
The Novel's Fake Protagonist

[PROJECT ABANDONED] One day Jacob Riser after a convoluted series of events found himself in the world of his Novel. Knowing that the future of this world isn't so bright. Jacob took artistic liberties and quite literally took the place of his incompetent but talented MC Alex Skyward. "I'd probably be a better Main Character anyway" *** Just so there aren't any misunderstandings I want to say a few things, the mc { Jacob } is a very flawed individual so don't expect him to think much before or after killing someone, his morality is shaky and he is a very egotistical person. Don't worry he definitely won't stay like this. please read at least the prologue and the first arc before reviewing, Thank you also the cover isn't mine so if the owner wishes for me to take it down I will do so.

Skddsk · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Opening Ceremony

Catherine Rosaria, a half-demon, half high elf, is memorizing her script while I'm sitting next to her.

I waited for her to put her script down before I opened my mouth "I see that you are also giving a speech, same here The Headmaster wanted me to give a speech because I'm super talented. Is it the same for you?"

"You could say I have the best talent in the world," She said casually.

"What is it? If you don't mind me asking?" I asked, feigning confusion.

"I am a Princess of The Rosaria Empire, My name is Catherine Rosaria " She looked at me trying to gauge my reaction.

I don't feel like acting, let's just live life like the protagonist that I am.

"I'm Alex, let's be friends." I offered a handshake.

Startled a bit by my offer, it took her a moment to regain her composure. She accepted my handshake and said "Yes, let's get along super talented Alex" and chuckled.

'Why do I feel like she is mocking me?'

After conversing with her a bit The Headmaster entered the backroom and said "Alright everyone, people are entering The Auditorium, we begin the ceremony in five minutes. One last thing, whatever you do don't fuck this up, I repeat don't fuck this up, is that good with everyone?"

""Yes!"" Everyone in the backroom said at the same time.

After discussing something with the event manager, The Headmaster went up to Catherine and me and said "Oh, It looks like you two got acquainted that's good. I hope that you two have prepared good speeches."

He left before I could say anything, he is a very busy man.

Now with The Auditorium full of people of many different races, Nurture's Opening Ceremony began. The Headmaster Conrad Coddel stepped onto the stage and stood in front of the voice amplification device, applause could be heard as he did so.

"Thank you, everyone, for taking the time out of your day to attend this humble Opening Ceremony, I will not take much of your time. As you all know this academy exists for the purpose of finding and nurturing the talents of Htra-e. We have gathered three hundred talented students that without the existence of this academy would have gone completely unnoticed by the world, one of those students is the most talented person in the world, more on them later. Firstly I would like for the world to know the rules of this academy, don't worry I won't bore you all with every single minuscule rule, I will just say a few I believe most Important." The Headmaster switched the paper in front of him to a different one.

"Firstly, The Laws outside of Nurture still apply to students and faculty members. Secondly, the student's status outside of Nurture is irrelevant, abusing one's status while attending Nurture is strictly prohibited and may result in expulsion. Thirdly, every basic need is provided by the academy for the students, however, if they wish for something better than basic they must prove their strength, the higher their standing on the leaderboard the better the accommodations and recourses provided by the academy. Fourthly, the academy guarantees the safety of the students. One last rule that I believe I should mention is that the students will be studying here at the academy dormitory for the entire duration of their education, however, they can leave the academy premises on the weekends." The Headmaster once again switched the paper in front of him.

"*Cough* Now, I would like for you all to meet the most talented person in the world, he comes from a small village in the westmost part of The Gameciel Empire, his potential is EX Rank, he has eight different talents. It is my pleasure to introduce Alex."

'That's my cue' I stepped onto the stage and took a bow.

"Hello there, It's honestly so surreal thinking that I'm the most talented man in the world, one day I was just living my humble life, and now I stand here in front of you all. I believe that is nothing short of a miracle, just goes to show that miracles do exist. I also believe that the existence of this academy is a blessing that will prove to be monumental in the future, I can't express how thankful I am to attend this prestigious academy even though I'm a commoner. You students in the audience, how do you feel, tell me are you grateful for this opportunity?" I spoke a bunch of rubbish, my only goal here Is to establish my presence in the academy and get the students motivated.

""Yes!"" The students in the audience shouted,

"I can't hear you"

""YES!!!"" The students in the audience shouted even more loudly. I caught a glimpse of Cyrus covering his ears.

"You all better mean that."

"Our next guest needs no introduction." Said The Headmaster.

Catherine elegantly stepped onto the stage and the crowd went wild even more so than when I tried to rile them up.

"IT'S THE PRINCESS!" Shouted a demon in the crowd.

"LOOK THIS WAY PRINCESS!" Screamed an elf in the crowd.

"Hello everyone" As soon as she opened her mouth the audience calmed down.

"It is a great honor to attend Nurture, those monstrosities from The Wastelands should start counting their days because this academy's graduates will surely be the best at what they do, whatever that may be. My dream is to see The Wastelands only mentioned in history books, I am sure many of you feel the same, so let us do our best here in Nurture."

"Now The students in the crowd will decide between Catherine and Alex who will be the first Student Council President," said Conrad as he smiled at the crowd.

'Wait no one told me about this. In the novel, there was no vote Catherine was just given that position. I don't want to be the president I'd lose a third of my free time on bullshit.'

As if to answer why the future changed Conrad spoke "I want to see which one the students will pick the princess or the talented commoner, originally I was going to just give the position to Catherine but this is more interesting. Now, If you want the princess to be The Student Council President raise your hand."

Conrad who already counted the hands that were just risen no longer than two seconds ago said "That is 179 votes for the princess, the total number of students excluding you two is 300 so 179 is the majority, sorry Alex looks like you will be the Vice President and Catherine will be the President."

'I don't want to be the vice president either!'