
The necromancer and the demon queen

just an op girl, with a yandere god after her

Scathach_ · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

chapter 27

here's one thing I would never recommend to you. getting carried by your shirt by Fenrir.

here I was getting carried by him, but it's not like it's my fault I got lost.

besides his saliva was getting all over my clothes and it's nasty, but he's such a good boy.

Fenrir put me down and barked, so I looked to where he was looking at and saw a heavily guarded place.

it seemed that Knoxville had already taken control of the dungeon of broken portals.

well, I guess some soldiers were going to be knocked out for at least 4 days.

I reached into my storage and pull out my homemade sleep bombs.

there were many chemicals in these things, and it's capable of knocking out people in mere seconds.

how do I know that? don't worry about it and mind your business.

"grenade inbound," I whispered tossing the sleeping bombs into the compound.

once the package landed it immediately began releasing smoke and everyone began passing out.

with them neutralized I began making my way into the mine with Fenrir following me.

we had a couple more guards to deal with, but other than that the traps were easy.

while I was dodging, cartwheeling, or rolling out of the traps Fenrir just walked through the walls, I then remembered that I too have powers and the rest became a cakewalk.

the moment we were finally waiting for had finally happened. Athena had finally found the portal.

it looked like how a standard portal would. trees making an outline and the portal in the middle.

I grabbed some paper and began writing a letter to vel.

[dear wife,

I am currently doing work that has cosmic importance. you may feel my vitals disappear, but know that I will come back.

you don't have to worry about my dying, after all, I still have our wedding to attend.

anyways, I might be gone for a while, but I'm leaving Fenrir in your care. take care of him, and also when I get back prepare for a majestic wedding.

- sincerely Athena]

I folded it and tied it around Fenrir's neck.

"Take this to vel, also if you see the church, avoid them. I don't want to charge the church to get my buddy back," I said scratching behind his ears.

"arf," he barked and turned and began to run away.

"so long friend," I said walking into the portal.

immediately I was in a space that was being ripped apart and it began showing fragments of different worlds.

I then crashed into a fragment and I immediately began to fall from the sky into a horde full of monsters.

(pov nexus)

"Father we can't go another day," the prince said.

"I know that David," the king said.

"the demon king and his army is going to attack again in 30 minutes as he did in the past week," the prince argued.

"I know," the king said getting off his throne, and he picked up the sword off the wall.

"this time I will be joining in the war," the king said.

"father you can-," prince David began to say.

"This may be the destruction of our city, but we will be known as the city that went down fighting," the king said equipping his armor.

"I want you to know that I was proud of the man you became, and unlike your sister, you will be a good king," the king left the room and headed to the battlefield.


"Tonight citizens of Nexus, WE FIGHT. we fight to protect the new generation of citizens. we may lose our life today, but that doesn't mean we will win. we may fall in battle, but that is the burden we fathers do to protect our children.

tonight we fight with all we have, and buy as much time for the noncombatants to escape from here.

tonight we fight with the honor worthy of the nexus empire. so who's with me," the king shouted.

"oorah," the sounds of hundreds of voices said.

the sounds of thousands of footsteps were heard and the monsters began to rush toward the castle walls.

"charge," the king shouted.

immediately the king and the soldiers began rushing forward, but suddenly a space crack appeared and a girl fell out of it and she began falling from the sky and fell onto the earth.

both the king and the demon army both stopped shocked at the sudden person falling from the sky.

we watched as she pounded her chest before she sat up and gasped out of breath.

"@$@#@$@#," she said speaking in an unknown language.

she looked around before seeing the demon army and dusting off her clothes. now that she stood up, we can see her whole appearance.

she had horns like the demon king, and her purple eyes made it seem like she could kill us with a wave of her hand, but it seemed like she was interested more in the demon's army than in us.

she then did something that stunned both me and my soldiers, she charged the demons army alone


hope you enjoyed it.

join the discord if you are interested.
