
The Novel's Extra Nobody

This is... so trippy... Like... Hmmm... How do I explain this? I am now inside the novel, where the main protagonist is inside his own novel. Does that even make sense? After reading [The Novel's Extra] by Jee Gab Song over and over again from the novel, manhwa adaptation, and back, I am now in this situation where I have to live throughout the story as another extra. Sigh... and... daym... What is Chae Nayun doing there? *** Author's Reminders. This is a fanfic based on TNE by Jee Gab Song. The story will start diverging after Yeonha's incident a lot. Expect new devils, stronger Djinns, stronger villains, and lots of struggles from fighting scenes. MC will start weak and grow into an OP character. MC might seem happy-go-lucky, but give him a chance. Also, MC can often be cringe. Also thank you for reading. Updates are every 11 hours.

Alfir · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
235 Chs

Seoul IV

Kim Suho's figure hovers in the air, weightless and ethereal, resembling a delicate butterfly suspended in mid-flight. His movements are not bound by the conventional constraints of space as he employs the extraordinary power of UnConcept, manipulating the very fabric of reality.

With a mere thought, Suho engages his UnConcept, and space itself seems to yield to his command. He cuts through space effortlessly, creating pathways where there are none. It's as if he wields a cosmic blade, slicing through the conventional understanding of distance.

As Suho continues to traverse through this altered reality, a peculiar sensation grips him. It's not just the physical act of moving through space; it's the profound understanding that there is no perceivable "barrier" in this mirrored reality. It defies the very essence of what he knows about the limitations of time slipping— the accident he finds himself in.

A week has elapsed since Kim Suho found himself thrust into this unfamiliar realm. The passage of time, as per their understanding, suggests that the phenomenon known as Outcall has persisted for a month now. Amidst the unknown, Suho remains a constant, his high-tech glasses perched firmly on his face.

In this unpredictable world, Suho clings to the remnants of familiarity. His high-tech glasses, once a tool of precision and information, now serve a different purpose – a symbol of connection to his past. He wears them with careful vigilance, a silent promise to himself that he won't allow them to be lost or damaged. Even though the glasses are currently non-functional, Suho harbors a belief that their utility may manifest itself someday, if not now.

The frames rest snugly on his nose, an ever-present reminder of the world he came from. In the midst of the uncertainty that surrounds him, Suho maintains a cautious optimism. His high-tech glasses, despite their current state of disrepair, hold the potential for future usefulness – a glimmer of hope in a world filled with the unknown.

Kim Suho moves through the chaotic streets of Seoul, his clothes impeccable, untouched by the dirt and grime that permeate the city. Despite the turmoil surrounding him, he has managed to keep himself out of situations that could pose a genuine threat.

The monsters, with their menacing presence, loom in the shadows. Suho's keen instincts recognize the danger they represent, prompting him to make prudent decisions. He sidesteps the path of peril, wisely choosing to avoid direct confrontations with these formidable creatures. His survival in this altered reality hinges on a careful dance of evasion, a strategic game of staying one step ahead of the looming threats.

Seoul, once a bustling metropolis, has transformed into a nightmarish landscape— this is the Outcall— an apocalyptic event so great it has reshaped humanity. The air is thick with tension, and the once-familiar streets now harbor unseen dangers. Suho witnesses the remnants of a world now in disarray, a hellish version of the city he once knew.

Despite the relative safety he's managed to maintain, Suho can't escape the reality that surrounds him. The chaos of Outcall has turned Seoul into a battleground, an apocalyptic theater where monstrous entities roam freely.

Kim Suho darts through the sky, a vigilant eye on the chaos below. Amidst the commotion, he endeavors to aid those in need, but the grim reality weighs heavily upon him. The sight of survivors is rare, limited to those he's managed to swiftly reach since his arrival in this world. The sheer magnitude of fatalities strikes hard – by the time help could arrive, lives have already slipped away, leaving only a trail of tragedy in its wake.

Amidst the turmoil, a deafening roar echoes through the chaos. Kim Suho's attention snaps toward the source, where a towering two-headed troll bellows with unbridled hate, spewing flames in a menacing display of power. The danger it poses is palpable, a threat that could bring further devastation to an already ravaged scene.

Suho, while not a history enthusiast, possesses a keen awareness of the peculiar naming conventions attributed to the monsters populating this world. He observes that these designations stem from the inherent abilities or characteristics associated with historical, literary, and stereotypical representations of these creatures.

The very essence of the monsters' identities seems entwined with the tales and myths that have permeated human understanding throughout history. Take the trolls, for instance – mythical beings renowned for their purported ability to regenerate lost limbs. It's this legendary trait that has earned them the moniker 'trolls' in this world, a name that resonates with their regenerative capabilities.

Kim Suho employs his spatial movement with finesse, materializing behind the towering two-headed troll. The creature, a formidable High-Rank, typically demands a complex strategy to be felled by conventional means. Yet, Suho's unique abilities, the power to cut through concepts, grant him a distinct advantage.

"Cutt~!" he exclaims, summoning Mistletein, his soul-bound sword. With a swift horizontal swing, Suho effortlessly slices through the monstrous foe. The two-headed troll crumples to the ground, its colossal form bisected cleanly.

Surveying his handiwork, Suho can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. "Phew... That's my first kill for today," he mutters, his attention drawn to the aftermath of the battle. The earth beneath them bears the scars of the troll's fiery assault, a charred dome bearing testament to the creature's destructive capabilities.

Addressing the unseen spectators who may have witnessed the spectacle, Suho extends a casual greeting, "You fellas, you don't mind appearing for me, do you? My name is Kim Suho. Please don't be alarmed."

As the dust settles from the battle, two figures emerge, stepping into view. One, a young man with raven-black hair, sports a pair of glasses perched atop his nose. The other, a female counterpart, boasts a mane of brown hair intricately braided, a spear confidently held in her grip. Both appear to be around Kim Suho's age.

Considering Suho's own life, it's almost surreal to think that, despite the trials and tribulations he's faced, he's merely 19 years old. In the realm of adulthood, he's already a seasoned professional, navigating a world far removed from the ordinary teenage experience.

Observing the newcomers, Suho reflects on the organization to which he belongs – Sinful, a group of remarkably powerful teenagers with the potential to alter the very fabric of the world. The collocation of their youthful exteriors with the immense power they wield is nothing short of astonishing. In the midst of chaos and uncertainty, these teenagers hold the capacity to turn the world upside down, their abilities transcending the boundaries of what society might expect from someone of their age.

With the immediate threat subdued, the duo steps forward, finally revealing their identities. The young man with black hair and glasses introduces himself as Oh Jaejin, while the female counterpart, with her braided brown hair and poised spear, is Yi Yook-Ok. Their faces carry the weight of the struggles they've faced, yet a glimmer of relief shines through as they address Kim Suho.

"Oh Jaejin," the young man begins, offering a small nod of acknowledgment. "And this is Yi Yook-Ok. We're students from the school," he gestures towards the decimated surroundings, "and we've been trapped since the apocalypse started."

Yook-Ok takes a step forward, her spear held with both confidence and weariness. "It's been chaos out here, and we've been trying to survive ever since. Your help back there," she glances at the remains of the two-headed troll, "was much appreciated."

Kim Suho, though a working professional at the mere age of 19, nods in understanding. "Kim Suho," he introduces himself. "I'm not from around here either. Got caught up in all this madness just like you two."

Kim Suho manages to conceal his emotions, but the revelation of Oh Jaejin's name strikes him with genuine surprise. This person before him is no ordinary survivor; he's one of the Nine Stars, or in this context, one of the future Nine Stars. The weight of this realization hangs in the air, hidden behind Suho's composed exterior.

"Any more survivors other than you two?" Suho inquires, trying to gather more information.

Yi Yook-Ok responds, her tone a mix of desperation and hope, "About a dozen. Can you help us?"

As Suho considers the situation, his gaze shifts to Yi Yook-Ok. The realization dawns on him that she is Oh Jaejin's future wife. Although not as renowned as her counterpart, she belongs to the first generation of Heroes, a fact that adds a layer of complexity to their current circumstances.

"Yes, I can help," Suho assures, his mind already formulating a plan. "My friends and I have established a settlement not far from here. It'll be easy to procure reinforcements and bring everyone with us."

Oh Jaejin interjects with a note of urgency, "If you go now, and leave, then everyone else might be dead already by the time you return here. We fought quite a powerful monster. Some weird hobgoblin. It uses a dagger and is incredibly skilled."

"Skilled? Not strong?" Kim Suho queries, seeking clarification from Oh Jaejin.

"Yes," Jaejin confirms, his expression serious.

"A variant, huh?" Suho muses, his mind connecting the dots. Variants, known for their heightened skills rather than sheer strength, often indicate the presence of a dungeon. In a world reshaped by the apocalypse, dungeons become hubs of danger and mystery. Variants within towers are often referred to as named monsters, while those within dungeons are likened to natural disasters that move with an ominous unpredictability.

Jaejin, recognizing Suho's understanding of the situation, provides additional information. "Me and Yuki would have been killed if not for her awakening to the use of magic power…"

"Yuki?" Suho raises an eyebrow, curious about the name.

Yi Yook-Ok blushes slightly, offering an explanation. "It's a pet name…" She trails off, a hint of embarrassment coloring her cheeks.

Internally processing the gathered information, Kim Suho reaches a decisive conclusion. "Then we must fight it. We fight them." Suho's tone is resolute, a commitment to face the threat head-on. He makes a swift decision, recognizing that the best course of action to aid Oh Jaejin, Yi Yook-Ok, and the other survivors is to confront and clear the dungeon responsible for the appearance of the variant.

"What do you think? I can use some help," Suho turns to Oh Jaejin and Yi Yook-Ok, acknowledging the collaborative effort needed to overcome the imminent challenge.

I will do a mass release if fanfic reaches 50 ratings.

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