
Chapter 21:Adventurers Guild 1/2

You took Snow to a nearby cliff and transmuted it into a secret cave. Putting down the unconscious Snow down, waiting until she wakes up.

You:"System, I can summon her any time right?"




Getting the memories from the Shadow in the west, you summon Snow, putting her into one of the rooms inside the dungeon.



Board, you take out one of the E rank Jutsu manuals, you pass the chapter about Clone Jutsu and go to the chapter about Transformation Jutsu, making 2 more shadow clones, you practice Transformation Jutsu.



Catching up to Blacky by Teleporting to the kunai during the fight with snow, and using Flying Raijin, you found her carrying the injured knight.

Following behind them, you them enter one of the outpost you saw on the map. The way to enter that outpost was moving a large rock which covered a cave.

Seeing them covered the entrance back up, you think of what to do since you told Black you'll visit in 3 days.

Using your Eidetic Memory, you look at the map you got from Snow. Figuring out where the Holy Empire was, you head west, finding a road marked on the map and then followed it until you found one of the outer towns.

Taking out the biggest monster corpse you could find in your inventory, and taking off your Akatsuki robe and bamboo hat, changing into a light steel chest plate, leather boots, and paddings you walk towards the gate, shocking both guards at the giant monster your pulling behind you.

Guard:"Wow, good hunt today isn't it" he said with a little sweat, and nervous voice.


Letting you thought, asking someone where the adventurer guild hall is on the way getting weird, scared, and surprised faces.

Walking into the guild hall, "Can I register, and sell this here?"

A staff member walks up to you, she was wearing a red vest over a light yellowish long sleeve shirt, and a blue suit, blonde hair with pinkish end.

Staff lady:"Um, yes can you please leave that with us will you sign these papers, and wait in the training hall to be tested"

Looking at the staff lady face, you can see she's very professional. Taking a tip from another novel, you take out one of the cakes Alice made.

You:"Here's something for your troubles"

Seeing you take out a cake out of nowhere shocked her a little, but after smelling the piping hot cake, she happily accepted before asking a male staff members to carry the monster somewhere in the back.

Filling out the registration form, you put that your a name is [your name], a Magic Weapons Master, 21 years old, male, and left everything else blank. Giving the registration form to the staff lady, you guys head towards the training field, leaving you there to get your tester

Waiting a while she brings in a lightly leather armored Amazon, she has a big breast that looks like they're ready to burst out of she armor at anytime, and has a big broad sword on her back.

Amazon:"My name is Diana and I'll be your test for today, Ellie told me about the monster you brought in today so you better not disappointed me"

Murmuring 'that's a fitting name', You:"I'm very strong, what happens if I bet you?"

Diana:"You'll be put into C rank automatically. It's my first time seeing a Magic Weapon Master so let's see what you can do"

System:Ding! Mission:Beat Diana, Reward:10x[Jutsu Manual(Rank:D)], Skill:[(D) Fire Style Jutsu], 5,000 Dp

System:Ding! Mission:Become B Rank Adventurer, Reward:10x[Jutsu Manual(Rank:C)], Skill:[(C)Lightning Style Jutsu], 50,000 Dp

Looking at the missions, you nod at her, both of you guys stand at different sides of the field. Looking around you see other adventurers on the balcony around the training field.

Ellie:"Ok, on the count of three both of you start. Three... two... one, START"

Throwing your Kunai's around the field, Diana pulls out the broad sword from her back, deflecting the kunai's, running at you at full speed, raising her broad sword upwards she horizontally slash's her sword at you.

Tossing another kunai under her armpits and behind her back, teleporting behind her, grabbing the kunai you tossed, and giving her a kick on her back.

Flying backwards, Diana does a flip and sticking her broad sword into the ground to reduce her speed. Taking the sword out of the ground, "That was a cool trick you did there"

You:"Thanks, I'm very fast"

Diana:"Yeah, I could see that, well couldn't. ACCELERATION" seeing a blue light cover her body, you think she used some kind of skill because she doesn't look like that type to use magic.

Taking out Ichigo's Shikai, waiting until she passes over one of your kunai's, you use Flying Raijin again, teleporting besides her, and slashing her on the side which this time she blocks it with her sword.

Diana:"that's a cool sword you got there"

Jumping back, "Well I cant be a Magic Weapons Master without a magic weapon not can I?"

Diana:"I guess you right" charging at you again.

Wanting to test out your swordsmanship, you also charge at her clashing your guys large swords.

Getting pushed back, you see that's she's better at using the sword. Not wanting to lose, you start using Flying Raijin again, but most of the time she blocks or dodges your attacks, while thinking to yourself you should have marked her at the start of the battle.

Although knowing you'll last longer with your bloodlines, this is taking to long and is getting nowhere, so you decide to increase the intensity.


Seeing the reishi slash which she can't dodge, she try's to counter it.

Diana:"WARRIOR SLASH" Although her slash attack wasn't as strong as yours, it gave her enough time to dodge.

Diana gives you a serious look after your attack, "That was new, what kind of attack was that? I didn't feel any mana coming from your attack"

You:"Just another skill like yours, you shouldn't focus on that. Let's just finish this quickly so that I can become C Rank"

Diana:"Humph, don't don't think beating me will be easy, ACCELERATION, WARRIORS STRENGTH, WARRIORS SLASH"

Seeing the buffed slash attack coming at you, you counter it by putting you hand on the ground and making a stone wall then making a shadow clone. Leaving your shadow clone you use Flying Raijin and teleport to one of the kunai behind Diana.

Seeing your clone in the debris and dust from her slash and your wall, Diana runs at the clone. Before she could start running, you raise you shikai...


Not expecting your attack, Diana takes the full force of your attack. Taking the hit, Diana fly's at your clone; releasing the Jutsu, the clone turns into a puff of white smoke, allowing Diana to smash into the wall.

Shocking everyone in the room; most from seeing to beat Diana, some from seeing your clone, and one or two thinking about the whole battle and thinking about your techniques and attack you used.