENCE! " said xiao han and then, stared at sword king.

"Who do you think will win Sword King? " This time it was said as a competitor, not as a friend.

All became silent at the question with an obvious answer, but still waited for Sword King's answer.

Zekker with a serious expression looked at both cadets.

"CADET 666."

All were shocked to hear it including some 9 stars, but more than them were shocked by the one he relate to, Aster Elrod.

'Noah! Maybe sword king is mistaken he used to be a genius before his potential was revealed and after 'that' incident he never really trained, so how can he win and still 2 star+'

"How about betting on it?" Asked Xiao Han but this time answer came from someone else.

"I am in." said the person who was sitting in the corner, all looked at them with shock even the sword king was shocked.


Back in the Arena.

He looked at me like I have killed his dog.


'Bro I don't know you', and this was right because rank 56 was never described in the novel nor did I know him by Noah's memory.

"RANK 56 AND 666 READY!!"


Well, he sure was foul-mouthed.


He lunged at me the moment I said ready.

He was muscular for his age having gauntlets in both hands he sure was into hand-to-hand combat, and running at me with a boxer stance like a bull.

I simply sidestepped and aimed my katana at his shoulder in a simple downward slash.


Steel met with steel as he blocked the katana with his gauntlets and I experienced the shock of hitting a metal wall.

He is strong but,

With the force coming from hitting the gauntlet I spun around and delivered a sidekick to his flank the side of his liver is the place where the effect of pain is like hitting an open organ for example, balls,

And The result


He staggered and I also felt the pain in my leg.

But I didn't stop I took the moment where he was screaming and staggered into consideration and placed my katana on his neck and it was over.

"Silence." Complete silence was my reward, and I quite liked that.

I turned around and left with screaming as background music.

MC was the first to come to their senses.



Back in the VIP stands.

Shocked that was the reaction of everyone except some in the stand including Aster Elrod.

"How?" first one to break the silence was ziao han as he stared at the smirking sword king with irritation, well he did lose a chunk of his money.

"the answer is simple Battle experience That cadet 666 got experience wherease cadet 56 don't".

"But how can you tell that he got experience just by looking at him, even i can't tell that. "

"Well the way he handles himself and his sword tells everything i've said before and saying now Don't judge a book by it's cover. " said sword king seriously.

"Haaaa! Alright you are right i judged him by his rumors , i give up. "

"NOW RANK ### VS ###."

"Now betting will be commenced please bet on your cadet. "

In the corner of the stand a person nestled within the darkness was sitting and observing all this, They were the person who betted a huge chunk of money and win the bet.

"He reeks of blood." Said the aloof person sitting in the shadows but nobody noticed it not even the so called powerful 9 star ranks and other's not even sword king with their powerful hearing.


Well that was an easy match well i hope other matches are like this also.

Yes, this was not the last match there are two other rounds are left.

As i thought about that i felt a stinging gaze behind my back, when i turned to see who it was.


My sister was staring at me like i was some kind of animal.

I turned around and choosed to ignore it but the stinging further intensified it was like someone was glaring hole in my body, i was having cold sweat still i persisted and made my way to the participant stands.

"Haaaaaaaa. " Now what does that sister of my wants.

Fighting scene in this chapter will be futher updated.

Noxx_Increators' thoughts