
The Mutation Madness

Mutation , a small and sudden change in the DNA sequence , but who knew this small change would've this big impact on the whole world. Krev was just studying for his Mutant Corp. medical exams , with a pen in his hand solved some questions on his tablet. Just then something hit him and in the next few moments his whole life changed. Let The Madness Begin!!! ×-×-× Chapters : 13-14 per week Chapter Length : 1000-1100 • I don't own the cover so if the owner wants to remove the cover drop a comment on any of the chapter.

sageT_T · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
131 Chs

•I'm a Mutant

The 4th time... I don't think I need to tell you about that time.


It was quite afternoon in City S , the street were not that crowded , the sky was clear with no sign of raining. On this pleasant day Ryan Will and his wife were out on a date , the hair gel he applied made his brown hair look a bit more shiny today.

Looking at the bright sky something caught his wife's eye.

"Ryan... look there."

Pointing out with her finger she continued ,

"Is that person going to jump down?"


Hearing his wife's word Ryan shifted his gaze at the top of the building infront of him , but he couldn't find anything unusual there.

"What are you talking about?"

While he said something brushed his left shoulder and he heard something.

"I hope I die. I hope I die. I hope I-"

The voice barely audible , it was weak.

Reacting to the voice Ryan turned around and was speechless at the sight he saw.

A crushed skull.

Stream of blood.

Red colour covering the street.


Ryan fell on ground looking at the violent red colour that covered his whole sight.


Before Ryan could even say something the crowd noticed the dead body and started screaming , some of them started walking away from the scene while some were running towards the dead body with mobiles in their hands.


Confused from what happened Ryan finally heard a familiar voice , it was his wife.

"We need to get your eyes checked."


Right after saying that she offered her hand to get him up from the ground , but for some reason he couldn't seem trust his wife. After being with her for 20+ years this was the first time he couldn't trust.

'I-Is this really my wife?'

"Come on , take my hand. We've to get out of here."

'Someone died... Someone died , right?'

He was in complete disbelief.

'Then why does she isn't a little bit if scared?'

There was body covered in blood right behind him.

"Hey , hurry up."

'Am I the crazy one?'

There was no change in her face expression , she wasn't startled by what just happened. She was right there , infront of him with her left hand in the air waiting for him , until she disappeared out of his sight.

She disappeared in the thin air , leaving nothing behind she was gone.

'Is this a dream?'

There was only one conclusion he could reach on , a dream.

'Yes , yes this has to be a dream. Jean was just right infront of me , she can't just disappear like this.'

"Wake me up... Wake me up from this dream. Someone wake me up!"

'Click Click Click'

"Hello , I'm calling from..."

Few people that surrounded them started clicking photos , fortunately some of them called the police.

'These people... They're crazy. Why am I having such a dream? And why does this feel so real!?'


With the splatter of blood on his face his illusion broke. Right above his head was the face of his wife spitting blood on him.

'No no no no no no'

"I'm sorry... dear... I should've told..."


"you this a... long time ago... Well I can just tell it to you now."

Ryan just blinked once and in the next moment he was standing away from the body.

"Just what-"

"I'm a mutant."

Right after saying that she took out her phone and pressed few buttons on it.

"This is Jean , Unique-87."

'My wife... is a mutant?'

"I'm going to need some backup on my current location."

'How long has she been a mutant?'

"Yeah. Is Humane-03 ready?"

'Why didn't she tell me anything?'


'Did she not trust me enough?'

"Of course I'm going to need 03 , the target might be the sinner that recently went on that killing spree."

'Hey Jean , tell me. Was I not-'

While looking at his wife he realised something.

'Ah... you're... different'

Her calm demeanor calmed his nerves down , his hands stopped shaking , his heartbeat started stabilising.

'But you're still Jean , right?'

"Okay , send then ASAP. I'll handle it till then. Also don't let this information get anywhere near the other division."


The sinner lying on the ground showed signs of life , it's attack on Ryan was a failure as Jean was able to arrive in time to save him. It's whole body was covered in blood , the face was so damaged that it was impossible to make it's face out.

Jean tore the bottom part of her white dress to increase her agility , with her gift she started rescuing the citizens away from the scene.

Humane Division Rule No. 1 : Rescue smartly.

Within 30 seconds almost everyone was moved from the scene , which was the problem 'almost everyone was rescued'.

Unfortunately one of the citizen was unable to get away from the sinner , although Jean noticed that person she didn't even try to save him. The reason was her Division's Rule No. 1.

Slowly but surely the sinner was recovering itself. It's shaking legs were somehow able to get it to stand , tearing it's skin numerous were peaking out of it's body. The crowd who was watching this scene from far away were terrified and scared for their life.

After killing the one person who was not able to escape everyone's eyes were fixed on it. Was it going to go to kill the female mutant that helped the people? Or was it going to escape?

While everyone's eyes were fixed on the sinner Jean took two weird-looking daggers from her shopping bag. The edge of the daggers were glowing emitting blue colour , to make things weirder she held both of them in the same hand.

'Ugh , luckily this wound isn't that deep. 03 should arrive within 4 minutes. I'll have to keep that sinner busy till then. According to the reports the mutant is affiliated with Grave Saints'

"Seven can't even control her dogs huh."

Saying that she launched herself towards the sinner , the people standing behind her were blown away the moment she launched herself. For the people watching she disappeared.

"Huh? Where did that women go?"

"Wasn't she here like a second ago?"

One part of the crowd started chatting about the female mutant that saved her while the others were more interested in the fight. Two youngsters who were present on the scene looked excited rather than scared.

"Hey , let's make a video. This will definitely blow up on ZTube."

"Yeah , let me take my phone out- Wait where is my phone?"

"Did you lose it somewhere? Ugh , we lost our chance."

"No , I swear it was on me a minute ago."

"Just leave it dude. Everyone except us-"

Just as he was about to complete his words someone in the crowd said ,

"Where has my phone disappeared?"

"Mine too"

"What?! I've also lost mine!"

While the crowd was confused about their missing mobile devices Jean made her first move and attacked the sinner. Nobody was able to see her , the only way people could keep up were by seeing the number cuts she made on the sinner.

"Just how fast is she? I can't even see her attacking that sinner."

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. The number if cuts went on increasing , but nobody could notice how Jean was pulling this trick. That was until Ryan saw something nobody else could , it was the walls of the building around the sinners.

'Just like that time , so that's what happened that day.'

The day Ryan was talking about was 15 years ago , it was a slow day he was watching a newly released series on the TV. He relaxed on his holiday while his wife was taking care of their newly-born son on the roof , it was normal for him to hear his son through the ceiling.

But something unusual happened that he still remembered , he suddenly heard his son cry not from above but from out of the window. His relaxed body became alert and he instinctively ran towards the window.

And fortunately enough he didn't see his son down on the street , just to confirm he ran to the roof to check on his wife and son. His eyes were wide open when he saw the peaceful scene where their son was sitting on Jean laps.

'Do I really deserve them?'

His son was awake but calm , maintaining the silence Ryan walked up to them and gave them a hug.

"Did something happen?"

To her question Ryan replied ,


After hugging them Ryan was still suspicious which was why he looked down at the street again , to his surprise this time he noticed a

'Huh? Was there always a pothole there?'


'Hey looks it's so tiny...'

'So small'

'Gray I thought you would be bigger than this...'

'That's so small'

It was not wrong to say that today Gray was having one of his worst nightmare.

"No! I'm not so small!"

"Hey , shut up. You're still in my office."

"Archbishop Seven?"

Shoot I forgot to kill Jean...

sageT_Tcreators' thoughts