
Controlling The Flames

Kyle ran deep in the woods as he saw animals of all different species running for their lives as the forest was erupting with fire. Kyle grit his teeth as he knew he had to find the source of the burning and put an end to it. He ran toward the direction the flames were coming from. He ran through the flames as it had no effect on his skin. He didn't stop running until he saw someone on fire. He froze as he didn't know who it was but they weren't dying. He quickly ran to the person who's whole body was on fire. He held his hand out as he grabbed their shoulders. He closed his eyes as he took a deep inhale feeling the flames get sucked into him. Once his eyes opened his heart sank to his chest. "It's you." He said as he saw a familiar face. The person collapsed to the ground as they began crying. "I can't control the fire in me. It's eating me alive!!" Kyle looked around seeing the fire not seeming to die down. He grabbed her arm while forcing her on her feet. "Come on we need to get out of here." She yanked her arm out of his grasp as she glared up at him. "YOU DID THIS TO ME!!!!" She screamed as her hands sparked in flames. Kyle's eyes widen as a fire fist went to his face. He dodge the punch as he backed up seeing the branches and twigs falling from above. "DON'T BLAME ME FOR THIS, I'M TRYING TO HELP YOU DAMN IT!" Kyle yelled back. Fire erupted up her arms and legs. Kyle let out a shaky breath as he knew the whole forest would burn down if he didn't act fast. "I'M NOT GOING TO FIGHT YOU!! JUST LET ME FIX THIS!" He yelled as he held his hands out. "FIX THIS? FIX ME DAMN IT!!" She screamed as she was about to fire her new ability at him. He didn't seem fazed as he simply closed his eyes with both his hands out.

'What is he doing?' The girl thought as she watched him focusing on his breathing. Suddenly she felt a massive amount of heat all around her. She looked around as her eyes widen. She saw the flames dying down all around. It was as if the flames were being taken away somehow. She looked back at Kyle as she could sense a strong aura that wasn't there before. Her mouth gaped as she saw the remaining flames around her die into nothing. She looked up as she saw the leaves and trees black. She heard a loud exhale. Looking back at Kyle she saw black smoke come out of his nose and mouth. He opened his eyes looking up at her. She tensed as she saw literal fire in his eyes. He walked up to her as he looked angry. She backed up feeling her body tremble realizing he was MUCH more powerful than he posed to be. "I....I'm s-sorry." She said out of fear as she was scared he would hurt her for what she did to the forest. He didn't seem to stop walking toward her as he was face to face with her. She looked up in his fiery eyes as he had a look that could kill. Her lip quivered as she didn't want to die. He lifted his hand up. Her instinct reaction was to look away as small whimpers escaped her lips. She felt pressure on her forehead as she suddenly felt light headed. Her who body went weak as she collapsed in Kyle's arms.

Kyle let out a loud sigh as she carried the girl over his shoulder. 'So stubborn. I think there's more to this. She reminded me of myself when I was younger. This same thing happened. I bet my dad can help. He helped me back then, he should now too.'


Kyle opened his door as he practically threw Y/N on the couch.

"Kyle, your home." A welcoming voice said as quick footsteps were heard going down the stairs.

Kyle looked up stairs as he saw his younger adopted brother running at him. He stopped when he saw the unconscious girl on the couch. "Uhh, who's that?" He asked while pointing.

Kyle didn't say as he simply asked, "Where's dad?"

"He's out with mom, why?"

Kyle breath out feeling slightly irritated. "I needed him to help me with something."

"That?" His brother asked while pointing at the girl.


"What happened?"

"She absorbed my powers and now she can't seem to control it. I didn't know what her ability was in the academy and they had me face off with her. She absorbed my flames and was holding it inside. She was going to die so I tried absorbing the flame myself but.. something happened. She's acting differently and reckless."

"Sounds like someone I know." His brother said while facing his older brother.

Kyle felt the vein in his head begin to throb. "Ike." He growled.

"Sorry I had to say it. But don't you think it's possible she can absorb someone's personality too?"

Kyle looked back at the girl he barely knew from the start. "I don't know her well enough to know what her full ability can do."

"Well dad isn't here so maybe I can see what I can do."

Kyle let out a deep exhale as he flopped on recliner. "Do whatever you want. I'm done. I had to save a fucking forest from wildfire."

"Oh shit, she did that? Sounds familiar."

Kyle glared at his brother.

"What, I'm being honest. You really need to control your sour attitude."

Kyle threw a fire ball at Ike as Ike simply caught it. Kyle groaned out as he laid his head back on the chair while closing his eyes.

Ike got curious as he placed his hand on her forehead. Closing his eyes he could feel the flames inside her. 'She did take his fire but it's trapped inside. There's no way of getting it out. She just needs to learn to control her anger problem like Kyle and I guess she needs to work on playing with the fire. Experiment a bit.' Ike let out a loud sigh as he let go of her forehead. He sat on the couch as he waited for her to wake up. He knew Kyle was too stubborn to deal with someone with his personality. 'Fire vs. Fire won't work. I know I'll be a better teacher then he can be. Until he gets off his lazy ass I'll be helping her I guess.'


Ike's attention was on Y/N once he heard her groaning. Ike stood up as he knew she would probably be spooked she was in someone else's house. Ike looked over at Kyle as he was passed out on the recliner. 'Damn, for him to absorb wild fire must have drained him. I hope I can tame her fire. I'll try my best.'

Y/N looked around noticing she wasn't at Molly's house. Her breath hitched as she took her surrounding in. "Hey." She jumped back as she looked at Ike. Her heart was going really fast as she felt her body begin to heat up. "Whoa, whoa, don't catch my parents couch on fire." Ike said as he noticed she was seconds away from catching her hands on fire. "Don't be scared, Kyle took you to his house. I'm his brother. You passed out in the forest, he just wanted to help you with the fire trapped in you."

Y/N looked up at the boy in denial. "W-Wait, you can.. help me?" She asked with a shaky tone.

"Yes but please don't catch anything on fire. Our parents will kill us. Well mostly Kyle." Ike said while holding his hand out. "Let's go outside. I want to see if I can help with your problem."

Y/N looked up at Ike with something she didn't think she would have, hope.


"Okay, I want you to throw a fire ball at me."


Ike laughed out loud as he looked at the confused girl. "Do you realize you have my brother's ability's and he's the biggest hothead in town? I can handle a hit."

"I'm not going to hit you."

"Ohhhh okay well in that cause you leave me no choice.

Y/N was left more confused until she saw him look back as her. "You know it was pretty pathetic you got your ass beat by my brother. He really creamed you at the academy contest. I bet it's because your a weak girl. You know girls really shouldn't be heroes. Your just a wanna be."

Y/N's eyes widen as instant rage sparked in her heart. She grit her teeth as she fired both her fists as the boy with a crazy amount of fire. When the flames went away she looked at the boy while panting. He had his hands out as he had a grin plastered on his face.

"Wow, I touched a button. Hit me again."

Y/N growled as she ran at the boy with her fists out ready to punch him. She was suddenly knocked back by a powerful gust a wind. She fell on her back as the wind was knocked out of her chest.

Ike walked up to the girl as he squatted down. "Your an absorber right? Have you tried absorbing someone else's ability?"

Y/N was still unaware of how he knocked her on the ground. She shook in response as she became curious to see what his power was. He offered his hand to her. "Take my hand. See what I got. I think it's the solution to your problem." She looked up at him as her heart accelerated in speed. Without hesitation she grabbed his hand. Her eyes widen as she felt a gust a wind and energy flow inside her veins. She felt as if the fire burning in her body was blown away. She was pulled to her feet as a relieved sigh escaped from her lips.

"How do you feel?"

Y/N looked up at the boy with a kind smile. "Amazing."