Given a new chance at life….but who would have expected this new life to be the life of a God. This would be my take on Greek mythology as well as other pantheons mixed into the modern/fantasy world.
With the recent death of Zeus and the phenomenon that occurred, the Gods, like the humans, were not aware of what was happening, except one...
****Mount Olympus****
A woman can been seen enjoying a bath, immersing herself in the water as she did every day.
After a few seconds have passed by, a subtle glow can be seen around the woman, until it faded away after a few minutes.
There seemed to be now changes that affected the woman.
However, the bath she just soaked herself in was her famous water from Kanathos, the spring of water that restored her virginity every-time she soaked herself in it's water.
This woman was Hera, the Queen of Olympus, the goddess of marriage and family.
She herself was a woman of great beauty, having dark brown hair that emphasized her light green eyes. Her face did not contain a single blemish, a small nose, yet full lips, and high cheekbones. Her proportions are what any man on Earth would drool over.
A bountiful chest and a round behind that was expected of a goddess.
She was one of the most beautiful goddess on Olympus, and the one who held the most power, right under her husband Zeus...Hera.
Hera was someone who always wanted a "perfect marriage", a harmonious relationship between husband and wife.
Before she was even married to Zeus, after the defeat of her father Kronos, she was sought after by many other Gods, but many kept their distance due to her temper.
However, being afterwards raised under Tethys and Oceanus, she viewed their relationship between each other as perfect.
They loved each other, fostered many children and even cared for Hera as their own child.
However, they had a falling other, and they harmonious relationship was ruined, and Hera tried her best to help her foster parents get back together as that experience for her was the best time of her life.
However, they weren't able to and convinced Hera of that, leaving her distraught, but with a new aim in gain a marriage and relationship similar to how Oceanus and Tethys once was, the perfect marriage in her eyes.
After such an event, she became the patron goddess of marriage and motherhood, representing what she was searching for, and was clearly strict about it.
Her temper lessened and her outwardly appearance become motherly even without fostering a child yet.
However, under the lustful gaze of many male gods, she felt repulsed inside, but tried her best not to show it.
The one who bothered her the most was Zeus.
Zeus believed that since he "defeated" their father and saved his siblings, he should be the king and many weren't able to say anything about it.
Especially that this supposed "king" has "claimed" me to be his wife in front of the other gods, which definitely lessened those who approached me, but I never accepted him.
He kept insisting and insisting, but I never gave in, that was until that bastard tricked me and shamed me.
A hurt bird approached my window during a terrible storm.
I felt pity for the animal and took it in and cared for it as I changed myself.
I dried it carefully and took care of it as it seemed so delicate as I brought it closer to my body to warm the little creature.
As I was about the put the creature down to change, the creature sudden transformed into a man and jumped me.
I wanted to scream for help, I wanted to get out of this situation, but he covered my mouth with his hand.
I clearly felt he was more powerful than me as I couldn't get out and so as I looked at this man, I can't help but shutter.
There he was, looking me straight in the eyes with a lustful gaze, ready to lay ravish to my body... Zeus, the one who kept insisting, the one who never was going to give up, finally had enough and wanted to use force.
"You are now mine Hera, and I will make sure that you understand that YOU ARE MINE." he stated as he started touching my body.
I couldn't do anything as tears started to fill up my eyes.
I could feel him enter into me and as my hymen broke, a connection formed between me and him, as the breaking of my purity symbolized an established marriage.
He did whatever he wanted to my body for a day nonstop, and I couldn't do anything. I just accepted it as I understood there was no one coming to my rescue after the first hour.
My body didn't even feel any pleasure from what he did to me at all, I felt no tingle, I didn't orgasm, all just felt disgusting as he violated me for his own pleasure.
After all of it was done, he declared that we will be married in a grand ceremony in a week, and just left me there and continued on as if nothing had happened.
My dreams of a perfect marriage was ruined, I felt it that this man only viewed me as a tool, and now that I am connected to him, I couldn't be with anyone as marriage is a sacred contract that it broken forcefully will lead to death.
After Zeus announced our marriage together, everyone was shocked, but still congratulated the both of us.
Zeus accepted the congratulations with a proud, egotistical smile.
I put up a fake smile as people wanted to also congratulate me as my eyes held little light in them right now.
A few people noticed, but couldn't say anything about it.
My sister Demeter noticed as well and wanted to talk to me, but I didn't bother to spare a glance as I just wanted to be left alone.
However, she was insistent and dragged me away to talk alone.
I tried to keep a stone face, but understanding how she was really worried, I gave in and told her everything and cried my eyes out in her embrace.
"My own brother ravished me and now I'm forced to be with him...I don't want this,. After all I wanted in my life, I can never get it anymore."
I even brought notions of wanting to end it all, but she stopped me right there and yelled at me to not even think about it.
Demeter brought about this motherly care that was similar to our mother, Gaia, and I couldn't help but cry more and hug her tightly as she told me everything will be fine.
She told me to try and make better of the situation, as the "wife" of Zeus, and try to keep him in check.
"Maybe you can change him to how he want him to be..." she told me.
Of course I found her words ridiculous and seemingly impossible, but she was trying to cheer me up.
Of course, I had to agree with her on the fact that there was nothing I could do and just have to make light of this completely horrible situation.
Like she said, as his "wife" I should take some control over what he does.
I thanked Demeter for all of this and told her to be careful of the other gods that look for her.
Of course she just smiled, and left me alone a bit to think over what we talked about.
I changed up my appearance, and left the room understanding what needs to be done.
I need to assert myself as now Zeus and I had this connection together.
I will make him aware that he can't do what he wants.
'I will still get that beautiful relationship I've always wanted, even if I have to force it.' she told herself.
Sorry for the very late upload. School is taking up most of my time. Uploading will probably be more sporadic, but I haven't given up on this.
Creation is hard, cheer me up!