
The Musical Cultivator

*WARNING* I do not own the cover page I just happened to find it. If the owner wants me to take it down I will. *WARNING* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel and I'm not that confident in my writing skills yet so sorry for anything wrong feel free to correct me thanks!(just for fun don't expect daily posts) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jang Hao a young boy has always had troubles getting ends to meet. Always losing something everyday no matter how hard he tries. He one day uses up all his savings into a set of books that could either make or break his life. With no more family and nothing else to lose, just what will his future hold for him.

8Shelly8 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Title at the end

Weeks has pasted since Jiang Hao has be stuck in the array, Jiang Tan did everything she could to break it herself being unsuccessful, she then brought her sisters Jiang Yue and Jiang Ling to break the array but even with their strength they didn't even make it dim. After a week of trying she finally gave up and just decided to watch the entrance and wait for Jiang Hao's return.

A month later inside the array Jiang Hao's corpse was lying on the floor undried blood all around. Jiang Hao body was destroyed and his soul was missing as well. Suddenly next to he body winds of pure Qi was being dragged into a tiny spot that slowly expanded. The golden bone then shattered being sucked into the spot which soon turned into a skeleton, Skin slowly formed as his old body was sucked into the skeleton disappearing. Next the organs and mandarins was formed and soon the Qi stopped getting sucked in and all went still.

Left in it's place was a handsome male body in it's prime of 20. It was 2 meters tall, Long flowing black hair going down to his hips, perfectly toned body, with jade white skin that will make any female filled with envy. Not surprisingly it was naked and soon a small wisp entered the body. A few days have pasted since then and the body twitched before opening his eyes revealing almost black eyes. "I'm alive?" The person suddenly spoke. This person was none other than Jiang Hao who some how managed to survive that calamity.

Standing up Jiang Hao realized he was naked before he looked around the area and exhaled when he saw he was still in the array. Looking around he found his space ring grabbing a pair of black and blue robes he out them on. "Well then that void dragon could have at least told me the process of this before he faded but he at least left his memoires like he said." Jiang Hao started to collect himself and understand his gains. "Or at least most of them, their are some blanks in the memories but I guess he wasn't willing to share them or couldn't." The void dragons memories consisted of world knowledge cultivation techniques, body refinement techniques, alchemy, refinery, array mastery, herbs and raw material knowledge, and... cooking recipes? "Really another weird thing is a stack of information." Although Jiang Hao didn't understand it he didn't dare underestimate it as with the music book. Sorting through the piles of information his face went through a series of different emotions. Finally he reached the cooking recipes when his face became gloomy when he realized these recipes are just normal recipes that do nothing to help.

Jiang Hao set this aside before looking through the techniques he didn't really care for Cultivation techniques as he already had his Heavenly Notes Sutra, instead he looked for body refinement and flame Cultivation techniques. He only found one body refinement technique and after looking at it he frowned, it was of the same low quality as his families one. He soon found a few flame Cultivation techniques. After reading through them all he realized they were all the same kind of flame just different strengths. Well all besides two. A Yin Yang flame and a pure Yang flame. Jiang Hao first thought the first one was a dual Cultivation technique but he was actually wrong it was just a flame that could switch between ice cold and burning hot flames. While the pure Yang flame was made to be the hottest flame. Aftering thinking he wanted to cultivate the Yin Yang flame but he needed herbs with massive amounts Yin and Yang.

Remembering where he was jiang hao turned to the herbs garden and found a lot of herbs with Yin and alot with Yang as well. He grabbed a few before reading the technique. It was very profound showing how the flame could switch between them by switching with core you use. He immediately tossed all the herbs in his mouth not caring for his health. Jiang Hao body did just become very strong so he didn't really have to worry as much about the herbs side effects but when used in large amounts he didn't have the luxury. His body became half cold while the other half way burning hot. These two energy's started to fight in his body. Jiang Hao greatly underestimated the herbs or overestimated his physique. He started to preform the technique to create a two sperate spaces for the energy's, but the cores kept getting frozen or burnt to a crisp before he could finish. His face turned deathly pale as he didn't know what to do. Suddenly he had a thought. He started to merge both flames to empower each other as wind can improve fires strength while also being able to suppress it and vise versa. The two energy's became even more dangerous as their output increase, Jiang Hao urged the energy's together and more before finally the Yang started to spiral around the Yin and the Yin did the same to the Yang. Time passed and soon a year has gone by, finally an huge aura of ice cold and burning heat filled the area. He succeed and called out the flame to his palm. A pure white flame appeared and it was scorching he then thought and the flame became freezing and ice started to appear around him. satisfied he put the flame away.

Jiang Hao soon went through the herbs garden again picking up a couple of herbs before sitting down and talking out a cauldron he found in one of the rooms. He started to refine a pill of course he failed the first time, seeing this though he wasn't discouraged grabbed more herbs and sat down to practice his craft more. He failed again and again and again till finally he succeed. He immediately celebrated for his first pill before looking at it and although it was only a low quality mortal pill it was still his first pill. Setting it into a pill bottle he started to refine some more. His craft was really sloppy and stiff at first but slowly he became more smooth and elegant. A year passed as he finally was able to create a low quality Heavenly pill even if the success rate was very low.

Smiling at his progress Jiang Hao set the cauldron back in his storage ring along with the pill bottles and brought out a forge instead intending to practice his artifact Refining. He wanted to create his dream weapon of choice but knew he couldn't untill he practiced. Jiang Hao set the flame and started to refine swords, bows, spears, knifes, and axes. He followed what he knew thanks to his memories, and some past knowledge from his past life and make a odd type of Refining not seen every in this plain. He slowly formed a sword out of the materials but before he could finish the sword it shattered. Jiang Hao frowned and started to see what he did wrong before restarting and improving. A day passed and he finally completed one sword. If you can even call it that. This time he didn't celebrate and instead had a serious look on his face as he thought of improvements before starting again.

Days became months and months became years. soon Jiang Hao turned 20 and although his appearance didn't change his strength did a lot. He started to cultivate the Heavenly Notes Sutra and it was pretty simple and very fast allowing him to break through to Divine spirit Realm stage 1 after 5 years but that's when the sutra changed and his strength barley increasing even after a year. Realizing that he wouldn't increase by Cultivating normally he focused more on other things like his alchemy, Refining, and Arrays. He practiced for more than 10 years only on these things with some random cooking every now and then. He reached spirit Grade high level in both alchemy and artifact Refining while becoming a formation master.

Seeing all his gains Jiang Hao finally grabbed everything from the array or well actually mini space as this was called, he had another storage ring and almost completed his odd weapon but didn't have a good enough material for a string and had to stop. He walked to the barrier of the array and it made a path for him back into the room in the cave mansion. The space behind him then collapsed and disappeared like it was never their. Jiang Hao walked out the cave and look up to find a shining sun. He smirked "I'm back."

Title: I'm Back