
Will you kill me too?

She was staring hard at the dress wondering what she’s gonna do with it. She had seen Anika in something like this. Looking like she was trapped and couldn’t move properly.

He wants to trapped her too?

So she could stay with him.


That’s why he’s forcing her to wear them

Hours upon hours she was trying to figure out what the dress means.

But she wasn’t getting it.

Her eyes were still fixed on it. It was familiar. But she couldn’t seems to remember anything at all. Nothing she remember. The more she force herself the more her head hurts badly.

No matter how hard she tried. She was only hurting herself.

It was almost dusk and he wasn’t back yet. She was beginning to feel the longing of blood down her throat. The only feeling she couldn’t help was this burning desire to kill.

And now she was all alone.

She jumped down from the table and pulled off the coat she was wearing. She was more comfortable with her bare self. And this was herself, she crack her knuckles and stretched a bit.

Heading out for a hunt.

She couldn’t resist the urge.

Having a little fun, won’t do much harm.

Would it?.

Taking the path, Dixon took and she was out of the house. Walking down the street,

Stark naked.


Dixon came of the mall. He had decided to take his mind of some stuff. And shopping was the only thing that came to his mind. He couldn’t deny he thought of her now and then. She just had a way of interrupting his thought. He held the shopping bags. He had bought a couple of clothes for her.


He hadn’t even ask of her name yet. He doesn’t even know what she’s called.

He could give her a name right or call her what he deemed fit.


Scary alien.

He stopped a cab, tucking the bags into it, then taking his seat.

“Down east lane.”

“Alright mister.”

He pulled out his phone, and saw a couple of missed calls from Linda. He should call her back.

She isn’t the cause of all this. But he still doesn’t want her tangled up in his mess.


“Oh my, Dixon.”

“Am fine Linda.”

“That’s good, I feel really glad you called back. I know have been the worst mother. I failed as a mother to you both but please don’t hate your father. Take it all out on me please.”

“Stop this Linda. Albert doesn’t love anyone except himself. Stop trying to force it mom. It isn’t there. There’s no love there.”

“I know he loves me, and you two he’s my husband. He does. And am gonna bring it back. I bring the family bath together.” She sniffed.

“Hold on, Dixon, don’t hang up yet.”

“Is there anything you want us to talk about. Cause am sick and tired of hearing the name Albert. And if he tries to hurt you . I don’t care mother, I’ll pull him down.”

She cried into the phone. He count barely hear what she was saying.

He pulled the phone away from his ear, stuffing it in his pants. The only thing he didn’t wants right was to get too close to Linda.

Pushing her away seems to be the only way to keep her in the dark, then letting her get hurt.

Because of him.

He sighed.

Relax into the seat.

His family was all messed up. A complete wack. There’s no way it’s gonna be fix, they ain’t gonna be together as they used to be....

The driver turn, heading down the lane. And that was when something caught his attention, walking down the streets.


His eyes poked out of his socket. As if his head would jump off his neck. What the hell Was that!


He raced out off the car.

she was still moving around not giving a damn about the numerous stares she was getting.

Her body was clan in blood and the blood was dripping down from her body. Like she had a bath with it, it was a good thing her hair was long enough, which covers her face.

She keeps looking at the people, in a weird way, wondering why they were all many and look somewhere in that thing he gave her to put on. They were weird or is she the one weird here. It couldn’t be her.

Definitely not

She could vouch on that.

Even some flash her light on her.

She couldn’t tell what that is but it was but she had seen it with her Lucas holding something like that many a times.

Dixon, ran to her, he pulled her into his chest, covering her face and backing the small crowd, the cops will definitely be here soon. With the drama she just created. He wrapped her body in his so he was covering her and they began walking towards the car, he was making sure her body was totally covered in his. They enters the car in the same way.

Then sat.

He didn’t let her face being see by the driver either.

He buried her face in his chest. Holding her close. The driver tried looking through the rear mirror but couldn’t see anything.

He continued driving.

Towards east lane.


The door of the apartment opened and Dixon got in with her, still glue to him. After shutting the door behind him. He dropped the shopping bags and pulled her away from him.

His hands was on her shoulders and couldn’t help but run his eyes downward. He gasped.

Seeing the blood all over her.

Then look down at himself.

He was stain with blood as well.


“I told you to stay here. Didn’t I?”

She brought her head down.

“Why did you leave? Do you know what you just caused!” He was practically yelling now.

“Though this is a remote part of the city but still, you shouldn’t leave if I tell you not to. You’re mute but not deaf, that you didn’t hear what i said!”

“Don’t ever do that again. If you want us to live in peace and want me to keep protecting you. You do as I SAY!”

He pushed her aside and pick up the bags Running upstairs.

For a while she stood here hugging herself, then lean on the wall, watching the stairs, slowly Sliding down the floor.

She shut her eyes.

“I didn’t mean to, but I couldn’t help it.”

She whispered....

“I thought you couldn’t speak.” Dixon said, folding his hands.

Her eyes fluttered opened.

“I do speak.”

“Then why pretend you couldn’t.”

“Because am afraid he would hurt me again. He doesn’t want me to say anything. He’ll kill me”

That was when he made the final decision she was a psychopath.

Run out of a rehab.

“Am not crazy”

“How do you know what that is?”

“With the look you gave me.”

“So who’s gonna kill you now?”

“Human. He will kill me if I say a word.”

“Human? Who told you all these nonsense”

She nodded. Glancing around. As if What gonna kill her was coming or already there.


He shook his head. What was he expecting? She way more that crazy. He should add another adjective to it.

“Crazy scary alien. “

“Why is there blood on you?”

She looked down at herself. And looked at him. Them blink. Like She had no idea about what he was saying.

“Did you kill someone?”

She nodded.

“Are you gonna kill me too?” He tried to

maintain the tone in his voice. Speak to her as calmly as he was speaking before.

“Yes. Soon.”
