
Chapter 9

When the morning sun rises, the Alegres' had their breakfast so early because they need to attend their individual errands for today.

Amara and Irene bids goodbye after having their breakfast, they head directly to Forbes.

"Hey love.. Come, let's go inside, continue your sleep in your room."

Irene softly said as she caress her daughter's cheeks, Amara groans softly as she hugs her mother, she slowly opened her eyes, Irene genuinely smile at her. They both exited the car as they went inside their house, hearing loud giggles from inside.



exclaim by the kids who were having fun, they rush towards Irene and Amara to give them a hug.

"Tita Ara, let's play!"

says by Luis' first born, Irene kneeled down to level her grandson.

"Tita Ara needs to rest 'kay? She's tired and she wants to sleep, you can play with her later."

The little boy nodded, Amara excused herself from them because she can't take the tiredness of her eyes. Irene on the other hand, proceed on their room, when she entered, she found her husband sleeping soundly on their bed.

She's wondering why he's sleeping there, supposedly he's sleeping in the guest room but she shrugged it off and let him sleep there.

Irene sat infront of the vanity table while doing her morning routine, meanwhile, the husband slowly opened his eyes and caught a view of his wife.

He gets out of the bed slowly while Irene was just looking at him through the mirror, she's not minding him, why would she?

"Oh, you're here already.. where's Amara?"

What a morning greeting.

"She's in her room, resting."

Irene replied without showing any emotions, Greggy is somehow also thankful that Irene is still talking to him.

"Did you guys eat already? I'll cook—


Greggy shut his mouth after he heard what his wife replied, he nodded. Irene stood up and gets her book, she was about to go out when Greggy pulled her wrist gently.


"Let's talk, hon.."

"We don't have something to talk about, the scenes that was caught by my eyes a couple of times were certainly enough proof that you've once again cheated on me. So please, let me go."

Irene utters, poker face, cold & plain.

"Irene I—

"What? You'll make alibis again? Excuses? Don't make me look like a fool Gregorio, goodness, your daughter even saw it!"

Irene squint her eyes to him while saying those words, half-shouted.

"You know what, I'm tired of this! Let's file for annulment, legal separation annulment. I'll process the papers, all I want you to do is to sign it."

Greggy's eyes widened, his heart shattered.

"What? No, Irene. I won't sign it, never."

"Why wouldn't you? After you sign it, you'll be free. You can live and marry Antonette—

"Irene please, give me one last chance to prove myself to you. Do you want me to get her out of the company? I will, love please don't do this.."

"I gave you multiple chances, Greggy. But what did you do with those? You kept on breaking your promises and commitments."

"Hon, I promise—

"Here we go again, you kept on promising but you'll be breaking it again, you said you'll be faithful to me infront of our loved ones and infront of God, but what did you do? I had enough of this Gregorio so please let me go and give your surname to that Antonette."

"No! You'll carry my surname forever, you're my wife, my children's my mother, my greatest love and I won't let that my surname will be carry by anyone elses!"

Greggy said it stern and painful, Irene was just looking at him still on her poker face but deep inside she's hurt seeing him tearing up.

"You'll be forever Missus Alegre and nothing can go out of my way and try to get you away from me. What's mine is mine, you are mine."

Greggy told Irene possessively, the woman knows how possessive his husband is to her..

"I'll go to the company now, I'll fire that Antonette out."

"You know that you don't have to do this Greggy."

"I want to, I need to."

Irene looked at him in the eyes, telling him how her heart is feeling right now, still the same, betrayal, pain, sadness, longing and perplexed.

"Forgive me, hun.."

Greggy muttered softly, he's now in tears as he hug Irene tightly, the woman let him but without any of her physical response.

"I can forgive you not now but I will, but I will surely not forget how many times you broke my heart and the day that you broke my daughter's heart, the day you betrayed me and my childrens, it will be a tattoo in my life."

"Allow me to fix this hon, I admit I was wrong, I'm sorry.."

"I'm glad you knew that you were wrong, did you even think about your daughter while you were having an affair with that woman, what if your daughter experience it?"

"I'll be going with Amara back to Italy, I'll be staying with her because honestly, I can't look at you in the eyes, I cannot share the same space with you!"

Irene whispering-ly utters, Greggy was awe-stricken with what he heard coming from his wife. Perhaps, she needed this space so he will give it to him.

"But you'll come back?"

"I will."

"I'll hold onto that, love.."

Irene stared at him blankly as he finally lets go of her hand, the woman gets out of their room with a heavy heart, she wants to breakdown, her hands and knees were trembling. She knows that she can't take this anymore, she hurriedly went inside the comfort room as she let it all out.

Hours passed, the daughter wakes up and made her way to the kitchen to drink a water when suddenly she saw a peripheral view of her mother in their garden, peacefully sitting on the bench, legs were cross while reading.


Irene looked up with so much surprise on her face, she smile after seeing her lovely daughter, she gesture her to sitdown beside her.

"Are you thinking something?,you seemed so bother love.."

the lady breathed-out as she faced her mother.

"I need to go back in Italy two days from now mom, I need to sign my contract by.."

Amara trailed on softly, Irene caress her hair gently while listening to her.

"Hmm.. So should I also pack my things na?"

Amara realized it quick, she looks at her mother unbelievably. Irene chuckles with her daughter's reaction.

"You'll go with me?"

Amara asked excitedly, Irene softly nods as the lady hugs her mother tightly. Irene kissed her head as she hug her back.

Amara & Irene knows that the family won't agree that Amara will be leaving the country again, the 2 weeks was shortened into one. But eventually, they can't stop the lady from going together with the mother.

By that day, they escalate it quickly, the grandmother reprimands the family to organize a family bonding which was obeyed right away.

2 days should be their family day, no cellphones nor anything that will going to distract them, the grandmother wants an old school bonding for her grandchildren and for the whole family.


Days went by so fast that they didn't even notice that Irene and Amara will be leaving exactly today, the family except for Imelda insist to drop them in the airport.

"The next time you come, make sure na hindi kana babalik ng Italy 'kay? And also, don't make it years again before you go home again."

says Patricia, she hug Amara tightly and kissed both of her cheeks.

"Yes tita, I love you and don't be stress too much.."

"I love you too, so much."

they shared another hug as Chris approached Amara while Patricia approached Irene to also say goodbye.

"Take care of yourself, take care of your mother. I love you and just call me when you need something 'kay?"

"Yes tito, I love you too and please don't overwork. Take care of yourself.."

Amara utters, she hug her tito Chris, Chris kissed her head and caress her back.

"Take care sweetheart, I'm sorry.."

the father, Greggy, apologized once again sincerely. Amara smile at him lightly as she also gives her a hug.

"Please give us a reason to comeback.."

"I love you.."

"I'll take care of mommy, don't worry. You'll just hear my 'I love you too' again when you fix this trouble you made."

Greggy kissed her head, he nodded and the kuyas proceed to bid goodbyes to their only princess again.

"No boys, 'kay?"

"Work only!"

"We love you Ara, take care 'kay?"

"We'll see you once again.."

Amara can't help but to shed a tear, she hug her manongs tightly. She's indeed so lucky to have them, her loving and caring cousins.

They wave their hands as they walk inside the airport, accompanied by ton of guards.