
The Multiversus Battle

This story follows the Watchers, interdimensional conquerors who drag beings from other dimensions and force them to fight.

Zaccai_Grey · Ação
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1 Chs

Kratos VS The Dragonborn

The ash-soaked war god begins to look around, confused. He sees only one person. The Dragonborn. The Dragon-Slayer turns to Kratos, and his demeanor remains calm. He removes his sword from it's sheath to be careful, but the Ghost of Sparta does not see it that way. He watches the steel-armored person take their weapon out, and he responds with cruel rage. Kratos grinds his teeth, his gaze becoming murderous. He charges towards the Dovahkiin with his Blades of Chaos, but he sees no reaction from the warrior. The Dragonborn, without wasting a second, closes the distance. His speed was unfathomable. He struck Kratos with a thunderous kick to the torso, sending him tumbling into the floor.

Kratos coughs violently, the kick had basically knocked all of the air out of him. When he finally stops coughing, he looks up. He grinds his teeth and stabs the floor with his blade, using it as a crutch to stand to his feet.

Kratos: "You… You are a God. That matters not….. You will fall as well!"

Kratos was engulfed in orange flames, veins appeared all over his body, his eyes faded to a deep orange color. The Dovahkiin rushed to finish him with his blade, and impaled the God of War. Kratos' neck went limp, but as the Dragonborn tried to remove his blade, Kratos grabbed the handle. He stood up once more, and began to charge forwards with psychotic intensity. The Dragonborn was forced back until they hit a wall, where even he began to show some frustration. The Dovahkiin was beginning to understand the power of the enemy in front of him, and he promptly stopped holding back. He let go of the sword and clasped his hands, slamming them into the jaw of Kratos. He stumbled back, with the sword still in his stomach. The Dovahkiin rushed forwards and grabbed his blade, he lifted up his leg and slammed it into Kratos' jaw once more, sending him tumbling back. Kratos' body slid off of the blade like butter.

The Dovahkiin swung his sword at Kratos once more, but he was ready this time. He swatted the blade away, and launched an uppercut into the jaw of the Dragonborn. The hit connected ruthlessly, dazing the mighty Dragon-Slayer. Kratos bashed the Dragonborn with his shoulder, knocking him back into the mountain wall. He ran forwards, laying into the Dovahkiin's stomach with punch combinations. Uppercut, jab, overhand. Rinse and repeat. The Dovahkiin, finally regaining composure, pivoted away from the final hit, letting the God of War's fist connect with the mountain. The wall crumbled under the force of the hit. The Dragonborn, then dipped behind Kratos, wrapping his hands around his waist and suplexing him into the ground. Kratos' neck viciously slammed onto the floor. The impact knocked the eyesight out of him. The Dovahkiin jumped on top of the God of War, and began to pummel him with the same punch combinations Kratos used. Blood sprayed from his nose and head. Kratos, still blinded, reached out, grabbed the Dovahkiin's neck and slammed him into the ground, kicking up even more sand. He then got on top of the Dragon-Slayer. He hammered into the Dovahkiin, and he responded with skill.

The Dovahkiin lifted his hands up and blocked the hits. Kratos lited both hands, and swung them down. The Dragonborn kicked his knees up and threw Kratos ever so slightly over him that the hit would miss, but not throwing Kratos off of him. The Dovahkiin then threw Kratos to the side again, reversing the roles once more and getting on top of him. He jammed his fingers into Kratos' eyes, and the God of War bellowed in pain. Kratos lifted his head up, but the Dragonborn palmed his head and slammed it back down. Using the other hand, he grabbed Kratos' neck, and squeezed until his neck cracked. The fight was over. 

He stood up, and looked over his defeated enemy. He spat out a heap of blood, and sat by the mountain wall. 

???: "Subject 341-J has won. Revive Subject 001, administer memory modifications and send them back to their universes. They haven't seen the last of each other."

Like that, 2 dust tornadoes kicked up and engulfed them both. When it cleared out, they were gone.


Although Kratos is strong, The Dovahkiin could beat him without the use of weapons, magic, or shouts.


- Nothing


- Faster, stronger, more durable, more abilities, better weapons, better combat, smarter, better battle intelligence, more experience, overall better.

Zaccai_Greycreators' thoughts