
The Novel's Extra Nobody

This is... so trippy... Like... Hmmm... How do I explain this? I am now inside the novel, where the main protagonist is inside his own novel. Does that even make sense? After reading [The Novel's Extra] by Jee Gab Song over and over again from the novel, manhwa adaptation, and back, I am now in this situation where I have to live throughout the story as another extra. Sigh... and... daym... What is Chae Nayun doing there? *** Author's Reminders. This is a fanfic based on TNE by Jee Gab Song. The story will start diverging after Yeonha's incident a lot. Expect new devils, stronger Djinns, stronger villains, and lots of struggles from fighting scenes. MC will start weak and grow into an OP character. MC might seem happy-go-lucky, but give him a chance. Also, MC can often be cringe. Also thank you for reading. Updates are every 11 hours.

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235 Chs

Destiny XIV


The city below us is ablaze, a fiery inferno consuming everything in its path. The heat is intense, and the acrid scent of burning buildings fills the air.

Jonghak glances at me with a grim expression, his black hair ruffled by the rising winds. "This is insane," he mutters, his eyes reflecting the dancing flames below.

I'm frantically trying to make sense of the chaos as I check up on the burnt carcasses I managed to recover from the fire just by the doorside. "What the fuck is happening!?" I shout over the roar of the fire, my brown hair tousled by the hot gusts of wind. I can feel the panic rising within me.

I look around and all I see is the world in flames. I maintain my pace on searching the dead bodies and find a relatively intact smartwatch. "Shit… I have a bad feeling about this…"

"Fear not, my friend," Jonghak replies, his voice steady despite the madness surrounding us. "We're not in the Zeroth Timeline anymore, not to mention the First Timeline."

My eyes widen in disbelief. "What? How do you know?"

Jonghak smirks, and I can see the exhaustion in his eyes. "I can sense it. And besides," he adds, pointing towards my smartwatch which I just pilfered from a dead body, "you can connect with Cube AI, can't you?"

I glance at my smartwatch, realizing the truth. "Shit," I curse, realizing the gravity of the situation. "We're in the 666th Timeline." In my newly pilfered smartwatch is a message report from Cube AI.

Jonghak facepalms awkwardly, a mix of frustration and resignation on his face. "Well, it looks like the world has gone to shit, finally."

I shake my head, still processing the situation. The flames continue to devour the city below, and the reality of being stuck in this timeline sinks in. With a deep breath, I activate my smartwatch, preparing to contact Cube AI for guidance in this nightmarish world.

[Heya~! Still alive? I thought I would need to self-destruct by now.]

"Oh, shit, it is really you… However your personality module seems to have gotten an upgrade. Send us an extraction team. I have Jonghak with me, though he currently possesses Kim Hajin's body, hurry up… It is so hot in here."

Beneath me, the monstrous horde rages, a relentless wave of Demonic Creatures, their presence reeking of sulfur. The stench fills the air, choking and oppressive. My instinct is to dive into the fray, but I'm hindered by the realization that my body is inexplicably nerfed.

Frustration boils within me as I survey the chaos. My 'main body,' a skeletal form, is confined to the First Timeline. The limitations are infuriating, a barrier between me and the battle that unfolds below.

Amidst the demonic onslaught, an imp, a goblin-like creature, hurls fireballs at us. The sizzling projectiles streak through the air, leaving trails of searing heat in their wake. My eyes narrow, my brow furrowing in determination.

Beside me, Shin Jonghak, with his black hair catching the ominous glow of the demonic flames, raises his hands. "Hold on," he says calmly, his focus unwavering. With a surge of magic power, he manipulates the forces around him, creating a protective black flame barrier that intercepts the incoming fireballs.

The imp screeches in frustration as its attacks are thwarted. Jonghak turns to me, a hint of a smirk on his face. "Hyon Hyung, I also have been nerfed, so you better find us a way out!" The imps from below begin levitating slowly in our direction.

I continue fiddling with my smartwatch, sending panicked requests to Cube AI. "Hey dude, I am trying… so I apologize if my people are too slow to respond. We didn't ask to be nerfed! I swear!"

The demonic horde rages below, and Jonghak, like me, is grappling with the frustration of a nerfed body. Despite this setback, we find solace in the fact that our Gifts remain at our disposal.

Jonghak shoots me a knowing glance, his black hair tousled by the chaotic winds. "We may be limited physically, but our Gifts are intact. Let's make the most of them," he says, determination gleaming in his eyes.

Nodding in agreement, I reach for the smartwatch I pilfered from a heap of lifeless bodies. Originally intended for GPS, it's now my lifeline to Cube AI since I've lost my Physique: AI System. As I prepare to contact Cube AI, a sudden notification startles me.

The holographic interface of Cube AI flickers to life above the smartwatch. "Welcome back, boss," it states, its voice echoing in my mind. "You've returned finally." Appearing from the hologram is none other than Tomer. "I swear, if only the circumstances allow it, I wouldn't be sending an extraction team on your way, bit a hitman instead! How dare you bail on me? You stupid boss!"

A wave of relief washes over me, but as I survey the unfamiliar surroundings, guilt creeps in. "My bad," I mutter to myself. "It is Lancaster, okay?"

Tomer replies with annoyance, "You lost to that third-rate villain? You disgraceful thug! You brought me down, a first-class villainess yet you cannot take down one measly Lancaster?"

I sigh, "Watch your mouth. You are talking to your boss! And you got it reversed! You are the third-rate, and Lancaster is definitely the first-rate! That guy survived until the epilogue of TNE!!" Wait, Tomer survived too, right? Nah, she survived as a side character and not as a villain so Lancaster is definitely first-rate.

Jonghak, catching my voice, raises an eyebrow. "Something wrong? Is it okay to reveal information about the future?"

Overhearing Jonghak's words, Tomer replies with hate. "The future!? The future has gone to shit, so what use in not knowing about the TRH and TNE manuscript? Moreover, it is boss Nayun who disclosed it willingly!!"

"Boss! Boss! Oh his Excellency, my lord boss!!" Fatima's voice rings out above the chaos, drawing my attention. I look up and spot a helicopter hovering above. Peeking out from it is Fatima, her blonde hair flowing in the wind, and a katana gleaming in her hand.

"What kind of address is that?" Jonghak idly comments as he shoulder throws an imp, and scatter his black flames to the side.

"Fear not, my lord!" Fatima shouts as she jumps from the helicopter, landing with a graceful flourish. Her magic-infused slashes cut through the air, targeting the imps that are beginning to gather on the rooftop where Jonghak and I stand.

As Fatima reaches my side, she shields me with zealous determination, her magic power forming a protective barrier. "Boss, we're here for the extraction!" she declares, her eyes blazing with loyalty.

I nod in gratitude, realizing the tide might be turning in our favor. "Good timing, Fatima. We need to get out of here." The demonic horde continues its relentless advance, but with Fatima's arrival, we might just stand a chance.

Jonghak smirks at Fatima's entrance, clearly appreciating the reinforcement. "Looks like the cavalry has arrived. Let's make the most of it," he remarks, his hands ready to channel his magic.

Suddenly, the helicopter that arrived explodes into a shrapnel of metal. It is destroyed without mercy by a series of fireballs.

Fatima, "…"

Me, "Shin Jonghak! The thing you said a while ago... That was a Death Flag, isn't it!?"

Shin Jonghak, "No, I swear in my five years of experience of writing web novels, it isn't a death flag!"

As the chaos unfolds around us, I turn my attention back to the smartwatch. "Cube AI, we need an extraction plan, now!" I urgently request through the holographic interface.

Cube AI's voice echoes from my smartwatch. "Hold tight, boss. The full extraction team is en route. They'll get you out of this mess." The hologram shows a countdown for the arrival of the extraction team.

Fatima, still fending off the demonic creatures, glances at me with a determined expression. "Boss, we'll keep them at bay until the extraction team arrives. Just hang in there!"

Amidst the fiery inferno and demonic onslaught, we stand together on the rooftop, waiting for the much-needed extraction.

Jonghak, gracefully moving through the chaotic dance of combat, kicks an imp in the face, sending it tumbling backward. "Hyon Hyung, watch your back!" he calls out, conjuring a swirl of black flames to incinerate an imp attempting to flank me.

I twist to the side, narrowly avoiding the fiery projectile launched by another imp. "Got it!" I shout back, unleashing a quick series of slashes with a concealed blade to dispatch the imp in front of me. The acrid smell of burnt flesh fills the air as the imp disintegrates into ash.

"Wow, boss, nice blade, where did you get it?" Fatima remarks as she slashes an imp into two.

"Focus on the fight, you dummy… You don't recognize this? I grabbed it from your waist… ugh… these damn imps are too many!" I acrobatically side-step, jump, and land gracefully to which I have killed seven imps in a single leap.

Fatima covers for me as she slashes the imp that survived my attack, she also checks for her waist where she keeps her secondary weapon, a short blade.

Jonghak grins, his movements a fluid combination of martial arts and magic. "These imps are persistent, but they can't withstand the might of the Dark Lord's Martial Arts and the power of my black flames!"

I nod, appreciating Jonghak's skills (I ignore to my best ability his Chunnybyou lines) as he dispatches another group of imps with a swift spin-kick followed by a wave of black flames. "We need to keep them at bay until the extraction team arrives. Fatima, how's the barrier holding up?"

I feel extra lethargic. Though I can access my Gift and other skills, my body's stats seem to have regressed.

This is just disgusting!

Is this a nerf?

Life isn't a game!!

Ugh… I swear, life is screwing with me.

Fatima, focused on maintaining the protective barrier, replies, "It's holding, boss! But these imps are getting crafty. We can't let our guard down!" The barrier helps us to choke down the number of imps we have to deal with, but the imps are unexpectedly nimble and filled with magic power. Not to mention their fireballs and fire augmentations.

A horde of imps converges on us, their fiery attacks intensifying. I dodge and weave, using my agility to avoid the relentless assault. "Jonghak, cover me!" I shout, preparing to counterattack.

Jonghak nods, summoning a torrent of black flames to engulf the approaching imps. "Go for it! I've got your back!"

I charge forward, slashing through the imps with calculated precision. Their low vitality makes them vulnerable, but their sheer numbers and relentless fireballs make the battle intense. I can feel the heat of the flames as I move, the urgency of the situation urging me on.

Their power is at a High Rank at an honest estimate, but their vitality falls quite short of at a Low Rank.

Jonghak, surrounded by a whirlwind of black flames, shouts, "Keep going, Hyon! We can't let them overwhelm us!"

As I fend off the imps, I glance at the holographic interface of my smartwatch. The extraction team's arrival is still a few minutes away. "Hang in there, everyone! We just need to hold out a bit longer!"

Fatima, her katana flashing through the air, adds, "We won't let them break through! Boss, we've got your back!"

The rooftop becomes a battleground, the flames of the city below mirroring the chaos of our fight against the demonic horde. With each passing moment, the anticipation for the arrival of the extraction team grows, and we stand united, determined to survive the onslaught.

I cannot believe I am having a difficult time fighting some fucking imps.

Fatima's voice cuts through the chaos, commanding our attention. "Duck, everyone!" While at it, she dispels the barrier trying to keep most imps at bay. Most of the imps goes feral and rushes at us on their four limbs

Instinctively, I crouch down, and I see Jonghak swiftly following suit. Fatima, with a katana gleaming in her hand, moves with precision. In one swift motion, she unleashes a 360-degree attack that bisects everything within a six-meter radius.

The air is filled with the sound of slicing, and I can see imps falling apart, their bodies separated by the force of Fatima's attack. It's a temporary reprieve, a window of opportunity to escape the relentless demonic horde.

Me and Jonghak really have to crouch very low since the imps' heights are too small and Fatima has to aim very low to hit all of them at once.

"Move!" I shout, sprinting towards the newly arrived helicopter hovering just beside us. Jonghak trails behind me, and Fatima, her blonde hair flowing in the wind, joins the hurried retreat.

As the helicopter lifts off far from the rooftop, the fiery inferno and demonic creatures shrinking below, I turn to Fatima, still catching my breath. "What in the world is happening!?"

Fatima shouts to be heard over the roar of the helicopter blades. "It is the end of the world, sir!"

The words hang heavy in the air, sinking in as we leave the chaos behind. The city continues to burn below, a testament to the devastation that has befallen us. The reality of our situation weighs on us as the helicopter speeds away from the crumbling landscape.

I feel my smartwatch buzz, and I hear Tomer's voice. "I will brief you on the way, but basically, today is Judgement Day…"

Ah, fuck me.