
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · TV
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66 Chs


Terra Markov wasn't always like this. She wasn't always the apprentice to a mad man. She wasn't always a runaway. She used to have a home and a family. She used to be a princess of a European country, but she is now an enemy. To learn more about her, let's go back in time. The night that everything changed. In the Markovian Royal castle, the king of Markovia frantically walks around his bedroom.

"Dear, you should sit down. You have been doing that for the last thirty minutes," said the queen.

"How can I relax when our daughter is a freak," said the king.

"Our daughter is not a freak," said the queen.

"Then, what is she? She's not normal. Normal little girls can't manipulate the Earth," said the king.

"Maybe it's a gift from God," said the queen.

"More like a curse. It's embarrassing to even look at her. We are royalty, but our daughter makes us look like peasant trash," said the king.

"We are not peasants. Just because Terra is different doesn't mean that we shouldn't give her love," said the queen.

"Love won't change how much of a freak she is," said the king.

"Shut it, Hasser. I don't want to hear another word," said the queen.

"Whatever. You know that I'm right," said Hasser.

"Shut up," said the queen.

As Hasser moves closer to his bed, he hears a knock on his door. Thinking that it is his "freak" of a daughter, he quickly walks over to the door and opens it.

"I thought that I told you not to bother me, you freak," said Hasser.

"Freak? You don't even know me, but you are already insulting me. You don't seem like a nice guy," said the doctor.

"My apologies. I thought that you were my daughter," said Hasser.

"You call your daughter a freak? You don't seem like a good dad," said the doctor.

"Don't judge me. Why are you here anyway?" said Hasser.

"Your daughter is why I'm here," said the doctor.

"What do you mean?" asked Hasser.

"I'm Dr. Helga Jace and I have seen that your daughter has special abilities. The ability to control the Earth, am I right?" said Helga.

"Yes, she does. Why do you want her?" asked Hasser.

"I work with metahumans or people with special abilities. I want to test her abilities and help her learn how to control them," said Helga.

"She's fine. She doesn't need professional help," said Hasser.

"You called her a freak. You must hate or at least be terrified of her abilities," said Helga.

"I don't hate her, but she makes us look bad. A freak in the Markovian Royal Family would make us a laughing stock," said Hasser.

"What if I make her powerful? What if I help her learn how to use her abilities? She will turn from a freak to a guardian. A warrior," said Helga.

"You can do that?" asked Hasser.

"Absolutely. I do that all of the time," said Helga.

"How much will it cost? I know that you will want to extort the king," said Hasser.

"I don't need any money. I already have enough. I just want to help Terra," said Helga.

"This feels like a scam," said Hasser.

"It isn't. I promise," said Helga.

"When will you start helping her?" asked Hasser.

"I can start tonight. I don't have many friends," said Helga.

"Good. I'll show you to her room. Every less day that she is a freak, the better it makes us look," said Hasser.

"She will no longer be a freak in little to no time. Trust me," said Helga.

"I always trust the experts," said Hasser.

Unbeknownst to the doctor and the king, the young blonde was listening to them from the vent in her room. She continues to listen to the footsteps from the vent until she hears her door start to open. She quickly jumps onto her bed and pretends to sleep, but it won't fool her older brother.

"Terra, you're not sleeping. I know that," said her brother.

"You heard them, didn't you. They think that I'm a freak," said Terra.

"Mom doesn't think that you're a freak. Dad just needs to learn about you. He will love you as we both do," said her brother.

"But, what if he doesn't?' asked Terra.

"Screw him. You may have powers, but you're fine. You're normal just like everyone else," said her brother.

"I'm not like everyone else. Not everyone can manipulate the Earth," said Terra.

"Your powers may be considered weird, but other than that, you're a normal girl from Markovia. Once you learn how to control them, no one will consider you a freak. You will be special. You will be seen as a hero. A legend. No one will hate you," said her brother.

"Really?" asked Terra.

"Yeah. Why would I lie to you?" said her brother.

"Thank you, brother. You are so kind," said Terra.

"Don't thank me. Just stay strong and you will be ok. You can learn how to control your powers with your willpower. Don't allow haters and mean people to ruin you. Don't let them bring you down to their level. Show them that you deserve to be treated like a good person. You can do it. I believe in you," said her brother.

"I will, brother. I will show them," said Terra.

"It looks like she's waking up," said Jordan.

"Finally. It's been like a day. What did you hit her with anyway?" said Raven.

"I thought that you could read my mind," said Jordan.

"Only temporarily. You were in my head after all," said Raven.

"Do you think that she will give us answers?" asked Jordan.

"Most likely not. She is Slade's apprentice," said Raven.

"Maybe she isn't all bad. She started rambling about her brother for a little bit. Maybe his words will change her," said Jordan.

"I don't know and I don't care. She tried to crush us even after we treated her like family. She will give us answers or we will rip them out of her," said Raven.

"Maybe torture won't work. Garfield may be able to get through to her," said Jordan.

"I doubt that. He couldn't even get through her before she became Slade's apprentice. I doubt that he could get to her now," said Raven.

"She's lost and needs a friend. Garfield is her friend. He may be able to talk some sense into her," said Jordan.

"Or we could go to Markovia and kidnap her brother," said Raven.

"We can't just be kidnapping royalty. It would be an international incident," said Jordan.

"An international incident is better than Slade taking over the world," said Raven.

"You're right, but let's do this on our one. This is our territory. We can't get help every time," said Jordan.

"You're right, but what if we can't defeat them?" asked Raven.

"I can call some friends. They owe me some favors," said Jordan.

"Brion, please forgive me," said Terra.

As Terra opens her eyes, she is no longer a little girl in a castle. She is in a special room in Titans Tower. A room created to hold powerful supervillains.

"Where am I?" asked Terra.

"Your old home before you ditched us for Slade," said Jordan.

"You captured me? How?" asked Terra.

"You must not remember. I took you out with the help of abusing your arrogance. Now, you're stuck in here and we are craving for answers. Where's Slade?" said Jordan.

"I don't know," said Terra.

"Don't play dumb, Terra. We know that you know where he is. He blew up his old hideout and we don't know where his new hideout is. Tell us before we get crazier," said Raven.

"Raven doesn't seem to like you a lot, so I would advise you to not lie to us. Her father is a demon," said Jordan.

"I honestly don't know. To be more accurate, he took away that memory from my brain," said Terra.

"What does that mean?" asked Raven.

"She was wearing a suit that neurally linked her and Slade. He could have removed the location to his hideout at the last moment, so she wouldn't reveal it to us. It's a smart plan, but not smart enough to stop us," said Jordan.

"You're acting as you beat us. Why?" said Terra.

"Look down. What do you see?" said Jordan.

Terra looks down and sees that she is no longer in the suit that Slade gave to her. She is just in some regular clothes.

"Where did my suit go?" asked Terra.

"Victor is analyzing it. We will use it to track Slade down," said Jordan.

"How did you get it off?" asked Terra.

"I was trained by Batman, she has magic, Starfire has super strength, and Victor is a walking supercomputer. It wasn't very hard," said Jordan.

"Slade's going to be pissed," said Terra.

"He will, but you won't have to worry about him after we're done with you. You will both be in prisons miles away from each other," said Jordan.

"So, you want to know things, but you don't know anything about me? Where's the courtesy?" asked Terra.

"Villains don't get courtesy. Get to talking because I'm getting impatient," said Raven.

"Fine. What do you want to know?" said Terra.

"Where is Slade hiding?" asked Raven.

"To get to that answer. You will have to understand why I ran away the first time that we met," said Terra.

"We don't care about your life story. We just want to know where Slade is hiding," said Raven.

"I will tell you after I'm done telling my story," said Terra.

"Hurry it up. I don't think Slade will stay dormant for a while," said Jordan.

"Jordan," said Raven.

"Relax, Rae. I don't think that she will lie to us now," said Jordan.

"Fine. Your suspicions have never been wrong," said Raven.

"Good. Now get to talking, Terra," said Jordan.

"I was born to the Markovian Royal Family sixteen years ago. I used to be a normal little girl. Living a normal little life until I found out that I was a metahuman. It was cool at first until my father found out and started to hate me. He would call me a freak to my face. It felt like the love for me in his heart vanished. He tried to not speak to me as much as possible until he met a doctor. A female doctor named Helga Jace. He introduced me to the doctor and she seemed nice at first. She showed her true colors once she took me away from the castle. She didn't treat me like a girl. She treated me like a lab rat. She tortured me in her 'experiments'. She didn't care about helping me control my powers. She only cared about learning more about metahumans in general. After a few years of torture, I finally just lost control and destroyed her lab. I most likely killed her and the rest of her experiments, but I didn't care at the moment. I only cared about escaping. I escaped her compound and Markovia and fled to the States. When I got to the States, I spent a lot of time exploring and traveling. I tried to help at any time possible, but I always just messed everything up. There was this one time that I was taken in by a family called the Hendersons in Colorado. They were cool. They treated me like I was a member of their family, but of course, I had to ruin it. I tried to stop an earthquake, but I just made it worse and ended up killing them all. From that day, I made a vow to myself to never lose control again. I guess I thought that if you guys knew that I was very powerful and I couldn't control my powers, you would treat me like Dr. Helga. I didn't want to deal with that again," said Terra.

"Why did you agree to destroy us?" asked Jordan.

"Slade took me in when I needed a home and he agreed to train me. He didn't judge or torture me. He helped me learn how to control my powers and he made me into a woman, so I had to do what he asked. It wouldn't be fair," said Terra.

"He made you into a woman? What do you mean?" asked Raven.

"I don't want to talk about it," said Terra.

"Eww," said Jordan.

"He doesn't care about you. He just wants to use your powers to destroy us and control everyone. If he cared about you, he wouldn't have manipulated you into doing this. Whatever he did to you, he only did it to persuade you to become his apprentice. He doesn't love you. He doesn't even like you," said Raven.

"That's wrong. He said-," said Terra.

"He has said many things. He is just an evil man who is using you to help further his plans," said Jordan.

"Maybe he is. Maybe he isn't. I don't know. It's so confusing right now," said Terra.

"You wanted to kill us yesterday, but now you want to be friendly. What is wrong with you?" said Raven.

"A lot of things ok! I know that I'm a terrible person! I know that I'm an idiot! I know that I deserve to rot in jail, but I'm sorry! I didn't want any of this to happen! I just want to be loved even though I have powers. I'm 16 after all!" exclaimed Terra.

"Relax, Terra. We understand. There's no need to get angry," said Jordan.

"Why are you being so nice to her? She tried to destroy us," whispered Raven.

"I'm the good cop and you're the aggressive cop. I'm just playing my part," whispered Jordan.

"You know that I can hear you right?" asked Terra.

"Duh," said Jordan.

"So, are you sure that you know nothing about Slade's whereabouts?" asked Raven.

"Nothing. I'm sorry," said Terra.

"Don't be. We'll find out soon enough. Vic's analysis should be-," said Jordan.

"I know where Slade is," said Cyborg.

Jordan and Raven turn their heads and see Cyborg standing in the doorway.

"Where is he?" asked Jordan.

"On the outskirts of town. A few hundred feet underground in a hideout surrounded by lava," said Cyborg.

"He must have gone all out on making a new hideout after he destroyed his last one," said Jordan.

"There's no time to waste. We're leaving,' said Raven.

"But, we need someone to watch her. She could flip back to Slade's side at any moment," said Jordan.

"I can watch her," said Beast Boy.

Beast Boy enters the room and Terra immediately looks down.

"Are you sure you can handle her? You threw a fit yesterday after we caught her," said Jordan.

"I can handle her. I won't let my feelings get in the way," said Beast Boy.

"Don't mess this up. We can't let her get away from us again," said Raven.

"I won't fail. Not this time," said Beast Boy.

"We will take down Slade. After we're done with him, maybe we can get her some help. She needs some," said Jordan.

"She will have to earn that help. She has done too much damage to just get free stuff," said Raven.

"Only time will tell, but now in the present, we have to defeat Slade once and for all. Titans, let's hunt down a mercenary," said Jordan.

Cyborg, Jordan, and Raven exit the room and leave the blonde and green boy alone. Beast Boy stares at Terra as she only looks at the ground.

"Why have things gotten this bad, Terra? Just one month ago, we were eating pizza together as a family, but now you're an enemy," said Beast Boy.

"I'm sorry. I know that you probably don't like me anymore," said Terra.

"Who said that?" asked Beast Boy.

"Huh?" asked Terra.

"You're just confused. When I said that you didn't have any friends, I was just angry that you betrayed us and nearly got my friends killed. Now that I have had time to think, I don't hate you. I think that you can redeem yourself. After we beat Slade, maybe you can rejoin the team," said Beast Boy.

"I doubt that. I joined the team as a spy, remember? Nobody would want me here. No one would trust me," said Terra.

"Maybe not immediately, but after like a year or two, you can regain their trust or at least Star and Cyborg's. I don't know about Jordan or Raven. They have trust issues," said Beast Boy.

"My betrayal just made their issues worse," said Terra.

"Yeah, but you can fix it," said Beast Boy.

"Maybe. I don't know how," said Terra.

"Help us defeat Slade," said Beast Boy.

"How can I do that from here? I can't do much if I'm stuck in here," said Terra.

"I can turn into multiple animals that would easily be strong enough to break you out of your restraints, but not right now. Give them time to get there. Then, we'll swoop in and save the day just like old times," said Beast Boy.

"Yeah. Just like old times," said Terra.

An hour passes. Without the T-car, the Titans are forced to ride on Raven's floating transport. They find Slade's hideout on their scanner and land where it is supposed to be.

"So, this is it. Starfire, you're up," said Jordan.

"Ok," said Starfire.

Starfire motions for her friends to step back and they do. She then rockets into the air and rockets back to the ground, slamming her fists on the ground, causing the ground to crack.

"I'm up," said Cyborg.

Cyborg jumps into the air and aims his sonic cannon at the cracked ground. The sonic cannon destroys the cracked ground. Raven then uses her magic to engulf her friends into a giant sphere and slowly descends the giant hole.

"So, we will finally all face him," said Jordan.

"You're not alone this time. We will defeat him with ease. He can't take us all," said Raven.

"We will defeat the mercenary and teach him a lesson," said Starfire.

"But, he will just escape like he did last time," said Cyborg.

"What will we do to stop him?" asked Starfire.

"I don't want to kill him, but if we have to, we will," said Jordan.

"I'm pretty sure no one here has a problem killing that bastard. He is a psycho anyway," said Raven.

"We are almost there. Just be ready for anything. He may be psychotic, but he is a genius," said Jordan.

"No matter what he throws at us. We will destroy it and take him down," said Cyborg.

"Glad that you said that. Now, we're here," said Jordan.

"It's super dark," said Starfire.

"I'll light it up," said Jordan.

Jordan pulls out a lighter and lights up the dark tunnel, but maybe he shouldn't have done that. They are surrounded by hundreds of Slade Bots.

"Umm. Maybe we gave him a little too much time to prepare," said Raven.

"Titans, go!" exclaimed Jordan.

Even with the numbers not in their favor, the Titans continue to fight. Jordan uses all of his gadgets to defeat the Slade Bots in his way. Starfire spams her Starbolts and eye beams and Raven spams her magic. Cyborg blasts his sonic cannon and other weapons to crush the bots. They fight for nearly thirty minutes until they finally destroy the rest of the bots. Tired, the Titans slowly delve deeper into the cave.

"That took forever," said Jordan.

"At least we didn't die," said Cyborg.

"Now, we're tired. Hopefully, this won't affect our fight against Slade. We still have the power advantage," said Jordan.

"He should be in front of us in a few moments. Is everyone ready?" said Raven.

"Yes," said the Titans.

"Then, let's do this," said Raven.

Raven uses her magic to crush the wall in front of them. The Titans enter Slade's room, but he doesn't seem to move. He just slightly turns his head.

"So, you have forced my apprentice to talk and give up my location. I guess that I miscalculated your threat level and put too much faith in my apprentice. My bad," said Slade.

"It's over, Slade. We took down Terra and we will take you down. You should give up before you get embarrassed once again," said Jordan.

"I don't do that giving up thing. It's just not in my nature," said Slade.

"Then, I guess that we will have to force you to give up," said Jordan.

"I doubt that. My apprentice will save me," said Slade.

"What are you talking about?" asked Raven.

"I have returned, my master," said Terra.

The Titans turn around and see that Terra is holding their unconscious green friend by his head.

"No way," said Starfire.

"He said that he could handle her," said Cyborg.

"I told you that we couldn't trust her. She was just giving us her sob story to trick us into believing her," said Raven.

"Don't come any closer or Beast Boy will become Brainless Boy," said Terra.

"We won't let that happen. We'll put you down if you even try," said Raven.

"I wouldn't advise you to do that. Do you want to see Garfield ever again?" said Terra.

"You bastard," said Raven angrily.

Terra walks past her former friends as she drags Beast Boy's unconscious body with her.

"You have done well, my apprentice. I would be usually pissed off if you disobeyed me, but you brought the Titans to me. I forgive you," said Slade.

"I don't need your apology, Slade. You will regret it in a little time," said Terra.

"Why are you being so ominous?" asked Slade.

"Ask Mr. Boulder," said Terra.

"Mr. Boul-," said Slade.

Slade is interrupted by a giant boulder hitting him from his blindside and sending him flying into a wall.

"What was that, Terra!" exclaimed Slade.

"You should know this about me, Slade. I don't like people who hurt my friends," said Terra.

"What are you trying to say!" exclaimed Slade.

"I quit!" exclaimed Terra.

"You ungrateful little bitch!" exclaimed Slade.

"Get out of here guys. I can deal with him," said Terra.

"What about Beast Boy?" asked Starfire.

"That isn't Beast Boy. Just a replica made out of Earth. Beast Boy must be waiting for us outside," said Jordan.

"Yes, so get out of here. As a hero, it's my job to deal with psychos like him," said Terra.

"Destroy him," said Cyborg.

"I will," said Terra.

The Titans run back through the tunnel as the blonde stares down her former master. She then positions her hands in front of her as Slade runs towards her. She sends a large variety of rocks at Slade and he tanks them with ease. Before he can grab her, Terra brings down a large column of Earth on top of him. She then grabs a giant boulder and slams it on him multiple times. She slams her foot on the ground and creates a large hole into which the mercenary falls into.

"Hopefully you get a nice seat in Hell," said Terra.

As Terra walks away, the Terminator lives up to his name and jumps out of the hole. Before Terra can react, she is punched in the face by Slade. Slade then grabs her by her neck and hoists her in the air.

"Did you believe that you could just betray me and beat me that easily? You're still mine and you will always be mine," said Slade.

"You don't control me, Slade! Not anymore!" exclaimed Terra.

Terra's eyes turn yellow and a yellow aura engulfs her, Slade, and the entire hideout. The base starts to crumble all around them as the volcano under them erupts. Back on the surface, the rest of the Titans stare at the abyss of the hole that they created.

"What's going on down there?" asked Beast Boy.

"Terra is dealing with Slade. She should be back any moment," said Jordan.

"I doubt that," said Cyborg.

"Why?" asked Beast Boy.

"Her power is causing the volcano to erupt. The eruption could destroy the entire city if we don't find a way to stop it," said Cyborg.

"How do we stop a volcano from erupting?" asked Beast Boy.

"We could, but don't have the materials to. It's up to her to end it," said Jordan.

"What if she can't?" asked Beast Boy.

"She will. I know she can," said Jordan.

Back in the hideout, Slade falls into the lava and is slowly melted straight to Hell. The only person, the only thing left intact is Terra.

"Garfield, this is how I redeem myself. I may not be able to rejoin the Titans or become a legendary hero, but stopping this volcano is good enough for me. Goodbye, Garfield. Maybe we can grab some Lemon Meringue Pie in the afterlife," thought Terra.

With one more powerful scream, terra uses the last of her power to stop the volcano from erupting, but she can no longer move. She has been turned to stone like a victim of Medusa. Ten minutes pass before the Titans reenter the hole. Beast Boy rushes through the tunnel and reaches Terra, but he doesn't smile once he sees only a stone statue.

"Terra," said Beast Boy.

"She must have encased herself in stone to survive," said Jordan.

"Can we get her out?" asked Beast Boy.

"I don't know, but we will try," said Jordan.

"Maybe we can use some of my magic," said Raven.

"Or my tech," said Cyborg.

"No matter what we use. We will save our friend," said Starfire.

"And we will have pizza with her once again. And maybe stop another villain or watch another movie, right?" said Beast Boy.

"Yeah, Garfield. We will," said Jordan.

Author's Thought Extended (Read this before the Author's Thought or it will make no sense)

13.8 billion years ago- Earth 12 is created

1,200 years ago- The island of Themyscira is created

1,000 years ago- Wonder Woman is created

June 6, 1934- Alfred Pennyworth is born

May 10, 1941- John Kent is born

March 14, 1942- Martha Kent is born

April 1, 1942- First appearance of Wonder Woman

September 7, 1946- Thomas Wayne is born

February 12, 1950- Martha Wayne is born

April 5, 1952- Alfred joins the English military

October 22, 1956- Slade Wilson is born

July 8, 1965- Martha and John Kent get married

September 13, 1966- Thomas and Martha Wayne get married

April 24, 1972- Slade lies about his age, joins the military, and is injected with a super-soldier like serum

(Read top first)

April 17, 1983- Bruce Wayne is born

February 29, 1986- Kal-El is born and sent to Earth

March 1, 1986- Kal-El is found by the Kents and is named Clark

May 8, 1991- Thomas and Martha Wayne are killed by Joe Chill

July 27, 1992- Barbara Gordon is born

December 14, 1996- Victor Stone is born

September 19, 1997- Jordan King is born

March 12, 1999- Dick Grayson is born

August 7, 1999- Koriander is born

October 7, 1999- Bruce starts to travel the world to train

October 9, 1999- Rachael Roth is born

November 11, 1999- Clark learns about his origins

April 27, 2000- Jason Todd is born

June 19, 2000- Terra Markov is born

August 21, 2000- Garfield Logan is born

April 9, 2007- Batman is first sighted in Gotham

June 17, 2008- Superman is first seen in Metropolis, and Azarath is destroyed by Trigon

August 10, 2008- Terra is adopted and experimented on by Dr. Jace

2009- Barbara Gordon becomes Batgirl, Dick Grayson becomes Robin, and seasons 1-4 of "The Batman", and the formation of the Justice League

2010- Season 5 of "The Batman" and chapter 1 happens

2012- Chapter 2 happens, Beast Boy joins the Doom Patrol after receiving his powers, and Batfamily's first dealing with Slade

2013- Barbara is crippled by Joker and becomes Oracle, Jason is brutally killed by the same man, Thanagraian invasion, Victor gets in his accident and becomes a cyborg, Terra escapes and is adopted by the Hendersons

2014- Starfire is sold to the Gordonians, Beast Boy leaves the Doom Patrol, Raven, Cyborg, and Garfield make their way to Jump City, The Hendersons tragically die and Terra goes on the run, and the rest of Season 1

2015- Season 2

That's the timeline so far. If I messed up anything, don't worry. I will fix it later. Enjoy the finale and have a good night!

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