
The New Born Death Margin

In the Past Shiho Ame was a suffering little brat. he was bullied left and right by his family, by his classmates and by everyone . one day he was sold to the rapists by his parents. And then he was used but, after that he saw hope ..but hope betrayed him as well.. he saw that kindness wasn't the option to survival ... at last the very hope that he saw killed him.... but.. he wasn't dead yet he was given a second chance by death .. This is the story of our little Ame who seeks revenge against humanity > I also have a wattpad account soo..... all rights reserved

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5 Chs

Soul Bound Monarch

After the darkness appeared…. a black abyss awaited me. It was cold, harsh, but it felt right at home. I was destined to be here…alone…in the darkness

Surprisingly… It was not lonely… I don't know why but I get the feeling that I am being watched... it feels weird. And suddenly I regained my consciousness in the void ... it's black everywhere, no light can be seen.

I was floating… what a joyous occasion I am still fucking alive (┬┬﹏┬┬)

Huh. so, death also betrayed me huh… this is unfair…. I don't want this … I don't want to be here…. uhm… my head's spinning ... I can't move...I can only watch while I drift in to the deeper parts of the abyss...

Suddenly light came…. It wasn't what I'd expected… It was bright as the darkness around me but lighter (in short, its purple) it was a black hole …... it looked beautiful… I herd that these black holes exist to absorb and destroy matter as such no amount of light couldn't escape… HUH?! I CAN SEE?!!!! WHAT THE HECK

As I was thinking about how I can see after death… the black hole sucked me in …. It hurts I am twisting and turning, this feels worse than getting raped by those ugly Basterds…. I feel like vomiting uhm… my brain in going numb

I can't handle this no more…... am I gona feel this for the rest of eternity…. well, if it's me its ok…. I should just give up…

Yeah…. Resisting death will only cause more problems I should …. I should let it destroy me … then black hole -San please take care of me …...

As I awaited death by the massive black hole appeared in front of me … but death never came … instead now I was in a room…. It wasn't dark but rather it was lonely…. This felt too nostalgic, I don't know why... why am I still alive? Do I want to stay alive? I don't know anymore…...

As I sat there just thinking about my sanity…I was lost in my imagination … but suddenly someone appeared Infront of me…He was wearing a get black suit? A robe? either way it's just black I can't see his body... (he doesn't know how to describe it) … but he was handsome…. dude I'm a boy….and I still feels butterfly's when I see him…. Maybe it's those rapist's fault…

"Young Child Speak" said the unknown voice who appeared Infront of me…. I couldn't retaliate so. I just gave a little introduction…

"I'm Shiho Ame…A 16-Year-Old boy…. nice to meet you sir?" I said while stuttering

"Do not be so formal child"

"y…y…. Yes"

"You did not reject death but accepted it…deem yourself as one of a kind."

"... Yes, I will" I said nervously

"Child do you know who I am?"

"I am really…. really sorry but I have no idea who you are…. Please forgive me" I dropped to the ground and begged his forgiveness.

"Pft…. HAHAHA I just told you not to be so formal ei? This is the first time someone has rejected my orders"

"I'm sorry !!! please forgive me!!"

"it's fine child, now stand up"

He grabbed my shoulder and gently told me to stand…he was like a hero in a fantasy I only had the chance of reading

"As you introduced yourself … I'll introduce myself to you"

"My name is …... I do not have one… I Only have the name of monarch…. To put it simply I am the god of death"


I again collapsed down and begged for forgiveness…. (This is because he doesn't want to leave anyone, he met unhappy)

"You child is really annoying me now"

"I AM SORRY !!<I stood up right as I said that>"

"Child… I brought you here for a mission"

"w…what mis…sion (what mission)" I said half weepingly

"Do not fret…the mission is quite easy…I brought you here to acquire a <World> for me"


"Yes... I need you to conquer a world"

"Me??h…. how could I conquer a world if I can't even conquer the fear of death?" I said while half stuttering.

"Child have you ever heard of reincarnation?"

"Yes... in my previous world … that is but a mere fantasy"

"I'm telling you its real"

"So... you mean I can reincarnate…." I staired at him in a shock… this is just fantasy …. Just imagination. get a hold of yourself I said while punching myself

"C... CHILD DON'T PUNCH YOURSELF!" he said while shouting. I have no choice but to quietly oblige to his orders… although he was worrying about me… actually… when I think about it…. He is the first one who ever had worried about me…. It feels warm inside…. Why??

"Ok so... magic exists in this world Soo… it's your choice on what you can do ok…you won't suffer anymore" he got close to me and hugged me… yup I defiantly felt right at home … he actually cares about me … he actually does…I couldn't help but cry ... cry in his shoulders…. There were no other ways to convey my feelings… after all I got betrayed by the previous world... but... but death took me in… said that he would give me another chance, I can't waste an opportunity like this.

"Please…dear god of death …. please reincarnate me …. I will fulfill your every request" I changed my mind as soon as I stopped crying.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am"

"We'll if you consider me your dad I would…."

"I will do anything for the once I cherish… please farther reincarnate me"

"we'll I can't really decline a request by my son can I"

Suddenly several black holes started to emerge from the ground, destroying the floor and turning them into blocks... Those same block later turned it to circles of some sort.... then suddenly a sinister feeling came through my chest…it was as if I got stabbed through…

"Child. I may have to stab you in the hart is that fine"

"Yes, farther it is fine…as long as you are happy"

"So be it."

I felt a sharp object piercing my chest…it was not brutal … it didn't even hurt …. It just … it just felt warm… no bloodlust or anything … just pure intentions

Suddenly my head was ringing…

<System Being installed>

What??! What system hey nobody said I am getting access to a system (not that I complain)

<Registering (Shiho Ame) as (Frey)>

<Permission for skill tree granted>

I felt power… power … hope and dreams for the first time … what would I do … this is all too exciting ... this time I will not be the unfortunate one…. I will become…. I will become... I will become

*As I was in the mid's of finishing my thoughts I got reincarnated

Monarch's Story

I'm the Monarch of death (God of death). I who choose to rule over death…isn't because I want to… death seeks everyone….as such death scouted me out from the countless souls that had been consumed by that black hole... I consider myself to be lucky

In the past …. Or in my past life I was merely but a humble knight… although I wanted to be a mage my family forced me to become a knight regarding the family status…. That would be fine…if that's all it has…

As a knight I was the weakest among the order… it was common to see me get bullied….my wife cheated on me, my son hanged himself due to starvation… my mother killed my farther, my uncle had married my mother….in short, my life was a clusterfuck

I died the night that I found my "dearest" cheating on me with a noble… he was a baron… and he had a good reputation too… but no one would believe me if I said anything….so I just barged in… they were in the dog position it was going in and out…. then soon white milk came from the submarine tank… she was officially pregnant…

At first, they didn't see me barge in …. But after they saw me… they froze…

"Honey!! This is not what it looks like!! Hey say it"

"No … This is just exactly how it looks like"

"..." I Just stared in disgust I couldn't do anything because of his status...

"Now let's continue she'll we" they started to do it again…I was shocked on how she enjoyed the whole ordeal … she was moaning left and right saying I love you to a person that she just hooked up with….

"I. This ends here" I grabbed the hilt of my sword…. but as soon as I grabbed it… magic started to appear out on nowhere

<Fire Blast> said the baron… as he said that…I burned …. I burned to death, because of my wife I lost the last thing I ever had….my life….

As it turns out there is a after life …. A person by the name of shadow shows up Infront of me… I was currently in the void known as death… he gave me hope … he gave me dreams … thanks to him I have something to look Forword to...

I later trained… trained hard in magic, in swordsmanship and anything you could think of… but one day … when I went back to the void …. Everything was read …. Blood was screaming and reeking the smell of pure death. It was horrible.

I went to see what had happened to cause such a commotion...….


The moment of true despair came....

It was an angle…. a beautiful…. marvelous... angles

Standing on the blood of my savior

"Oi. Grab that kid" the one who looks like the commander of the unit of angles says

"Yes sire"

<Do you Wish to transform into the death God?> asked the world

"Yes!" I cried in rage….in furry the divine doesn't deserve to live. not anymore

<Evolution complete: Death God Sion Has Been Born>

After the evolution of the mids of battle slashed, burned, incinerated my foe group by group ... they never stopped coming and I never stopped killing. This went out for more that a month…. I wasn't getting tired anytime soon… so I just accepted that this would be my new life...

After months on end, I've killed more than 5 billion angles .... now I am just bored…. the same attack pattern … the same inferior skills…. how boring...

I just realized that I was God and have access to transcended magic…. I could use <Origin Kill> to wipe out the source of all these problems...<Origin Kill > is a skill which uses the mana of the one's you kill to eliminate every second and millisecond the enemy exist (more like erasing every second of their existence). But an angle is a doll controlled by someone … so this would be originally mean that the person who created the angles would die instead of them...

After 2 minutes of rest another wave of angles came rushing to the void… as I've built up more mana than I ever needed I using <Origin Kill> at the first angle I saw… time stopped and I traveled …. Traveled through every second slashing away the man who created those angles…. every second of his existence was erased from this world.

After that I thought the myself "Revenge feels so good"

The Day of Reincarnation – Monarch POV

"OH…. This is quite interesting... A Soul with a massive karma count has appeared"

"Let's check in detail shall we"

".... WTF...."

"This is higher that my own soul count which is over 200,000"

"This kid could be useful… he could replace me… no he could surpass me. plus, I always wanted a child of my own"

"I shall reincarnate him" ok…ok now I have to put a sinister act on… be proud of myself come on!!

Should I address him by child … oh he is bowing to be is this the "じこしょうかい" I've heard about...

Man, this boy is really cute>>> please call me farther… he actually did it!!!! ☆*: .。. o (≧▽≦) o.。.: *☆

I finally found a successor and a son well done me

Yeah… now I can rest for a while …. After this I am gona get some rest

Author notes – This was a really fun chapter to write btw do you like seeing emotions like this ╰ (*°▽°*) ╯

- I actually want to draw daddy… I mean the monarch here…. But I lack a quite a bit in drawing - so Just imagine Sung Jinn woo (^///^)

- Its monarch or God depending what you like

- next chapter when?? Idk either❤️