
The New World of Demon "EN"

Demian, a young university student of tender age, awakens from a mysterious dream and finds himself engulfed in shadows, immersing into a new reality full of wonders and dangers. With each step in this unfamiliar world, he discovers that his dreams may not be mere illusions, but rather memories of a past life or a call towards a grand destiny. Demian ventures into a realm of fairies, dragons, and ancient powers. There, he faces challenges that will test his courage, determination, and wit. With each new experience, Demian learns more about himself and the world around him as he embarks on an epic quest in search of his true purpose and destiny. As he confronts formidable enemies and encounters unexpected allies, Demian uncovers the hidden power within himself and becomes a hero destined to change the course of history.

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7 Chs

Who is Demon?

As the magicians prepared on stage, in the stadium stands, spectators whispered among themselves, sharing their opinions and predictions about the upcoming battle.

"That kid is doomed! He's up against Lyria, what bad luck he has!" exclaimed a spectator, shaking his head in sorrow.

"It's true, Lyria is one of the best magicians in the tournament. Her control over water is impressive. I don't think Demon stands a chance against her," added another spectator, watching the stage with interest.

"She has been training for years and has much more experience," commented an older woman, her voice full of conviction.

Among the crowd, Nami listened attentively to the spectators' comments. Hearing the doubt and judgments about Demon, her face hardened.

"These people don't know what Demon is capable of," murmured Nami to herself, crossing her arms with determination. "I'm sure he will be the one to emerge victorious."

The murmurs and comments continued, with most spectators showing skepticism about Demon's chances in the battle against Lyria. Despite the doubts, everyone was eager to see how the confrontation would unfold, hoping for an exciting spectacle regardless of the outcome.

The lights focused on the stage, and the commentator took his microphone, filling the air with his excited voice.

"Ladies and gentlemen! The next battle promises to be one full of excitement and surprises! Get ready to witness a clash between two exceptional magicians!" announced the commentator, his enthusiasm resonating throughout the stadium.

"In the right corner, we have Lyria, a master in the art of water magic. Her control and precision are known throughout Thalassar. She is a formidable contender who has left an indelible mark on the hearts of spectators with her extraordinary skills!"

The crowd applauded and cheered as Lyria waved, a confident smile on her face, her eyes sparkling with determination.

"And in the left corner, we present Demon, a magician specialized in fire. Although he is new to the scene, don't underestimate his abilities. His fiery talent and overflowing passion have led him to overcome obstacles and challenges, reaching this point to face the best. He's ready to light up the arena with his magic and prove his worth!"

The commentator continued, "In response to the whispers of the audience, Demon raises his arm with strength, showing his determination and confidence! The energy in the arena is palpable, and we are about to witness a battle that will surely be engraved in the history of the tournament!"

The confrontation began with a palpable tension in the air. Lyria, with her grace and elegance, began to cast her spells. Whispering words, she slid her hands in a fluid motion and cast: "Waves of the Deep Sea."

Suddenly, giant waves with shimmering reflections emerged from the ground, advancing swiftly towards Demon. The spectators in the stands were left in awe, murmuring: "What incredible magical power!"

Demon, undeterred, raised his hand and shouted: "Dragon's Divine Flare!" An intense flare in the shape of a dragon emerged from his fingers, advancing voraciously towards the waves, evaporating them in its path. The spectators rose from their seats, applauding and cheering for the young magician's impressive counterattack.

Lyria, with a cunning smile, created a shield of water that blocked Demon's flare. Without wasting time, she continued with her next spell, "Abyssal Tornado." A whirlpool of water formed around Demon, seeking to drag him and disorient him. The shouts and applause of the townspeople filled the stadium as they watched the spectacle of the water's strength in action.

But Demon had his own plans. With a quick movement, he invoked "Fireballs," hurling multiple blazing spheres towards Lyria. The audience held their breath, watching as Lyria agilely dodged each fireball, leaving behind small trails of steam.

Impressed by Demon's resilience, Lyria decided to increase the intensity. She extended her arms and proclaimed, "Celestial Cascade." Drops of pure water, shining like stars, descended from the sky, each colder and more piercing than the last, threatening to bring down Demon. The spectators were left breathless, witnessing Lyria's powerful and majestic attack.

The stadium echoed with the excitement of the battle. The tension between Demon and Lyria grew with each spell cast and every defense executed. The two wizards stared at each other, fierce determination in their eyes.

Lyria, with her hair waving in the wind, smiled confidently and said, "It seems you have some fire in you, but water always finds its way." She extended her hands towards Demon and uttered, "Water Reflection." The field filled with water mirrors reflecting the sunlight, creating a dazzling effect.

Seeing the mirrors, Demon realized that each reflection of Lyria was moving and casting its own spells. Skillfully, he began to hurl his fireballs towards the mirrors, trying to shatter them. As he did so, Lyria seized the distraction and conjured "Crystal Prison," forming crystal chains that attempted to trap Demon.

"Nice trick," murmured Demon, burning the chains with small flames emanating from his fingers. "But how about this?" he said, raising his hands towards the sky and shouting, "Burning Stars." From the sky descended stars glowing with fire, falling like meteors towards Lyria.

Lyria, agilely, created a water wall in front of her, trying to stop the meteors. However, some managed to break through and hit the ground, creating small explosions that illuminated the stadium with flashes of light.

"It's impressive," admitted Lyria, as she conjured "Celestial Cascade" once more. A large waterfall formed behind her, with water flowing and surrounding her in a watery dance, attempting to disorient Demon.

Demon, with a cunning smile, prepared himself. With a quick movement, he invoked "Flame Storm." A whirlwind of flames formed around Lyria, countering her cascade and engulfing her in flames.

As the spells clashed in the air, Demon and Lyria communicated through their gazes. Despite the intensity of the battle, both wizards acknowledged each other's talent and skill. This battle was not just a display of power but also an exchange of mutual respect and admiration.

The stadium was silent, except for the clashes of magic and occasional voices of the wizards. The crowd was engrossed, following every move, every spell, every gesture of the two powerful combatants.

The battle between Demon and Lyria continued, and each spell cast was more impressive and powerful than the last. The arena was filled with magical energy, lighting up the stadium and leaving all spectators on the edge of their seats.

Lyria, with her grace and confidence, looked at Demon and said, "It seems you need a bit more of a challenge." With an elegant gesture, she whispered, "Devastating Wave." From the ground sprouted a massive wave of water that surged towards Demon with impressive force, threatening to engulf him.

Demon, surprised by the magnitude of the spell, quickly invoked a wall of fire to protect himself. However, the wave was powerful and managed to extinguish part of his fire barrier, leaving him vulnerable.

Demon, showing fierce determination on his face, responded firmly: "Don't get confused, Lyria. I still have more to show you."

He extended his hands and conjured "Twin Dragon Explosion," launching two enormous fire dragons towards Lyria. The dragons roared and advanced with determination, leaving a trail of flames behind them.

Lyria, with a playful smile, made a circular gesture with her hand and exclaimed, "Sea Cyclone." The water rose in spirals around the fire dragons, attempting to extinguish them. Despite the dragons' efforts to stay strong, they were gradually consumed by the cyclone, being extinguished and disappearing into the watery vortex.

Demon, seeing his dragons defeated, knew he needed to step up his game. He took a deep breath and channeled more energy, preparing for his next spell.

Lyria, seeing the determination in Demon's eyes, smiled and said, "Come on, show me what you've got." Without waiting for his response, she conjured "Crushing Typhoon." A massive water typhoon formed above Demon, descending forcefully upon him, threatening to crush him with its weight and power.

Demon, feeling the pressure of the typhoon, knew he had to act fast. He concentrated all his energy and cast "Draconian Inferno," creating a sphere of blazing fire that rose towards the typhoon. Fire and water collided, creating a spectacular display of steam and elemental clash in the sky.

Despite his effort, Demon was clearly in a tough spot, battling against Lyria's superiority. However, his determination and passion for fire magic did not wane, and he was determined to give it his all in this epic battle against Lyria.

The crowd watched with awe and excitement, each spell cast fueling their enthusiasm. The comments didn't stop:

"Incredible! Lyria is dominating!"

"I can't believe it! Demon is really fighting against all odds!"

Nami, with her eyes fixed on the battle, clenched her fists. "I hope Demon can turn this around," she murmured to herself. "I know he can do it."

Meanwhile, in the shadows, the Bearers continued to watch with interest. The intensity of the battle, the skill of both wizards, and that familiar aura surrounding Demon had them completely captivated.

Oracle, with a furrowed brow, commented: "Lyria is undoubtedly powerful, but there's something about Demon that reminds me of someone I knew long ago. It's as if he's channeling an ancestral power."

Terrawind nodded, "I agree. There's a deeper connection here than just a battle between two talented wizards."

As the battle progressed, the spells became more dazzling and spectacular. Demon, though outmatched at times, displayed unwavering resilience and determination. His fire spells grew more intense, while Lyria, with her water magic, responded with unmatched grace and skill.

The arena trembled with the force of the spells, the air filled with magical energy, and the audience remained on the edge of their seats, unsure of who would emerge victorious from this epic showdown.

The commentator, trying to keep up with the action, exclaimed: "What a battle we are witnessing! Both wizards are giving their all, showcasing incredible mastery in their respective magics. It's impossible to predict who will come out on top in this face-off!"

The tension was palpable, and the outcome of the battle remained uncertain. Both wizards were determined to fight to the end, and the entire stadium was filled with the sound of magical clashes, dragon roars, and the crackling of flames and waves.

The battle between Demon and Lyria continued to escalate, each moment adding more intensity and excitement. The wizards on the battlefield were fully immersed in their confrontation, but in the stands, the comments didn't stop.

"Wow, that girl Lyria has impressive control over water!" exclaimed a spectator with dazzled eyes.

"But don't underestimate Demon! That last fireball came close to taking her down," another responded.

At that moment, Nami stood up from her seat, her eyes filled with determination. "Come on, Demon! I know you can do it!" she shouted, cheering on her companion from afar.

Among the Bearers, excitement was also building. Luminthar, the Spirit of Light and Darkness, commented: "This is more than just a simple magic battle. There's something about Demon's energy that I can't ignore. It's as if he's channeling ancestral powers."

Terrawind, the Bearer of Earth and Wind, nodded. "You're right. This battle is a reflection of the eternal struggle between fire and water, between passion and grace. But I can't help but feel that there's more at stake here."

Oracle, always the most reserved, observed carefully. "Magic is unpredictable, and although Lyria has the advantage right now, I wouldn't count Demon out. True strength sometimes lies in the heart and spirit, not just in magical ability."

Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Demon and Lyria continued to cast spectacular spells. Each showcased their skill and mastery, but also their mutual respect and admiration. Despite being on opposite sides, both recognized each other's strength and talent.

The stadium was buzzing with energy, every spectator thrilled and in anticipation. The battle between Demon and Lyria had become the centerpiece of the tournament, and everyone was glued to their seats, waiting to see who would claim victory in this epic showdown.

Lyria invoked "Celestial Torrent." A series of water jets, as hard as steel, shot towards Demon, seeking to trap him in an aquatic prison. Demon, reacting quickly, dodged nimbly, leaving a trail of sparks in his wake.

"I won't let you take the advantage so easily," said Demon with determination, summoning "Ring of Flames." A circle of fire surrounded Lyria, crackling and roaring like a hungry beast. Lyria responded with a quick hand movement, dissolving the ring with "Water Mantle," a shield of water that protected her from the fire's onslaught.

In the stands, the comments continued. "This is reaching levels I didn't expect! Both are unleashing their best attacks!" exclaimed an excited spectator.

Nami, fists clenched, murmured to herself, "Demon, you have to find a way to overcome her!

Back in the arena, Demon and Lyria seemed to be in a magical dance, each anticipating the other's moves. Demon concentrated his energy and unleashed "Infernal Explosion," a blast of fire that covered a large area. Lyria countered with "Mirrors of the Sea," creating water mirrors that reflected and diverted the attack towards the sky.

Seizing the distraction, Lyria shouted, "Blinding Vortex." A whirlpool of water enveloped Demon, obscuring his vision and movements. Demon, struggling against the momentary blindness, invoked "Dancing Flames," creating serpentine trails of fire that cut through the vortex, dissipating it.

The energy in the arena was almost physically felt, like a palpable tension enveloping everyone present. The two wizards, Demon and Lyria, found themselves staring directly into each other's eyes, sweat and exhaustion evident on their faces.

Both wizards, with fierce determination, began channeling their last reserve of energy for their ultimate spell. An intense glow began to emanate from their hands, each focusing their power on a focal point.

The spectators in the stands were silent, captured by the moment, holding their breath, waiting for the outcome of this epic battle.

Lyria, shouting with all her might, "Demonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!" Her voice echoed throughout the stadium, full of emotion and determination.

Demon, feeling the intensity of the moment, responded with an equally powerful shout, "Lyriaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Their voices merged into a chorus of raw energy and unleashed power.

Both wizards sprinted towards the center at an astonishing speed, the distance between them rapidly closing. The two spells, one of fire and the other of water, collided in a burst of light and energy, creating an explosion that illuminated the entire stadium.

The explosion was so intense that a shockwave was felt throughout the arena, causing spectators to stagger and instinctively cover themselves. When the light faded and the dust settled, what remained was a smoldering crater in the center of the arena.

The tension in the stadium was palpable as everyone waited, holding their breath, to see who had emerged victorious from this final showdown.

As the dust began to settle, a brief moment of silence enveloped the arena. In that instant, Lyria's gaze drifted away for a moment, lost in memories that only she could see.

In her mind, memories unfurled like pages of an old book. She remembered the days when she was a young mage, struggling with simple spells, but always with a burning desire to improve. Her father, a mage of modest abilities but a brave heart, had been her greatest inspiration. Although she didn't have the innate talent that other mages seemed to possess from birth, her father taught her that with effort and determination, she could overcome any obstacle.

She recalled the afternoons they practiced together, her father encouraging her not to give up, to keep trying again and again until she succeeded. Although there were moments of frustration and tears, her father's support and faith never wavered. It was his love and confidence that gave her the strength to keep going, to never stop believing in herself.

Shaking her head to clear those memories from her mind, Lyria returned to the present, but her body showed the ravages of the battle. Unconscious, she lay on the ground, her breathing steady but labored from the effort.

Demon, though exhausted, stood tall, breathing heavily but with a look of determination and respect towards Lyria. Both wizards had given their all in this intense battle.

The commentator, breaking the silence, announced with an excited voice, "The winner is... Demon!"

The stadium erupted in applause and cheers, acknowledging the effort and skill of both wizards. Demon, with an expression of respect towards his opponent, raised his arm in victory, but his gaze was directed towards Lyria, showing deep respect for her bravery and abilities.

Thus ended an epic battle, leaving everyone in the stadium with emotions running high and eager for what would come next in the Thalassar Wizard Tournament.