
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs

Special Class (2)


Today's classes had finally ended, and as I was exhausted I decided to head back into my office.

In the morning the headmaster arrived and told every student about them getting new talents and future resources for their growth.

Although that was fine, the issue was that after the news, every single student rushed up to me and asked me to help them train.

I was able to help all of them but many still had issues deciding on their future talents.

Thinking that maybe asking the headmaster for more weapons was a good idea, I decided to head into his office, just to find it empty.

Normally the headmaster would remain in the academy until late at night, so it was rare to not see him at his office, especially during these times.

Well, he could also be hiding within the shadows so I decided to approach his desk to see if he would pop out, out of nowhere.

But even after sitting down on his chair, the headmaster still didn't appear, and it was then that I noticed a letter addressed to me on his desk.

Since it was for me, I didn't hesitate to open it.

[To Monica]

[I wrote this letter to you, to inform you of two important news, that I need to deliver to you]

[1. Is that I have ordered weapons to be delivered to the teacher's training ground for tomorrow to help you train the new students and help them adapt and find a form of fighting that they like]

'Oh, that's the headmaster for you.'

[2. I will be leaving the academy for a few days, SO I LEAVE THE REST UP TO YOU (/◕ヮ◕)/, GOOD LUCK]



'This bastard!'

I was cursing internally after reading that the headmaster was going to be gone for a few days.

Normally this wouldn't have mattered, but considering that the academy had just undergone many changes, the headmaster was needed for almost everything relating to the academy.

Papers needed to be signed and many interviews needed to be done, to both, manage the academy's internal affairs and increase the image of the academy to the public.

But what annoyed me the most, was the fact that I seemed to have become some sort of secretary for the headmaster.

'This sly fox!'

Due to the sudden situation, I started to continuously call the headmaster but it was to no avail, as he never answered my calls.

'Answer the damn call!'



Today was the first day of the mandatory early morning training for all of the special class students.

Surprisingly everyone had gotten along just fine, although some were quite introverted, they still opened up to the rest and we were able to form a small bond.

The reason why we were able to make quick friendships was because of our collective wishes to become stronger and become great heroes.

It was also due to the fact that the headmaster had given many incentives for the students to train harder than normal, even offering anything they want as long as the headmaster could get it.

After washing up, I was on my way to the cafeteria to meet with everyone from the special class.

This morning meeting was actually arranged by Monica, who told us, it was good to meet up frequently in the mornings or afternoons so we could get to know each other more.

Since the apartments were quite close to the cafeteria it didn't take long for me to arrive.

I opened the doors and was able to spot the special class students quickly as they were pretty much the center of attention but the atmosphere around the group was dark.

After picking up my meal, I headed their way and sat next to Ciel, everyone who seemed to be quite distracted before finally noticed me but turned their attentions away after just a moment.

"What happened?", I asked.

But even then I was met with silence from everyone.

However, Noel, who couldn't take the situation any longer finally spoke.

"AAAAH! They got into an argument with each other about the telekinesis grimoire"

"Huh? Why?"

No one really responded until a girl with brown hair raised her hand slightly.

"T-they were arguing about the telekinesis talent because both Monica and the headmaster are users of the talent so they believe that the one with telekinesis will get an unfair advantage"

"That's it?"


"I just want to tell you that the one with that talent will probably be the one that has to train the most and will probably be beaten to a pulp"

"Eh? How do you know?"

"I don't know, I just think so"

"I see"

The conversation then shifted towards being a disciple of Monica, and how no one has ever been mentored by her, and after eating we finally headed into the training area.

But what we saw was what seemed to be a corpse.

"You are finally here", Said a hoarse voice.

"Miss Monica?"



"Are you okay? What happened to you?"

"Don't worry about it, and just get to training"

We continued to inquire her about her hazard state but she didn't say anything and just said that the headmaster would not be available for a few days.

After that Ciel, Noel, and I started to practice a formation while everyone else started to try on new weapons to see which one fitted them the best.

Everyone was training hard as expected, as everyone wanted the telekinesis talent although at the end of the day the one with the higher magic stats would be the one getting it.

Also, the headmaster had previously mentioned some gloves that increase mana control, so that will also probably be handed to that student.


We were finally done with training and Monica had sent us back into our apartments and gave us some time to take a shower before class.

I was in my bath thinking about some unsure feelings inside of my heart, especially when we were discussing being a student of Monica and the telekinesis student, it almost felt as if I was talking like I know someone like that.

However, I left those feelings and headed to class as I normally would.

I opened the doors to the class and could already see that everyone was sitting down, so I sat next to Noel and Ciel like always.

Moments after, Monica came into the classroom looking like a corpse, no one inquired about it as she wouldn't answer no matter what.

"I will now explain some important news to all of you," She said in a hoarse voice.

"Today, teacher Joel will be coming over and using her skill, lie detection, we will figure out the rank of your magic stats"

"After figuring out the one with the highest magic stat, they will be handed the grimoire"

"Another important note is that the headmaster had previously mentioned grimoire with skills that increase accuracy and vision so being a gunner or archer might be an option"

"The spearman's talent might also be good thanks to the spear that the headmaster possesses"

"The magician's talent is also a good option, as the headmaster has gloves that help increase mana control"

"Also keep in mind the two martial arts that the headmaster previously mentioned"

"And as mentioned before the headmaster will not be available for a few days, and even I don't when he will be back, so we don't know when you will get your talents so you have some time to think about it"

"Bastard", She muttered but everyone heard it.




"Is someone talking about me?"

"What was that, Kei?"


"Hmm, what do you guys want for dinner?"

Emma went into deep thought but I didn't say anything as to let her decide what to eat.

'This is nice.'



[Can you start doing some actual work?]


[Well, first of all, you ain't no shadow, you literally stick out like a sore tomb by being the headmaster! Shouldn't you like to be normal! This is NO shadow! The viewers are saying]

'Well, shouldn't the Sky identity be like the shadow?'

[That's what I meant with work!]


[A shadow still has to make a name to himself to the main characters or supporting characters that will later inform the main character about their identities]



'...Well, I guess I could start making the name Sky a little more known, but I probably need to find some artifacts, like masks and hoods for the identity'

[Then go find them]


Speaking with the system, now felt more like a tiring job than a nice fantasy, almost like a nagging mom telling me to do the dishes every second.

'Maybe I could just wait a little bit.'

[Viewers are threatening you to take away your revenge skill and reduce your stats if you don't continue the task]


Well, with no choice I decided to later on, just go in search of such items, as asking Ray wasn't exactly the best choice.

Sorry for the extreme lack of uploads and poor quality, I literally have no time to write anything as I lack the time do to my life responsabilities.

Onjoucreators' thoughts