
the natures queen

a girl born different from everyone else soon forced to leave her home planet and lands on earth and makes a family of her own

wolfdragon_32 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

what are you up to

then i remembered when we first found her she was beaten so i guess she did something that she thought she deserved punishment for because ever since i have known her the plants wouldnt let her get hurt so if she was beaten badly then she must have let it happen. so she took the beating for four days before she told me she wont go back.while i was at school she was in the woods doing who knows what so when i came home i could call for her and she would come out and we would hang out together with my friends before they would leave for the day.when summer finally showed up devika was nowhere to be found.but i did notice a note: in woods would be there alot if you need me and cant wait for later you know how to get in touch with me...love devika.

i just sighed at the note because what the hell has she been doing in the woods everyday.when it was time to start school again devika told us she wont be going back.we understood and to be honest we figured she would say this so we just nodded,even if she was a human and was being bullied we would understand but she is an alien and her identity has been compromised.so since i already graduated and i was looking for a job all day and come home in the evening i would notice she would be in the woods again.i would just shake my head and go to my room,slowly but surely i started to notice devika being gone longer and longer.her stuff was slowly disapearing from her room.so one morning i followed her in the woods,i knew she knew i was following her because the trees would tell her.but i didnt care i needed to know what she does all day everyday.after a long ass walk and us getting deeper and deeper in the woods,we stopped at a cabin in the middle of the field in front of me.

was that always here?or did devika do this? it was a two story almost three,made of nothing but trees and it looked breathtaking.i went closer but the trees stopped me so i knew i had to ask for permission to enter so i asked " can you please ask the queen if i can enter?" i always use her title when i talk with the trees.the reason why i use the title of devika when i talk to the plants is because one time i forgot. i was talking with the trees because i needed to ask a question but now i forget what that question was and i knew i needed her help with something and i said devika instead of queen and the trees shooed me away from them like i offended them or something.