
The Narratives

The year is 2020, it's already so fucked up, but what would you do when a bunch of Aliens just thought we were an eye sore, and decided to get rid of us? They're fast, they're strong, They're disgusting to the core, and Smelly as fuck. What would You do to survive these vile creatures?

Jokah4320 · Ficção Científica
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Calm Before the Storm

"Hey John. Ma called. Said two suits came searching for you. What did you do this time?"

Some Random strangers enjoying the summer sun tries to conversate with each other.

"Fuck! Marty must've ratted me out."

"Marty? You got that little kid into this. John I swear if I find any more news of a bank heist and if it is connected with you or Marty, I'll kill you myself."

It seems like the John person is famous for being a criminal and and the other guy is just pissed of for some reason. Maybe he ain't got his part of the cut yet.

"I ain't done nothing this time, Sam. It was a job we did. But I swear we stole nothing. Just packing up on ammunition and guns for the coming storm."

So this John dude did some kind of deal. A gun trade maybe? Who knows. But enough of strangers. Let's move on to our Main character.

"You know, I don't think we should have come on this trip."

Ahhhh. Here is our main character. A stubborn, young white male who is always complaining about something. Let's see what the fuss it is this time.

"What is it this time?"

It seems like our little friend of ours is not alone.

"It's just a gut feeling."

Ahhh. The gut feeling. It will always be right, or just sometimes calling you to empty your stomach.

"Would you shut up. My name? Figure it out yourself!"

I'll give ya a hint. But not an easy one, obviously. The letter J is married with the letter K and had two little kids. A and C.

"Dude. You moron. Lay down the damn pronounciation too. Stupid!"

What did I do? ..... Ohhhh! My bad!

"What a douchebag."

I heard that.

"Your gut feeling? When is it ever right? You just need to take a shit. Just hang on we'll be there in a minute."

This one's a smart one. Unfortunately he is Jack's best friend. And not the main character. Keep it in mind. We're narrating the life of a douche. And now the douche is just rolling his eyes. Keep rolling, you might find a brain back there.

Wow, we're there already. I must've hit a time lapse or something.

"Hey. Let's go. They've already left."

You talking to me?

"Ofcourse. Dumbass."

Alright lets go then. We walk into the bushes. What lies infront of us shocks everyone. A huge rainbow with a dozen of unicorns running towards...

"Shut the hell up. This isn't one of that mystical, or magical type of story. We're just walking down the steps to go see the waterfall up ahead. Don't mislead the readers again. Otherwise I'll ask the british Siri to narrate this."

Alright. So as you know, this douche is going to see a waterfall. Ohhh. Who haven't seen water falling before.

"I'm serious. One more word out of the script and I'm replacing you!"

Ok I will stick to the script. *wink*.

"God! I'll just ignore you."

Hey don't run. I'm right beside you. These millenials. I tell ya.

"You tell me! Ever seen anything like this?"

You know, a waterfall from the back of a rock ain't t that cool. But seeing you shut up is actually calming. Nobody to atleast weird out a conversation with a gut feeling shit.

"Why do I even try!"

'Cause I'm the only one who puts up with your bullshit. Aside from your best friend it seems. Could've atleast just brought a girl.


Atleast I can stare at her if it means I will lose focus on you.

"Is it just my imagination or did you just express your inner pervertness?"

Guess I did. I'll just mute that guy for a second and explain something. I know you're thinking, what the heck kind of story is this. Let's just say our friend here is a little cuckoo and I'm that voice inside his head, and I guess you're kinda cuckoo too. Guessing that's the reason for you to hear me too. Anyways..

"So what's your approach to it?"

What? "Do not tell me you did not just listen."

Let's just say I got sidetracked.

"Sidetracked? Why don't I just sidetrack you into the damn side of the waterfall."

No, but I'd like to see you try. What were you talking about again?

"Have you seen Fred?"

Who now?

"Seriously! 2 years, and you don't know Fred?"

Let me put it into words you can understand. Who the fuck is Fred? Hmm? Better?

"My bestfriend."

That worked? Wow!

"Shut up. Now do you know where he went? He was here a second ago."

Yeah he went up. And said meet him near the Car in 20.

"And you're frickin telling me that now? I should fire you."

Umm I don't think you can. You're stuck with me for the rest of your life.

"That's it! I'm getting those damn medications the second we reach home!"

I know you aren't going to do it, chicken!

"Let's go to the car. I'll deal with you later."

Yeah something doesn't seem right. Why're there so many cops anyway.

"You! Kid, head back to the entrance. We're clearing out this place."

Ask her why!


"No questions! Go now!"

Wow. Better head back, without any injuries before she changes her mind.


"Did you not hear the announcement? And what took you so long?"

Never thought of Fred to be of the being concerned type.

"I was sidetracked, what's the big deal anyway?"

"Something about threat of armed dudes or something."

Better get in the car then.

"We're going! Fred just drop us off at the post office first. I need to get something."


Today is a not so good day. I'm bored!

"Keep silent for a while!"