
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs

Frontline (2)

"Your 3 contractors will also be joining the war, but I don't know their capabilities so it would be better for them to explain"

I looked at Amadeus and noticed he was also nodding his head.

"Then, they should introduce themselves and tell you about their powers, Yuki"

Then the giant that was sitting next to Amadeus stood up.

"I am Brutus, currently a (B+) ranked spearman, I have a skill that allows me to grow in size while increasing my endurance for 10 minutes", He said.

Then he sat down and the lizard-looking humanoid stood up.

"I am Leios, currently a (B+) ranked magician, I have enough mana control and mana to cast high-mid level spells, I specialize in fire magic and also have a skill called [Mana Body], that allows me to regenerate my mana faster than most"

It was my turn but I was still deciding whether to tell them about all my skills and power, after all, I will be killing them all in the near future.

After Leios sat down, I stood up and said.

"I am Keith, currently a (D) ranked magician, I specialize in telekinesis but also have the magician talents, I can't really cast high-level spells, and I have a skill called [The Hawk], that allows me to see farther than most"

But before I could sit down after my introduction, Amadeus spoke.

"What about your summoned beast, Keith?"

I remained cool even if my head was going crazy, and said, "I had forgotten about that, my lord, thank you for reminding me of my mistake"

'Damn it, so this bastard had other spies within the class'

I bowed down to everyone as a sign of apology and began to explain.

"I have a Lich as a summoned beast", At my words, everyone except Amadeus widened their eyes, and before they could say anything, I continued, "I currently have 9 undead warriors which are ranked (A-) and an undead lord that is ranked (S-)".

Everyone was shocked but I could now understand why this bastard Amadeus, also allowed me to join the war.

I sat down and Amadeus stood up and said, "Since Keith has a Lich and high ranked summons under it, I believe it would be best if he and his beast remain back, while we let the summons run rampant throughout the battlefield"

Yuki and her demons nodded, at that statement, I was left with no choice but to use Baggy for this war.

The meeting soon ended and we were told that tomorrow, we would be traveling to the frontlines and fighting alongside the other demons.


[Small Room Inside Yuki's Castle]

I was currently lying on my bed and started to think about the situation. Currently, I was forced to use Baggy to fight in the war, and even if I did, I would gain nothing from this.

While killing with Baggy's summons could possibly provide me with their stats thanks to [Revenge], I didn't really have any desire for revenge from the Union, meaning that it wouldn't even be worth it.


It wasn't the worst-case scenario, but considering that Amadeus knew a lot of information about me, I should probably not step out of the line for now.

Also, I could probably get some artifacts, if my summons perform well during the war.

Overall it was kind of an annoying situation but it wasn't exactly all that bad.

I decided to summon Baggy, and when he came out, of course, he was extremely grumpy and mad at me for keeping him inside the dimensional space for a lot of time.

I explained everything to him, but he didn't calm down until I told him that we would be fighting a war.

He seemed excited, probably because he could possibly obtain some more summons after killing some of the Union's soldiers.

Well, considering that the summons are pretty much immortal, they should be able to kill anyone that confronts them, in the long battle.

It is really not like I had any choice so I decided to just sleep.


[Main Entrance of Yuki's Castle]

We were currently, getting ready to leave and I could see that Amadeus and Yuki were talking in the front.

I just noticed, but it seems like it is normal to go on carriages to places, instead of just flying around or teleporting around. It seems to be like a noble thing amongst the demons and their nobility system.

After a while, we finally departed.

I was currently in a carriage with the giant and the lizard, but as always we remained silent all the way to the destination.

Although we did glare at each other now and then.


[Union's Front, Demon Military Base]

We arrived after 4 hours, and I could see that the base was pretty much a bunch of tents.

After arriving, Amadeus, and everyone that was previously in the meeting in Yuki's castle, was called to the commanders' tent.

Inside there was a round table and 3 chairs, one of the chairs was occupied by a lizard-looking demon, but it was obvious as to who he was, Botis.

There were three demons behind him, one with a lion head, one with a goat head, and one with a sneak head, which probably represented something like a chimera.

Yuki also had three demons with her, one was a tiger head, another one was a human-looking demon and the last one was a minotaur-looking demon.

Of course, Amadeus had us three behind him, and it was pretty much because he knew he wouldn't be betrayed by his contractors.

Amadeus and Yuki sat down on their chairs and the 3 members of each other's entourage stood behind them.

Botis then glared at Amadeus and said, "So you are finally here bastard".

Amadeus smiled and didn't answer, just by looking at them I could already tell what relationship they had.

Botis is the serious type while Amadeus is somewhat of the playful type, but after that interaction, the room turned into a serious atmosphere and Botis began to explain.

"Although everything was fine, while we were battling them during your mission, it would seem like some humans have visited the Union after that and are currently joining in the war".

Hmm, this development didn't happen during the novel, so it is probably related to my case.

Botis explained that we should try and push back, now that we are all here, so after that Yuki passed him a report regarding her army and Amadeus's one.

Botis then looked at me and put on a grin on his disgusting face.

He stood up and told everyone to follow after him, we left the tent and started to walk in the direction of the Union.

I could see that many of the demon mages have put up barriers around and after walking for a while, I could see a cliff.

Below the cliff, there was a huge flat land, with many holes on the ground and multiple bodies of both demons and other races all over the land.

The flat land extended for a while and the demon side looked like a cracked desert floor, and then it reaches a forest that belongs to the Union.

Even now I could still see spells flying over the battlefield.


After the explosion caused by a spell, Botis said "Summon your Lich, kid".

I stared at Amadeus, awaiting his orders.

"Do as he says Keith, from now on, if they order you to do something, you shall follow them"

"I understand, my lord", I said while bowing down.

I took Baggy out, and then Baggy summoned his undead warriors, and soon after the giant 10-meter tall, undead lord.

Botis smiled at the sight and said, "Send them against the enemy line right now"

And so I ordered Baggy to do so, and his summons jumped down the cliff.

After the undead lord landed on the ground, everything around trembled.

They all began to run to the Union's front, and even after getting hit by the enemy's spells, they continued to advance.

I didn't really understand why I had to send them right now, but Botis explained that it was for them to waste their resources on them, as the only way to deal with a Lich's summons without killing the Lich was to capture them.

I understood his intent but I had to say, "But don't they have, that harpy, with her light chains?".

He understood what I meant and told me to bring back the summons, which I ordered Baggy to do so.

The harpy we were referring to, was one of the Union's (SS) ranked commanders, that had an appearance of an angel, which made people refer to her as a saint, Iris Silverwings.

She also had a skill called chain of lights which was one of the reasons why the demons couldn't really advance.

The demons had Botis, while the Union had that saint.

The skill [Light Chains], which she possesses, allows her to chain a target and drain the dark energy inside of them and give it to her as mana, which was of course a counter to the demons.

The reason why I talked about the harpy and the summons, was because the summons has unlimited dark energy, meaning she had an unlimited amount of mana supply.

This strategy was actually used once by the Union, they had captured a Lich's summons, and using the light chains on them, the saint had an infinite supply of mana.

Of course, that didn't last long thanks to a contractor on the Union side that easily killed the Lich.

The other races could detect demonic energy within someone, but the way to sneak around and have contractors deep inside other organizations was by not signing a contract until a situation happened, as they would both receive the stat increase and demonic energy at that specific time, this happened many times in the academy.

Botis also understood what I meant by the harpy, so he made me recall the summons back.

He probably was too excited with the news of having a Lich on his side that he forgot about the enemy's biggest player during this war.

He apologized for his dumb decision and explained that it would be better for me to send my summons when the fight between the (SS) ranked is happening.

I bowed and accepted his plan.

Now all we had to do was wait.

But thanks to [The Hawk], I was able to spot someone.