
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs

Baggy's Power (1)

Throughout the whole train ride, I explained many things to Alicia about some of my skills and talents but left out information about [Truth Eyes], and my artifacts like [Glomer's Gloves].

We were now walking to a mountain that was located in the west of the third district but we were going to stop by a town on the way there to get some supplies as there would be nothing but wilderness during the journey.

After almost 2 hours of walking, we finally arrived at the small town called [Noas], in the novel, this was a town that Aso stayed in because he was on his way to the mountain on a mission to investigate the mountain when he was on his third year, during his internship of a guild.

While the households can be considered guilds of some sort, it is still not enough to be used as the 6 month intern part of the third year of the academy as it still doesn't operate as a guild.

And also the creator of the academy was someone from a household and they wanted to evade biased treatment during the exam.

The town was pretty small, I told Alicia to go buy supplies, like food, and water.

I decided to look around town to see if there was anything worth buying but there was nothing.

After about an hour or so of resupplying we once again set on our journey.


After 3 hours of walking and of course, taking many breaks due to my weak physical body we finally arrived at a forest before the mountain, it was then that Alicia asked.

"So where do we go now?"

"To the south part of the mountain"

"Any other clues at where the dungeon is?"

"In a cave, that is covered in vines"

Alicia let out a sigh and we started walking into the south side of the mountain, we encountered some G-ranked monsters now and then but they were nothing special as Alicia easily took care of them with her spear.

While we were discussing things on the train, Alicia had told me she had the talent of a spearman, she told me she was ranked A-, which I acted as if I was surprised but already knew about that. Finally, she mentioned she had a skill called [Charge], which allowed her to charge forward with her spear causing a large amount of damage to her enemy.

We were searching for a while now and it was almost nighttime, it was then that I was able to spot a cave far in the distance that was covered in some vines.

We both headed there as fast as possible.

The entrance was quite big but it would be hard to spot due to the vines. We headed inside, but since it was too dark, I lit up a fireball and after around 2 minutes of walking, we found a portal.

"We finally found it", I said in relief.


"I think we should spend the night here instead of going inside, I'm too tired to continue", I said while sitting down on the hard stone floor.

Alicia nodded her head and using some branches that she collected and using my fireball, we created a campfire and cooked some food that we previously had gotten in the town.

After eating we both decided to sleep.


I opened my eyes but I still couldn't see anything so I lit up a fireball once again.

Alicia was already awake, so we decided to eat something before heading into the dungeon.

While we were eating Alicia asked me a question.

"Do you know what kind of monster there will be inside?"

After thinking about it, the author had never said anything about the dungeon, he did say, Aso, sweep through the monsters but now that I thought about it, he was B-ranked at that time.

"No", I said while thinking if there was anything mentioned about the dungeon, but there wasn't anything.

After we were done, we entered the dungeon to find ourselves inside a cave once again. The path was lightened up due to some crystals that were shining red. I activated [Truth Eyes], and saw that they were nothing but shining crystals with no effects.

I summoned Baggy, and Alicia took off her hood and mask and put them inside her dimensional pocket. She then walk ahead of me and we started to advance.

In preparation for any battle, I took out the bag with [(S)The 40 Knives of Shi] from my dimensional pocket and put it on my waist.

But now that I thought about it I had never really appraised the item, so I decided to take one out from the bag they were in and appraise it.


[(S)The 40 Knives of Shi]

(Description): These 40 Knives were crafted by a dwarf who was a master of his craft.

-(Mana Conductivity): Allows the user to easily flow mana across the blades.

-(Paralyzing): When mana is infused in the blades, they will produce a paralyzing poison that will wear off in an hour.

-(Piercing): Increases the sharpness of the blades, allowing them to pierce enemies with more efficiency


They were pretty good, but while they are called knives, they are pretty much just kunais.

Alicia then stopped in her tracks and put her hand up telling me to stop.

"I sense some monsters up ahead", She said in a silent voice.

I looked ahead and saw 3 armored soldiers.

[(B)Undead Knight]

"There are three undead knights ahead of us, they are all in armor and have shields and a sword", I said to Alicia.

I then put my mana around 5 of the knives, while I still had half my mana left because they were quite small, controlling anymore than that was impossible with my mana control.

Alicia noticed the knives floating around and asked what they were. I told her about their paralyzing effect and that I was controlling them with telekinesis.

She then nodded and said, "I will grab their attention, and using your knives, we will paralyze their bodies and have Baggy finish them off with whatever attack he has"

Alicia counted down using her fingers, and then jumped toward the monsters at an incredible speed, without any delay I launched my 5 knives forward, the undead reacted to Alicia and blocked her attack only to be pushed back by the tremendous force of her attack.

Thanks to that my knives were able to cut through the skins of the undead, after that it was only a matter of time. Alicia kept blocking their swords but apart from power, the undead knights didn't really have any techniques and only slashed predictably. After around 10 minutes they all stopped moving and fell to the ground.

I approached with 5 knives floating above my head and Baggy went up to the monsters. Alicia sat down on the ground and rested her back against the wall.

"So now Baggy has to kill them, to make transform them into his summons?"

"Yes, but after killing them, he has the choice to make them into his summons or not, and after they are made his, they will have an increase in power, and also what the summons kill can be made into a summon by Baggy, so it should get easier to get him more summons"

Baggy then created a small black orb in his hand and pressed it against one of the undead, and nothing happened.

I let out a sigh and said, "This will be harder than I thought".

After that, I created a wound on the head of one of the undead knights and Baggy threw another black orb against its brain, which should be the weak point of undead but even with that, it took almost 15 more black orbs from Baggy to be able to kill the undead.

After killing it, he flew in the doing circles which told me he was happy with finally being able to kill it.

"Now make him yours, Baggy," I said.

Soon Baggy's little small eyes turned dark and the undead that was killed was engulfed in black and disappeared.

Baggy came up to me with what seemed to be a proud expression and I patted his little head.

"Now summon that knight and make him kill the other two, to make them yours, Baggy"

He nodded his little head and a magic circle appeared on the floor.

After a second, the summon appeared, but unlike what it was before, it was now taller, more muscular, and covered in black armor while holding a huge sword oozing out dark energy.

[(A-)Baggy's Undead Warrior], it had gone from B to A- while also transforming from a knight to a warrior.

Then at the orders of Baggy, the undead warrior killed the other two undead knights and Baggy repeated the same process of summoning.

Alicia had her eyes widened and I was the same as well.

But now we had 3 undead warriors that are ranked A-, meaning they are as strong as Alicia in terms of stats.

We continued deeper into the cave, on the way we encountered 5 more undead knights, and of course, with 3 Undead Warriors and Alicia, they were easily able to.

Then Baggy transformed them into undead warriors, now that we had 8 undead warriors, I and Alicia only had to sit back and relax.

Then at the end of the cave, we found ourselves in front of a huge gate, it was almost 5 times the size of the undead warrior that had a height of almost 2 meters.

The undead warriors pushed the doors, and a castle-like interior appeared before us. At the end of the room, there was a huge throne with an almost 8 meters tall muscular knight in armor holding a huge medieval ax with blades on both sides on the huge stick.

[(A+)Undead Champion]