
an awakening of a new day , a new me and a new school

Tomiaaaaaaaaaaaa wake up, your alarm is continuously ringing and you are going to be late" like an annoyed teen would she woke up muttering to herself in anger then she realizes that today she is finally going to Princeton high her, dream school and finally she is getting rid of all her foolish elementary rivals , she realizes that she will no longer see her long childhood crush josh " josh we will meet again my love ( sniffing and sniggering)" then her mom like all moms enterrupted her "Tomia start packing right now and please freshen up ,you are getting late , you will miss the flight. After hearing about the flight Tomia turns into a fast tornado. It was now time for Tomia to leave and she remembered about her dad he passed away when she was only 10 and she was miserable ,since then not even her mom could replace her dad 's love . She did not let her mom date anyone but that did not stop her mom from bringing Mr Jones home (Mr Jones was her mom 's friend and when her dad died Mr Jones was always there to comfort her which led her to fall in love with him) , to tell you the truth she hated him but there was nothing she could do about it , soon her mom and Mr Jones got married and her mom gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl , the worst part was her mom changed frantically after their birth ,she cared more about them , she loved them so much that she ended up maltreating her daughter , it was like these two put a spell on her mom , any mistake she did she would be flogged for it , and noone would let expain she would be blamed for everything hence adding one more reason for Tomia to be bitter about life .

I'm actually a new author and I'm still learning so please mind my mistake and about the book ,this book describes what many kids like me go through when they reach the stage of teenage hood

Tanaka_Nabasicreators' thoughts