
Diplomatic Meeting's

The Trip from Arcadia the Capital of the Empire to Washington D.C was a 5 hour fleet. The Emperor's Plane has been designed by the Research Department to be able to fly for 15 hours straight before it need's to refuel.

This was thanks to the combination of Vibranium and Magic which when both stabilized was able to create a near infinite source of power that could power anything from cities, to vehicles, aircraft, and everyday appliances.

This hadn't been introduced in the city yet as it was something new but soon enough it would replace the Empire's Power Grid with this new energy source.

The Emperor's Plane was customized with the top defensive technology of the Empire as well as a High energy cloak device, Two Advanced Jet engines, And a High Tech Flight system which all consumed a lot of energy which is why the Plane can only fly consistently for 15 hours.

After that it would need to land to recharge the lost energy which would only take an hour if it's fully depleted.

Because of this the trip to Washington was a straight shot from his Capital.

Once he arrived his plane was escorted by American Jet's towards the Washington Airport where he landed. His 4 Escort Jet's had activated Cloak mode and began a holding pattern on top of his position at all times.

Once his plane landed the President was already waiting for him with a crowd of people who wanted to see the Leader from the New continent.

As soon as Jarvis exited his plane a ton of flashes went off as people quickly snapped pictures of the Jarvis.

Behind Jarvis was Ova and the other Dragonnewts or just Imperial Guards since that was their official title.

President Ford had approached Jarvis and had extended his hand out which Jarvis took. They both gave each other a firm handshake before they talked.

"So Emperor Jarvis welcome to America" Said President Ford.

"Thank you for having me, I hope our two nation's can form a good relation going forward" Said Jarvis.

"Yes there is a lot to talk about so let's head to the White House so that we can sit down and talk in peace" Said President Ford.

Jarvis nodded and was taken to the long formation of vehicles where he and the President got inside of the Presidential Limo while His Guards rode in another Vehicle along with Ova who was mad because she was separated from Jarvis.

Jarvis and President Ford talked for on the way towards the White House as the street's although filled with people was cleared up by the Local police and the secret service member's.

So the ride wasn't very long. Once they arrived they were taken inside of the White House where a room was already set up for their meeting to take place.

Both Jarvis and President Ford walked in and took their respective seat's.

Once Seated that's when President Ford begin the diplomatic meeting which could also be first contact with a new civilization.

"So Emperor Jarvis now that we are finally alone we can get done to business" Said President Ford as the appearance of this New Continent has already disrupted the trading between multiple countries since no ship's at this time was allowed near the Continent.

"I Hope that our two nation's can form some agreement's so that the world can be at ease. Already the appearance of your continent has shocked the world and also disrupted a lot of trade routes through that part of the ocean" Said President Ford hoping to calm this situation down.

"No worries President Ford I am willing to sign some agreement's and to allow this world's nation's ship's to travel in what I have claimed to be my nation's water's" Said Jarvis

"Your Nation's Water's? Questioned President Ford since didn't the Continent just appear, Then how can they already claim the water's around them. And plus that area of the Ocean is recognized as International Water's But since The Empire is a relatively new nation they didn't know this.

At least that is what President Ford believed but in truth Jarvis already knew that.

"Before the Appearance of your Nation that area of the Ocean was recognized as International water's with no Nation claiming them and as an unrecognized Nation in the world your claim is not legitimate" Explained President Ford

"An unrecognized Nation Huh" Said Jarvis as he remembered how nation's who were unrecognized were treated in his previous life. They were often left without any help and if they caused trouble the world would be against them.

"Yes, But we are willing to recognize your nation in exchange for the opening of your water's so that free trade can continue to flow through your water's. And In exchange for our recognition we just request the opening of border's between our two nation's" Offered President Ford striking a deal that would benefit both sides.

"I would be willing to agree to that if we also can sign a trade agreement" Said Jarvis since the United States had many spices and foods that he wanted to get his hands on.

"That is acceptable" Said President Ford as he reached his hand out to shake Jarvis Hand to confirm their agreement.

Once their agreement was confirmed the President Offered Jarvis to stay and eat some of their famous dishes but Jarvis politely rejected the offer and instead went back to his plane to fly to the next country which was France.

When he arrived in France of course his plane attracted a lot of attention so the Prime Minister of France had to fly Jarvis to Capital building in Paris so that the crowd of people don't cause any trouble.

Once he arrived and talked with the Prime Minister he had signed the same agreement's with France that he did with the USA.

And it was the same thing with the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, and Italy. But when he went to visit Russia his visit was different since the Leader of Russia President Nikolay had wanted close cooperation with the Empire.

They had even tried telling him that the other Major power's were just going to exploit him and his country for their benefit.

Jarvis already knew this and wouldn't allow it but he was still interested in what Nikolay had to say.

In Short Nikolay wanted an ally in the world that he could trust, and seeing this new continent appear that was occupied by one nation he knew that this could be a golden opportunity.

For now Jarvis didn't sign any military agreement's and only offered that in the future once the world was use to their presence then he would commit and get involved in the world's affairs.

For now though he would just only sign some Trade Agreements and open their border's with each other. They also decided to establish an Embassy in each other's countries.

After the talk with President Nikolay Jarvis had returned back to his Capital Avalon and had immediately allowed merchant ship's to travel through their water's and dock at their port's for refueling.

Once that was out of the way all Jarvis had to do was just wait it out until the major power's announce to the world of the agreement's that were made and such.

For though he was tired from all the flying and meeting with World Leader's so he went to rest until tomorrow to hear the news.


A'N: So for the next part of the story their will be a timeskip where I will explain all of the Major things that have happened since the Continent was revealed.

And also I am here to explain a little about the world.

During WWII Japan had successfully conquered China and turned it into multiple puppet states keeping the Chinese people suppressed over the course of 80 years.

Jarvis will first look to free and unite the Chinese people while also focusing on other affairs in the world.

This will be after the time skip once he establishes himself in the world and sometime have passed.

More Information about other countries will be revealed as time goes on and the need arises.

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