The two female reached the grave yard,they saw a shadow,on one of the grave,the two female walk towards the grave and the shadow disappeared,they look at the grave it was Andy grave...!
Tsubaki-"its Andy grave"
Chiki-"yes and who shadow was that"
Tsubaki-"it was a Female shadow"she said..!
Chiki-"but who"she asked..!
Summer-"maybe someone from his family"she answered...!
Summer-"hey Andy how are you there,I hope you can living happily"she said with sad smile...!
Chiki-"I don't get it how can an angel die"she asked...!
Summer-"I know why are you asking this,but I heard once from Andy that there is a special weapon which can kill an angel,when there was war between demons and angels demons made a specail weapon to kill the angels,so they can rule three world's "she said...!
Chiki-"seems like he tell you everything"
Summer-"yes he was like my brother"
Chiki-"hey its OK don't be sad"