
The fight

The teacher then entered and asked Ji Xingyu and Si Yingxia to have a light spar to display skills.

The fight was not that intense with Si Yingxia easily overpowering Ji Xingyu getting the praise of the crowd and the teacher.

You could then see Ji Xingyu talking to the teacher before raising his voice saying "Chen Fan, I challenge you!"

"I can't do taekwondo but I can do Kung-Fu." Was Chen Fan's response.

"Use whatever you want." Ji Xingyu said gesturing for Chen Fan to go up as Ji Xingyu showed off some moves.

"Showy but not practical." Was Chen Fan's reply to seeing these moves angering many of the people present some saying "You're courting death!"

Ji Xiangyu then went in for an attack to which Chen Fan easily dodged before raising his leg high up then hitting Ji Xiangyu to collapse onto the floor.

This shocked the crowd yelling "Ji Xiangyu is soo weak"

Si Yingxia then rushed up and asked Ji Xiangyu "Are you ok?" before turning to Chen Fan and asking "We are all classmates, why did you hit so hard?"

"He was the one who provoked me, what about his attacks? What would you do if they hit me?" Chen Fan countered.

"Since you have such strength what about accepting my challenge?" Asked Si Yingxia as he then got in a stance.

Chen Fan then replied with "You want to fight me? I will not stop once we start."

"This enraged the crowd with many of them cheering for Si Yingxiaalong with the couch as he was biased to Si Yingxia.

They then began with Si Yingxia attacking first with Chen Fan easily blocking it and slapping him away.

Si Yingxia then tried to attack with a flurry of kicks with Chen Fan easily slapping each one away to which he then said "How about receiving one of my punches now!"

He then got ready and leapt to strike with the couch shouting "Watch out!" but it was too late and Chen Fan had already hit Si Yingxia using some Qi in the strike causing him to fly across the room.

Chang Wen then rushed to his aid to which Chen Fan then said "Don't worry he's ok, he will just be tired for a while. To which he then walked away with Jiang Tangqiu since no one else wanted to challenge him.

When they left everyone was shocked and were all making sure Si Yingxia was ok. Lin Zhao then stood up and announced "I challenge you teacher."

This caused everyone to awake from their stupor from what just happened and stare intensely at Lin Zhao.

"What gives you the right!" Many of them were saying.

"Teacher if you do not wish to I can just embarrass your favourite student. Although Chen Fan has already done so." Lin Zhao responded.

"Teacher let me fight him!" Si Yingxia pleaded to his teacher.

Chang wen then replied to him with "No your not in any condition right now and will not be at your best."

This made him quiet but then Lin Zhao said "What are you, scared teacher?"

The teacher then instantly replied with "Since you wish to spar I will take you up on then."

Lin Zhao then stood in the centre of the room facing the teacher to which they both get in their stances.

"Teacher you can have the first strike." Lin Zhao said in a respectful but sarcastic tone to the teacher.

The teacher strike with a palm for Lin Zhao to easily doge. The teacher followed up with many other palm strikes and a kick to the head to which were all easily dodged by Lin Zhao.

"Dammit! Why can't I hit this kid!" The teacher thought getting more enraged and now putting all his might into every strike.

"Teacher that was your 50th move. I think It's time you have a taste of one of my attacks now." Lin Zhao teased as he then vanished before everyone reappearing behind the teacher and hitting him with a palm that contained only physical power sending the teacher across the gym and slamming into the wall as the teacher fell unconscious.

This made the crowd silent and unable to even move as they felt pressure from Lin Zhao that they never noticed before.

"Well, then I guess that should prove that Ji Xiangu would not have won against me." Lin Zhao said as he walked out of the gym.

A/N: This was written yesterday but was set on a timer. Leave some ideas or anything you want to know in the comments. Not sure what I will do for the next chapter and for the upload schedule well~ I will try to do it as much as possible but I still have school stuff etc...