
The New World of Demon "EN"

Demian, a young university student of tender age, awakens from a mysterious dream and finds himself engulfed in shadows, immersing into a new reality full of wonders and dangers. With each step in this unfamiliar world, he discovers that his dreams may not be mere illusions, but rather memories of a past life or a call towards a grand destiny. Demian ventures into a realm of fairies, dragons, and ancient powers. There, he faces challenges that will test his courage, determination, and wit. With each new experience, Demian learns more about himself and the world around him as he embarks on an epic quest in search of his true purpose and destiny. As he confronts formidable enemies and encounters unexpected allies, Demian uncovers the hidden power within himself and becomes a hero destined to change the course of history.

User_Adf · Fantasia
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7 Chs

Who is this Strange Being?

The next morning, the golden sun rose above the horizon, illuminating the vast landscape surrounding Dracarys' lair. Demon woke with a renewed sense of purpose, determined to prove his worth and learn everything he could from his mysterious mentor.

Stepping out of his makeshift accommodation, he was greeted with a scene that took his breath away. Dracarys stood in the center of a clearing, surrounded by magical runes that shimmered with an ethereal light. Her scales reflected the sun's rays, creating a spectacle of colors that danced across the entire forest.

"Come here," called Dracarys with a soft but firm voice. Demon approached cautiously, admiring the magical display before him.

"Have you ever seen anything like this before?" Dracarys asked as she gestured to the runes.

"Never," admitted Demon, "It's amazing."

Dracarys smiled with satisfaction. "These runes are ancient; they contain the knowledge of the dragons. They will help you channel your power and control your magical abilities."

Over the following weeks, Demon immersed himself in intensive training, learning to master the magical arts and control his unique aura. Each day presented a new challenge, from intricate spells to tests of physical endurance. As the days passed, Demon began to feel stronger and more confident in his abilities.

One afternoon, while practicing a complicated spell, Demon lost his balance and nearly fell. Just then, a gust of wind lifted him gently, setting him back on his feet. He turned to Dracarys, who was watching him with a proud expression.

"You've made great progress," she said, "But there is still much to learn."

Demon nodded, determined to continue his training and uncover more about his mysterious power and his connection with Dracarys.

One night, as they rested by a campfire, Dracarys said, "From today, you will be my son," then began to speak about her past. Demon listened intently, fascinated by the tales of epic battles.

At that moment, a strange sound echoed in the distance, interrupting Dracarys' storytelling about the legends of old. Demon frowned, focusing on the sound, trying to discern its origin.

"Don't worry, I'll go see what it is," said Demon, looking at Dracarys with determination. "If there's an enemy nearby, it will be an opportunity to test everything I've learned."

Dracarys nodded with concern, trusting in Demon's training but worried for his safety. "Be careful," she warned, "We don't know what might be out there."

Demon ventured into the forest, following the sound until he reached a clearing illuminated by the moonlight.

Upon reaching the clearing, Demon encountered a mysterious hooded mage casting spells with quick and precise gestures. The hooded figure was focused on their spellcasting, unaware of Demon's presence.

"Fire Magic, Dragon's Flare!" exclaimed Demon, unleashing a wave of fire towards the mage. However, the mage reacted swiftly and conjured a barrier of metal in front of them. "Metal Magic, Impenetrable Wall!" declared the mage as the fire crashed against their defense, dissipating into sparks and smoke.

Demon was impressed by the wizard's ability to block his attack. He decided to use one of the skills he had learned during his training with Dracarys. Focusing, his magic enveloped his body, forming a kind of armor. Although it was not perfect and faded in some places, it significantly enhanced his physical abilities.

Determined to end the confrontation quickly, Demon charged towards the wizard at great speed. "Dragon's Fire Fist!" he shouted, launching a flaming punch towards his opponent. However, the wizard, seeing the attack approaching, responded with a new defensive spell.

"Metal Magic, Forged Shield!" the wizard exclaimed, creating a shiny shield made of molten metal in front of him, just in time to block Demon's fiery punch. The shield gleamed with a metallic shine, resisting the impact of the fire fist.

As their powers collided, Demon felt his energy rapidly depleting. His body, still not fully accustomed to the intensive use of magic, began to falter. The effort of maintaining his skill during the combat was too much for him, especially having trained alone for only three months.

Seeing Demon's weakness, the wizard decided to seize the opportunity. He extended his hands towards the sky and conjured: "Metal Magic, Titanium Spear!" creating a bright and sharp spear made of pure metal that hurtled towards Demon at great speed.

Just as the metal spear was about to hit Demon, a majestic figure descended from the sky with an imposing presence. It was Dracarys, who landed gracefully between Demon and the wizard.

"Stop and kneel," Dracarys said with a calm yet authoritative voice.

Demon, exhausted and sore, lamented, "Oh no, it can't be, I had everything figured out, mother..."

The wizard, in his mind, thought, "Oh, how did I get into this mess?" showing a concerned expression.

Dracarys turned towards Demon, her gaze softening slightly. "Demon, you're still not ready to use the Divine Dragon Armor. You were lucky not to die. I'm barely giving you a small part of my power for you to assimilate. But if you use it again before six months, your body will suffer greatly, and there will be serious consequences."

Demon, with a trembling voice, replied, "Forgive me, mother, I just wanted to explore my new abilities and see how far I could go."

Dracarys sighed, looking at Demon with concern but also a touch of pride. "I understand your curiosity, but you must be patient. Power must be used with wisdom and responsibility."

Dracarys turned her gaze towards the hooded mage and urged them to remove the hood. As they did, they revealed an unexpected surprise: an elf! Dracarys exclaimed in surprise, "Well, well, you're an elf. What brings you here? Your village is far away from this place."

The elf, with a look of astonishment, hadn't expected to encounter a legendary spirit believed to be "dead." Dracarys, after losing her only bearer, had decided to retreat to a place where no one could find her.

The elf introduced herself humbly, "My name is Nami, Majesty Dracarys. I was just sending a message to my relatives, letting them know that I was in this magical forest training. I have set out to be the first elf to be accepted as a mage by humans. For many years, elves have been discriminated against and feared."

Without warning, Nami cast a mocking glance towards Demon, who was stunned. In his mind, he thought, "Oh, what a lovely girl."

Recovering from his surprise, Demon remarked that he had thought she was dangerous because of the spells Nami had used, which sounded threatening.

Nami smiled gently, "I was sending a message in the language of my village. We use different words and expressions to communicate."

Demon felt a little embarrassed and replied, "I'm sorry, I had no idea. I should have realized."

Dracarys intervened, "This is a lesson for both of you. We shouldn't always judge by appearances or the unknown. We are all here to learn and grow."

With determination shining in her eyes, Nami approached Dracarys. "Majesty Dracarys," she began, her voice firm and resolute, "I have heard stories of your power and wisdom since I was a child. Being the only elf in this place, I have faced constant challenges and discrimination. But I want to change that. I want you to become my mentor, to learn from you, and to prove that elves can also be powerful mages."

Dracarys observed Nami with penetrating eyes, assessing her determination and sincerity. "Training an apprentice requires time, patience, and mutual commitment," she said seriously. "Are you sure you are willing to dedicate yourself to this path with all your heart?"

Nami nodded firmly. "Yes, I am willing to give it my all. There are only three months left until the tournament, and I want to be prepared to face the most powerful mages and prove my worth."

Demon, listening to the conversation, felt a mixture of excitement and admiration for Nami's bravery. He remembered his own struggles and how Dracarys had believed in him. "Dracarys," he said, "if you decide to train Nami, I'll be by her side to support her on her journey. Together, the three of us can go far."

Dracarys smiled, impressed by the determination and unity of both young individuals. "Very well," she said finally, "I accept to be your mentor, Nami. But bear in mind, this path won't be easy. You'll need to work hard and overcome many challenges."

Nami nodded gratefully. "I understand, Majesty Dracarys. I will do everything in my power to meet your expectations."

With the tournament approaching rapidly, the three of them prepared to intensify their training. The following days were filled with rigorous practice, spell studies, and lessons of wisdom. The bond between Dracarys, Demon, and Nami grew stronger, forming a determined team ready to overcome any obstacle in their path.

The three months flew by, with days filled with intense training and nights of deep rest. Demon and Nami formed a strong bond during this time, learning together and supporting each other on their journey to become stronger.

On the eve of the tournament, the atmosphere was filled with anticipation and excitement. Demon, nervous about the looming big day, sought out Nami to talk to her and perhaps lighten the tension of the moment.

He found Nami sitting by a stream, watching the moon reflected in the water. He decided to approach her with a playful smile.

"Hey, Nami," Demon began, trying to be casual. "Have you noticed that the stars resemble you a bit? They shine with the same intensity."

Nami raised an eyebrow, surprised by the comment. "Are you comparing me to stars, Demon?" she asked, trying to contain a laugh.

Demon, not losing his composure, continued, "Well, yeah. I mean, you're as unique and beautiful as a star in the sky."

Nami couldn't hold back and burst into laughter. "Demon! Are you trying to flirt with me right before the tournament?"

Demon, feeling a bit embarrassed but determined to continue, said, "Well, I thought maybe we could share some fun moments before the big day. What do you think about a moonlit walk?"

Nami smiled tenderly, shaking her head at Demon's persistence. "I appreciate the gesture, Demon, but I think we should rest to be in our best shape for the tournament."

Demon scratched his head, accepting Nami's response with a smile. "Alright, I'll try again another day. But remember, the stars are always there, and so am I."

Nami laughed softly, feeling grateful for Demon's support, even in his most awkward moments. "Thank you, Demon. Now, let's go rest. Tomorrow will be an important day."

Both of them returned to the camp, sharing a friendly laugh and reinforcing their camaraderie on the eve of the grand tournament.