
The Mysterious Girl And Her Wolf Pack

THE MYSTERIOUS GIRL AND HER WOLF PACK. The novel was about a girl named Lily, found byLUNA and AURORA in a Enchanted Shadefell Forest, on their way to find REMEDORA CRYSTAL, the healing stone, to cure the sickness of the pack, after they were cursed by LUCAS, the powerful devil king. Lily had many hidden and special powers, at first, she didn't know, until she had a long dream and the dream shown her her missions. With the help of the pack, especially Luna, the pack Alpha, who later died before the war finished. The pack comprised, LUNA, AURORA, MIDNIGHT etc. LUCAS, has many abilities, he can control souls and minds, change faces and voices, he also control weather. Lily had many difficult hours while fighting with Lucas and his companions. Lucas had a son named Darius, who was an hybrid, his handsome faces was outstanding. Darius also had something that other demons didn't have. How did they meet? Who won between Lily, the powerful princess and Lucas, the wicked devil king? How did Luna died? Did Lily and Darius fall in love? Let's find out in the chapters....

MysteryPEN · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


Chapter 10

Luna wanted to go, but Luna stopped her,

"You can't go, because you haven't discovered your powers yet."

Luna blocked the way.

"Okay fine, how am I going to discover my power now?"

Lily asked

"Firstly, you will...."

"Let's go back home, someone is coming."

Lily cut in.....

Darius, a formidable figure, sat astride his powerful steed at the forefront of his loyal servants, their faces etched with a determined resolve. The rhythmic thunder of hooves against the earth echoed as they pursued Lily and her pack through the untamed landscape. Clad in regal attire, Darius exuded an air of authority that seemed to command even the very wind to obey his will.

Behind him, his servants rode with unwavering loyalty, their expressions a reflection of their master's intent. Each horse and rider moved in seamless harmony, a testament to the discipline and purpose that bound them together.

Lily and her pack raced through the wild terrain with a primal energy, their paws and feet pounding the ground in a symphony of urgency. The wind whipped through their fur, and their eyes shone with a fierce determination as they pushed their limits, their senses keenly attuned to the looming danger behind them.

As they reached the entrance of the elusive sanctuary, the door to starlight haven beckoned like a beacon of hope. The pack's collective effort propelled them forward, the promise of safety a tantalizing reality within their grasp.

Just as Lily was on the cusp of crossing the threshold, a surge of dark energy crackled through the air. Darius, his eyes ablaze with power, summoned his magic with an imperious wave of his hand. An invisible force rippled through the space, a formidable barrier that sent Lily hurtling back, her progress thwarted by an unseen hand.

The door to starlight haven swung shut with a finality that felt like a door slamming on hope itself. Lily, caught in the midst of the spell's backlash, found herself stranded just outside the sanctuary's protective embrace.

Her pack's frantic cries and her own desperate pleas reverberated in the air, like an echo of despair against the encroaching darkness. Darius, a cold smile tugging at his lips, watched with calculated satisfaction as his efforts bore fruit.

In that heart-wrenching moment, a stark contrast emerged - the sanctuary's radiant glow casting a bittersweet light on Lily's trapped form, while Darius and his entourage remained shrouded in the ominous shadows of their pursuit.

As Darius's servants closed in on Lily, their faces etched with a sense of grim determination, a sudden transformation overcame her. Her voice, once filled with trepidation, now carried a resonance of power that seemed to command the very elements around her.

With a defiant cry that rang through the air, Lily's words seemed to merge with the wind itself. A sudden gust swirled around her, like a tempest answering her call, as if the very forces of nature heeded her command.

In a breathtaking display, the winds obeyed Lily's unspoken will, carrying with them an unstoppable force. Darius's servants, caught off guard by this unforeseen turn of events, were lifted from the ground and tossed into the air as if weightless, their forms carried by the currents like discarded leaves.

The astonishment that washed over Lily mirrored the surprise that radiated from her enemies. Her eyes widened with disbelief, her heart racing in her chest as she realized the extent of the newfound power at her command.

As the servants soared through the air, their shouts and protests were swallowed by the rushing wind. The balance of power had shifted, and in this unexpected moment, Lily stood as a force to be reckoned with, a symbol of untamed potential.

The winds that had once seemed tumultuous and unpredictable now danced to Lily's tune, a testament to her connection with the very essence of nature itself. The tableau of bodies suspended in mid-air, silhouetted against the sky, was a vivid reminder of the forces that coursed through her veins.

In the seconds that stretched like eternity, Lily and Darius's servants shared a mutual realization - that an unassuming girl had harnessed a power beyond comprehension. It was a turning point, a moment where the balance of power shifted, leaving both Lily and her adversaries to grapple with the unforeseen consequences of her newfound abilities.

As the winds gently set the servants back on the ground, the air seemed charged with an electric tension. Lily, still caught in the thrall of surprise and wonder, stood amidst the aftermath of her display, her heart a blend of uncertainty and exhilaration.

Darius and Lily, two opposing forces charged with raw energy, surged forward with a shared determination, their eyes locked in a fierce gaze that mirrored the clash of elements they commanded. The ground beneath them seemed to tremble in anticipation, echoing the impending collision of their formidable powers.

As Darius advanced, a command whispered from his lips seemed to awaken the very stones beneath his feet. With a flourish of his hand, the ground rumbled as massive boulders were lifted into the air, dancing like marionettes under his control. His aura radiated an air of command and authority, a testament to the power he wielded.

In response, Lily's presence seemed to merge with the wind itself, a symbiotic dance that swirled around her with an ethereal grace. Her hair billowed around her like a halo of vitality, and her eyes blazed with an intensity that matched the storm she commanded.

With synchronized determination, the two charged toward each other, each step a testament to their unwavering resolve. The space between them seemed to shrink, their collision inevitable as the very forces of nature held their breath in anticipation.

Yet, as the pivotal moment neared, an unseen force seemed to intervene. A sudden, almost imperceptible shift in the atmosphere brought both Darius and Lily to a sudden halt, their forward momentum arrested as if by an invisible hand.

Their eyes widened with surprise, their breaths suspended in the charged silence that hung between them. The world around them seemed to shimmer, as if time itself had paused to witness the extraordinary standoff.

In that suspended moment, the clash of elements, the torrent of stones and the swirling winds, seemed to mirror the conflict within their very souls. The collision that had seemed inevitable was now suspended, a testament to the delicate balance of power that hung in the balance.

Their breaths mingled with the air, each heartbeat a thunderous echo of the energy that coursed through their veins. Their gazes remained locked, a silent exchange of determination, curiosity, and perhaps even a glimmer of understanding.

In the face of the unknown force that held them apart, Darius and Lily found themselves in a unique communion, a shared experience that transcended the boundaries of their conflict. It was as if the very fabric of their confrontation had been rewoven, revealing a deeper connection that neither could have anticipated.

To be continued...

What do you think stop them from attacking each other?

Chapter 11 loading.....