
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs

Baggy's Power (2)

[(A+)Undead Champion]

I widened my eyes when I saw its rank, as an A+ monster is not something that we can easily deal with, even if we have 8 A- ranked summons.

"An undead champion", Alicia muttered.

I raised my hand to make everyone stop and began to speak.

"The undead champion is considered an A+ ranked monster, and it will not be easy to deal with, but it doesn't mean we can't defeat it"

It didn't seem to be moving so I began creating a plan and thanks to [(SS-)Detective John's Hat], I was able to think clearly and make it really fast but it wasn't actually that difficult to think about.

"The plan will be simple, using the 8 undead warriors we will distract that monster while I use my knives to try and cut him anywhere to apply my poison, it will be a matter of waiting after the poison is injected and when he slows down a little, Alicia will use her skill [Charge], to deal a fatal blow to the monster"

Both Alicia and Baggy nodded their heads.

Soon after the undead warriors approached the undead champion when he suddenly opened his eyes, and stared at us in an intimidating manner, making me tremble a little bit.

It stood up from his throne and let out a roar, that then made me fall to my knees.

Then it started to move towards us creating huge cracks on the floor. The undead warriors that were barely one-fourth of its size started to attack him.

I used my 5 knives against its armor but it was no use, as it wasn't enough to penetrate it. That's why I decided to attack the crevices within its armor, but they were still covered with a thick cloth that made it hard for me with my bad mana control.

The undead champion then swung his ax horizontally, cutting two of the undead warriors in half and pushing the rest back.

But there was something special about the summons of a lich, and it was that its summons would never die and only regenerate, that's why heroes and others have to focus on the lich instead of its summons to be able to win against it.

While the lich is considered an SS-ranked monster, it still has two weaknesses, one being that it normally has a weak army and that the lich is actually extremely weak in terms of power.

While Baggy's army is filled with only A- ranked monsters, this is only thanks to me and Alicia, spoon-feeding him the kills.

You see, liches normally have a weak army at the start and even later on if they get unlucky, this is because whatever they make into a summon can't be disowned, and not only that but they can't kill anything other than maybe a rat when they are alone.

with their power, they have to use the rat to kill something like a dog, then a human, or a zombie and keep scaling their power.

Normally liches would have around 20 monsters below B rank and only have 30 spots for stronger monsters. Meaning that finding a lich when it still growing is an easy enemy to defeat.

Even though the immortality of the summons is quite broken and strong, due to the fact that the lich is extremely weak, they can be easily defeated if they focus on the lich.

Of course, liches are extremely smart and would normally go kill a monster that can protect them using some sort of skill as a barrier but it would still face many dangers even with that summon and it would also only waste a spot in his army.

Thankfully, the undead champion or any sort of undead apart from a lich or an undead wizard is actually pretty dumb. So he kept attacking the undead warriors over and over again, but even if they were cut in half, they would take 10 seconds to regenerate and come back to fight him again.

I continued to aim for the crevices in his armor but only after 10 minutes of constant attacks in the same spot, did it finally show some of the skin from the undead champion.

I was able to make some cuts in his skin and it was now only a matter of time before it fell.


It has been almost 45 minutes since I was able to cut him, and it finally started to show signs of slowing down, and it was probably due to the fact that it was exhausted from fighting the undead warriors and maybe a little bit because of my poison.

it was now time for Alicia to strike.

And without me having to tell her, I could already see Alicia who was at the gate, starting to charge a large amount of mana into the blade of her spear.

Without me even able to even see her move, she suddenly disappeared and I heard a huge sound of metal clashing against each other coming from my side.

I snapped my head in that direction and I could see Alicia in the middle of the air, holding her spear with only one hand and striking the chest of the undead champion, sending him flying against his throne, destroying it and creating a huge crack in the wall.

Debris flew everywhere and there was a cloud of dust coming from where the undead champion was.

When the cloud of dust disappeared, it revealed the undead champion with his chest armor broken.

He moved his arm up a little bit which made me, Alicia and Baggy react, but it then fell to the ground.

The undead warriors then put their weapons over their heads and celebrated, but before they could do anything else, Alicia spoke.

"It still isn't dead yet"

The room then went silent and I told Baggy to kill it with his undead warriors which he did by sending one and stabbing the chest of the undead champion.

I sat down while putting my back against the wall and Alicia who had used a lot of her mana walked up to me and sat next to me.

Baggy also came to me, almost as if asking for orders.

"Use your skill and make him into a summon, Baggy", I said

And he then flew all the way to the undead monster and did the same process as before, after the body disappeared, I was able to see a hole in the wall where the body was just at.

Baggy then summoned it back and a 10-meter tall giant covered in black armor, holding a huge ax, appeared in the center of the room.

[(S-)Undead Lord]

It would seem that the higher the rank of the beast the less it will increase when transformed into a summon. The undead knights were B ranked and then transformed into A- ranked monsters, but the undead champion went from A+ to S-, meaning it only increased one sub rank.

Alicia who was sitting next to me then spoke.

"So we are finally getting you your [Mhingseng], huh?"

I nodded and started to stand up, Alicia soon followed and we started to walk to where Baggy and his 9 new companions were standing. Baggy noticed me and started to fly circles around my head showing he was happy about finally getting some companions.

I patted his head and continued onto where the hole was, and after walking inside a small room, we were able to spot a chest.

Alicia became excited and I let a sigh of relief for finally being able to obtain this broken item.

I walked to the chest and opened it, then a blinding light engulfed the small room but it then quickly died down. Inside the chest, I was able to spot a spear and a book.

I took them out of the chest and instantly appraised them.


[(A+)Leonidas's Spear]

(Description): Spear used by a legendary spartan of the ancient history of humanity.

-(Piercing): Increases its sharpness.

-(Anti-Demons): The spear has the power of light inscribed in it, allowing it to easily kill demons and contractors.



(Description): A passive skill, that increases the accuracy when using a bow.


I was confused, and after that, I started to search everywhere around the chest, behind it, under it, to its sides, but there was nothing.

I couldn't find the [Mhingseng], anywhere in the room.

But it was then that it suddenly hit me.

The author of the novel had said that Aso, swept through the dungeon and got the item, if we consider that he was in his third-year internship, he is most likely ranked B- or C+.

Considering the difficulty of this dungeon, it is impossible for him to be able to complete it, and less when he was alone.

I then turned my head towards Alicia who was looking at me in confusion and said, "We entered the wrong dungeon" while putting on an awkward smile.

Alicia returned me a bitter smile and we both sigh in exhaustion.

I got up and spoke, "But it was not that bad at the end, if we consider the fact that Baggy now has 8 undead warriors and 1 undead lord, we actually go quite the good profit, and also we have this spear", that I handed to Alicia with a smile.

Alicia took it and while she only put a small smile on her face, I could tell that she was filled with excitement, she then noticed the book in my hand and asked what it was.

"It is a grimoire, that gives a skill that increases accuracy when using bows, I think we could sell it for some nice cash", I said while looking at it.

After that, Baggy had to unsummon the undead lord as he was too big to fit in the cave, and we used the undead warriors as transportation, as I and Alicia were too tired to walk all the way out.

After leaving the dungeon, I made Baggy unsummon all his friends and put him back inside the dimensional space. The portal to the dungeon then disappeared and we were left in a dark cave.

I used a fireball for light and Alicia took out more branches she had gathered before and we made a campfire, cooked our food, and finally went to sleep.