
chapter 19: the vigilante of justice

I appeared in the forest and began looking around to see if I was in any danger.

there was nothing within a 10-mile radius so I began to think about what clothes I was going to wear here.

(IMG at the bottom)

I picked one that would suit my style and put it on and deposited my spare clothes in my inventory.

I began to check the timeline and saw that I was five months before canon meaning that Hestia was still in Hephaestus being lazy

I spread out my senses and noticed what I'm going to assume is orario. I was going to go at night so no one would know of my presence.

so I spent my time hunting the monsters or I spent some time eating food.

when night rolled around I began walking toward orario and I teleported on the top of the wall and made my way inside of orario.

I had time to spare so I did what what I do best.. kill criminals.

so in the night, I went around killing murderers or I crippled the betrayers. I then left a list of their crimes on a paper next to them.

of course, the punishment is also reflected in the crime.

murder = death

forcing upon someone = torcher then castration (approval from Artemis 😏😏)

betrayal = crippled

stealing (major not petty) = goodbye fingers

blackmail = crippled

that was for the major of the crimes though. with the money I got from the criminals I snuck into the poor houses and I gave it to them.

'my good thing for the day,' i thought.

I teleported outside of orario and waited for morning to start "registering" in the guild, so they wouldn't remember about me and I ate some pizza and coke and slept on a branch.

I woke up to the screams coming from inside of orario. this was my cue to make my entrance known, so I began to walk toward the gate.

"halt," one of the guards told me.

I stopped and waited for them to come to me.

"Are you here to find a familia or on business," he asked.

"familia," I said as I was soon let into the city.

I say people taking corpses out of alleyways or sometimes rooms. I continued my walk towards Hephaestus blacksmith shop.

entering was easy for this place, so I'm assuming they let everyone enter regardless of wealth.

I entered freely and made my way towards the office and knocked on the door.

"come in," I heard a voice say from behind the door.

I entered and closed the door behind me and looked at the blacksmith goddess.

"what do I owe the pleasure hooded person," she said as she looked at me with her one eye.

"apologies lady Hephaestus, I was aware of a goddess that needed a familia, so I came to join," I said with a bow.

she seemed to study me for a bit before she got up and walked to her room and knocked on the door.

"Hestia you have a person requesting to join your familia," she said as she went back to her desk.

there was some stumbling and the door opened to reveal a tiny woman around the height of 4'7 while I'm standing at 5'11.

(Percy was 5'10 in the sea of monsters, so I'm getting an estimate.)

"wow your tall," she said before pushing me into the room.

"so you want to join my familia," she asked.

"it was perfect for me to join yours," I said with a nod.

"what made you want to join me," she asked curiously.

"let's just say you helped me out one time, so it's my turn to repay the favor," I told her.

"Welcome to the familia then," she said as she jumped on the bed.

"Now take off your hood so I can add you to the familia," she continued.

'im already in the familia,' I thought as I began to take off the jacket and lay down on the couch.

she got on my back and pricked her finger revealing my "stats".

[Alice Jackson]


Strength:B 824 -->. 831

vitality: S 999

DEX: S 923 --> 933

Agility: S 999

Magic: incalculable


As a daughter of Poseidon monsters will go out of their way to kill you. (monsters catching your scent is up)

the one who slew Kronos (plus more monster drops.) (monsters attack you with vengeance)

The one who slew Gaia (earth attacks mean nothing to you.)

the one who stood fear in its face (even primordials don't scare you.) (Gods/goddess powers do not affect you)

the better Orion (Artemis's significant other)

(authors note: it was supposed to be there because "the arrow of Orion" isn't canon. so I'm told.)

demon king slayer (any demons will fear you)

£¥¢¥£^¢¥¢¥£¥¢^£¥¢ ???

hestia looked at my stats with a shell-shocked expression before yelling out.

"what the heck," she screamed.

a couple of seconds passed by and the door opened to reveal Hephaestus.

"what happened," she asked entering the room.

instead of answering Hestia just continued to stare at the piece of paper in her hands like it was a dream.

Hephaestus went to Hestia and tried to shake her out of her shock, which seemed to do the trick as she turned to me.

"What are you," she asked.

"My name's Alice," I said with putting on my cloak.

"I thought gods can't have children," Hestia said as she looked over at Hephaestus.

"They can't," Hephaestus told Hestia.

"then how can Poseidon have one," she said as she showed her my stats.

when Hephaestus saw them her eyes widened and she looked over at me again.

"wha...tha... how is this possible," she said in complete shock.

"so am I allowed in your familia," I asked with a smirk.

hestia and Hephaestus looked over at me with a peculiar faces, most likely as "why would you want to join this familia."

"you could have chosen any other familia, why did you choose this one," Hestia asked perplexed.

"I told you, "you" helped me out one time so now it's my time to repay the favor," I told her.

"she's telling the truth," Hephaestus sighed.

"so do you know a place where I can buy a place to live," I asked Hephaestus?

"depends on your price range. there are free houses or the ones that are priced in the millions," she told me.

I reached behind my back and pulled out around 50 million valis and gave it to her.

"Can you find a suitable house, I need to get registered at the guild and get that drama over with," I said as I did a body flicker.

I appeared outside of the shop and made my way to register at the guild and get this over with.

I walked around finally found it and made my way there, however when I entered every adventurer had their weapons pointed at the door.

(meanwhile a minute ago)

everything in the guild was lively and people were doing what they needed, they were either getting advice or trading in their stones from a "hard" day of work.

when suddenly everyone there felt a suffocating amount of magical energy causing them to raise their weapons and point them at the entrance of the door.

(back to our gorgeous MC)

I looked over at the people and began to walk over to the desk.

"I'm here to register," I said as I handed her the registration fee.

the red wolf gulped and handed me a paper that asked me for the basic information.

(don't say she's overused, I choose her because I had three to pick from.)

[name: Alice

race: demigod

level: 34

familia: Hestia

do you have any experience in adventuring before today (yes) no]

they only asked some questions like that, and I answered them all to the best of my ability.

"ma'am," the wolf looked uncertain.

"Is there a problem?" I asked.

"about your race and level ..." she said.

"if you are uncertain about it then we can go to the back and check it out," I told her as I nudged my head to the side rooms.

"Please, it would make my job easier," she said as she began to regain her composure.

she lead me to the room and asked me to remove my shirt and read the status.

I ignored her shock and put on my hood again. I swear this is getting on my nerves.

"Now that I registered I'm leaving," I said as I walked out of the door not forgetting to hide my "skills".

I made my way into an alleyway and used FTG and arrived outside of Hephaestus's office and knocked.

"come in," she said.

"I'm back," I said entering the office.

she looked up at me as she was messing with something in her hands.

"I take it you finished registering in the guild," she said as she looked me over again.

"yes," I responded.

"I bought a house as you asked, it is located here so you should have relative ease buying potions and getting to the dungeon," she told me as she pointed at the map.

"thank you for this Hephaestus, and as a thank you, I shall do you a favor," I said as I snapped my fingers and the curse behind her eye immediately died and returned to normal.

I left without saying anything or waiting for a response. I went to a clothes shop and bought a lot of materials for the dress and maid outfit I had to make.

since I was here and I can do something about it, I was going to make sure no one will disrespect any Hestia.

so I got a sewing machine and I began to get to work. making a dress was easy for me so I created one that I thought would suit her style.

I finished making the dress and put it in my closet for when Hestia got home. I then took a shower and got ready for bed.

I awoke around 1 am and put on the costume and began my vigilante business. I knew that after today the guild was going to most likely get involved.

'day 2 begins,' I thought.


(IMG for her traveling clothes) (choose 1 or 2)

(vigilante outfit) (1 or 2)

(img of Hestia's dress)

(let me know if you have suggestions, if not I'm sticking with it.)