
The Novel's Villainics.


Noxx_In · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

First day at the academy[2]

After patiently waiting for some time finally a cadet arrived in front of me.

"Hello, my name is Eren, can we practice without using mana, of course? if you are in. " said a guy with brown hair and green eyes he seemed to be 3 star- warrior and had entered that realm just a few days ago, and like me wanted to consolidate his skills too that's why maybe he choose me as his spar partner


maybe or maybe not, let's get started now.

"Hello, my name is Noah, and That's fine by me." As we introduced ourselves, we took our stance, he with his spear a basic stance and I with my katana a slashing stance.

"Hope you got better skills, Ready! "

"Ready," we said in unison as the referee with the help of A.I. started the match.

I didn't move and let him make the first move as he lunged at me with his spear poised straight at me and at striking range he thrust it at me, I parried it with a sidestep and swung my sword at his head, and he ducked it and followed up with a swing to my left shoulder.


Eren was weak, simply because I have more battle experience than him and more diverse attack patterns through this body than him, or simply because of the power-up or both but I didn't put my guard off.

But it was easy, anyway, I wanted a test dummy to practice so why not him, let's get used to New Arm!

Echoes of steel reverberated as spear and sword met each slash and swing resulting in more and more echoes, after two minutes of sparing Eren's attack patterns were becoming more and more obvious and I was also getting the hang of the hand so I thought this was time to finish the match.

As I thought that.

Eren showed a big opening for a horizontal swing and as Eren launched it I stepped back and when he was recoiling with it I stepped forward and knocked the spear out of Eren's hand with the handle of the katana and put the tip at his neck.

"PHUI!! "


Announced the A.I., and after that, I gave Eren a hand to stand he took my hand and stood up.

"Thank you."

"Thank you."

Thank you was like a ritual after the match.

"You are different from the rumors. Noah Elrod, anyway nice to meet you."

I gave him a small nod.

He got off the ring and I also got out of the ring, well at least he was not a typical clique villain who mc gets every time.

Yep, rumors about Noah Elrod are, there is a ruling family of East and I am the son of the head of that family, also known as the scum of the Elrod family, there are many bad rumors like me drinking all day and smoking because of a setback and I knew they were true but that setback was never small for Noah Elrod or now me.

"LEON REINHART I GRED FLAITH CHALLENGE YOU TO DUEL." I got out of my thought at the roar.

Well now comes the time for which I have prepared popcorn in my inventory.

Yes, this was one of the fights that happened at the start of the novel, between Gred and Leon.

Gred was your typical villain who is always there to criticize the protagonist, he simply hates Leon for being talented.

"Gred you are as aggressive as before," Leon said still calm and composed with his kind smile.

As he moved toward the ring where Gred was "I ACCEPT. " said Leon as he leaped in the ring with confidence.

"Today I will beat you. " gred said.

"Beat the illegitimate son." roared Greds lackeys as whispering started to spread, as silence commenced.

After lackeys word, there were no visible changes in Leon but I knew he was angry inside, very angry.

And then it happened!

As the very strong bloodlust spread through the arena all cadets had cold sweat and cadets near the ring all started to fall to their knees and some weak-willed ones collapsed to the floor.

Gred was no exception either he was on his knees too.

As Leon walked towards Gred there was a hushed silence Leon walked to Gred and said to Gred something and then walked away from there as Gred took deep breaths.

And I knew exactly what he said.

'First, be capable of standing against me.' that's what he said, and got down the ring and all knew who won this match.

I in the corner was of course chewing popcorn where nobody can see and I have to say Leon was powerful, alone with his bloodlust it proved and I have to avoid him.

As I was observing I saw the main cast struggling except for some and some people were not even struggling with breath composed with body language, I knew better than anyone else how many dark horses were there including me.

"NOW GET READY FOR YOUR NEXT CLASSES THIS WAS JUST INTRODUCTION TO THE COMBAT CLASSES, THERE WILL BE MORE TO IT, SO TRAIN HARD!!!" miss eyre said as she prepared to leave and all of us also got ready to leave, main characters follow and grid and his lackey's also.

"Hmm, next class is monster anatomy." this was one of the important classes for me with side courses in history and geography, little general knowledge of this world I had except what was known in novels and through this body's memory but I knew there was a lot to explore in this world of myths and legends.

When I reached the classroom there was already the instructor present with scientists like the look, That's all I can say to describe him and yes he was one of the leading scientists in this world.

After sitting in the class and as the class settled in, The instructor introduced himself.

"Hello, my name is jade ingstone and I am the instructor for your monster anatomy classes I assure you that this class will be very enjoying."

"That's jade ingstone!"

"the creator of the mana circulation theory in monsters! "

There were many exclamations like this everywhere as Mr. Jade started his lecture soon.

"Okay! Okay! Now let's start the class."

"We will start with goblins that are basic's of basic and maybe you all know about, and little about their uses."

Give me insight's for good writing and support me.

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