

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

Jovami6729 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
226 Chs

Chapter 210: Yasaka’s POV

Chapter 210: Yasaka's POV

~Yasaka's POV~

[Japan, Kyoto, Imperial Palace]

I was such a fool to take on this job mother. I thought to myself feeling overwhelmed by the stack of papers on my desk. Despite being thoroughly vetted by my most trusted aides, there were still hundreds of requests awaiting approval.

I scowled as I pursued the first documents, causing me to slump my head onto the desk in exasperation. My eyes darted over to the clock on the wall. Fuuuuk me…

It was only early morning, and I had already been buried in paperwork for hours. I needed a break as I muttered under my breath not expecting anyone to hear me, "I need a bloody vacation…"

However, the four guards stationed in my room perked up at the sound of my voice, their expressions giving away their amusement at my words. Well, screw you, my bodyguards...

Waving them off, I allowed them to refocus on their duties, standing there being tedious there all day trying to protect me as I shifted through these papers. I chuckled at that thought and tried to refocus on the paperwork, but I just couldn't.

Even though I expected it to be another dull day today, yesterday a scout reported an unusual energy emanating from a specific area of town. It wasn't a human's magical energy, nor was it demonic, angelic, or even divine. It was a peculiar amalgamation of several different energies emanating from a single individual.

We weren't entirely certain of the individual's intentions, but based on the amount of energy he was emanating, he could be considered a low to medium class. Conversely, his companion didn't appear at first to have any mystical energies at all. But sensing her life force with [Ki]/[Touki]… holy crap she has a ton of potential for [Touki]/[Ki].

Despite this, I was intrigued, as were my aides. Depending on the extent of their usefulness, we might be able to coax them into joining our faction, even if some members are against accepting non-Yokai. Frankly, I couldn't care since more power is always better in the world we live in. Might make right they say.

If this new energy type proves advantageous, I might need to order a few maids to service the man to determine if the energy is hereditary and can be replicated. Given what I've heard of his attractiveness, I doubt they'd refuse.

I lean back in my chair; I can feel the weight of responsibility weighing heavily on my shoulders. Being the leader of a faction is not an easy task, and the constant flow of paperwork and political maneuvering was draining. But it was necessary if I was to maintain my power and protect my people.


My stomach grumbles, reminding me that I haven't eaten anything since yesterday. But before I can even think about taking a break, Bob appears before me, causing all 4 guards to react defensively.

I watched as they drew their weapons, ready to defend me at a moment's notice. Their loyalty is unwavering, and I'm grateful to have them by my side. I dismiss them with a wave of my hand and turn my attention to Bob hiding my weariness in my serious tone, "Do you have any news to report, Bob?"

Bob replied and a spark of excitement ignited within me, "They have arrived ma'am."

Finally, some excitement amidst the dullness of the day as I exclaimed forgetting my fatigue in a curious tone, "Excellent! Did you find anything out about their allegiance?"

The guard shakes his head in a confident tone explaining to me about our tight security network, "Our information network cannot identify them. We do not know who they might be or to which faction they belong."

My interest is piqued. It's not every day that a group of strangers arrives in town without any clear affiliation. I turn to Bob, hoping for more information, "Did you discover anything noteworthy?"

Bob's expression suddenly becomes complicated blinking lightly before he finally discloses in an unsure tone, "That woman seems to be more powerful than we initially thought. Throughout the whole time, I felt this oppressive aura around her being on edge. Then there's the young man that notices the shadow guard with a wave of his hand and eyes watching them."

I listen carefully, intrigued by their abilities. But Bob's next words caught me off guard as he continued explaining, "Also, when we arrived, one of our top teams was training and the man asked if they were recruits. Even going as far as to pity them. Their names are from what I gathered their names are Mash Bastion and Satsuki Kiryuin."

I raise an eyebrow wondering about that. If they are looking down on us, then they must have a lot of confidence in their abilities. I'll make a mental note to keep a close eye on these newcomers and not underestimate them.

I took a deep breath, exhaling attempting to steady my nerves and face Bob as I commanded them making sure to keep an even tone, "Escort them to the main hall, I'll join them shortly. And Bob, keep a close watch on them. I don't want any surprises."

Bob nods his head in acknowledgment bowing lightly in a respectful tone, "As you wish, my lady. I'll ensure everything is secure before they meet with you."

With that he swiftly disappears, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I lean back in my chair, closing my eyes and attempting to piece together any information regarding these strangers.

They may be mercenaries or assassins, but their remarkable abilities suggest a far more dangerous possibility. Whatever their intentions, I must not underestimate them. After a few moments, I rise to my feet and adjust my robe.

Taking a deep breath, I make my way to the main hall where the strangers are waiting. As I approach, I see Bob standing guard, vigilantly monitoring them, and from what I could sense, there were twenty other guards in the room alone, some hidden in shadows, some standing in clear sight.

Quite overkill, if you ask me, but I know we can't take any chances. That was when the man named Mash addressed me, devoid of any respect in his tone making me freeze mid-step, "I was about to get bored Yasaka. You kept us waiting."

The guards around us grimace at his impoliteness and some even reach for their weapons, however, my stern looks to stop them from acting out of order. The man seemed to have no regard for my presence at all as if he saw me no more than an insignificant bug, but the woman sitting next to him had her eyes closed as she spoke introducing herself and him in a respectful tone, "I apologize for his behavior. He's just cranky because we missed breakfast. I'm Satsuki Kiryuin and the cranky one is my lover, Mash Bastion."

Their names have no meaning in the supernatural world, but their power would've been known already. I glance over to Bob, who shakes his head then I focus on as I introduce myself formally in a respectful tone, "Nice to meet you two, I'm Yasaka, leader of the Yokai Faction in Kyoto."

But the strangers seem unsurprised. Their knowledge of me and my position only added to my suspicions that these strangers were indeed assassins or mercenaries.

However the man's sudden chuckle startled me, and his subsequent statement only made my heart race faster his words dripping in a confident tone, "Hahahaha… good joke foxy mama! But if we were assassins, you'd be dead already."

My mind was blown away, and I couldn't help but wonder if he had somehow read my thoughts. As if in responding to my unspoken question his smile turned wider and said in a confident tone, "Read your thoughts? I could but… where's the fun in that when predicting your next course by guessing your face is much more satisfying."

The atmosphere in the room became thick with tension, and I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. It was evident that my guards were on high alert, poised to attack at the slightest provocation.

Yet the man remained calm with the woman unbothered by the situation. The man, however, attempted to diffuse the situation with a disarming smile and a placating tone raising his hands up in mock surrender, "Relax, I'm not gonna hurt anyone of you guys... I even brought my favorite card game to pass the time. Cards Against Humanity!"

Pulling out a deck of cards out of nowhere despite his assurances, I could not bring myself to trust this man, and I remained wary of his every move. The man's attention shifted to the shadow on my left as he let out another chuckle warning my shady his voice laced with danger, "I wouldn't do that if I were you filthy mongrel."

My guards tensed up even more, ready to strike at any sign of aggression. But calling one of my subjects a mongrel –


To everyone except my guest, a cloaked figure leaped out of the shadows. Everyone was caught off guard as the figure was one of my shadow bodyguards and I was caught off guard by this sudden attack from my fellow Yokai.

The figure materialized a dagger that was dripping what appeared to be poison. But seeing this act of betrayal I growled in anger beginning to transform. I know it won't stop the attack but I can –

But suddenly, my transformation and everything around me began to slow down. Everything was coming in a very slow motion as I was caught, and my ears started ringing as all sounds almost ceased to be heard. Then everything just stopped.

Amidst the eerie silence, a voice pierces through declaring in a confident tone, "See, I told you not to that mongrel. I see you've been practicing Eyebrows."

Mash spoke while Satsuki seemed unaffected as she crossed her arms drinking tea in a calm tone, "Of course. Wearing Junketsu allows me to have some sway bending physics to my will to bend. Stopping time seemed like child's play."

The man snorted as my voice trembled my eyes frantically scanning the scene before me, "W-What's happening?"

The attacker hovered ominously in the air, as I took closer inspection making me realize in horror it was someone close and loyal to me over the years. One of the Shadow Guards that have been loyal to me over the years.

I noticed the others trying to act to save me. But then my guest continued speaking in their conversation as if nothing was amiss. It was then my realization that they possessed an incredible power that made us mere mortals seem insignificant was overwhelming.

The man could move while time stopped, and the woman could bend reality to her will. It is the only way I could speak if she allowed it. The oppressive aura I feel is radiating off her causing me to shudder. The man wasn't affected showing no defense but can move within her oppressive aura only startling how powerful these two truly are.

I gulped in fear as I stared at them in shock, my estimation of them skyrocketing. Noticing my stare, the man chuckled before addressing me, "… So, what's the plan with the attack? Wanna fight out who he works for, I can guarantee you'll be surprised."

He places one hand over to my face as he flashes a vicious grin I swallowed now fearful under their command, "T-That would be extremely helpful."

I say respectfully as he places his hand over my head. Then suddenly breaking any mental defenses I had I was forcibly given memories. Images start flashing before my eyes. I watched the scene unfolding before me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread,

There was nothing I could hide from them as if they could be peeled back the layers of my mind and be privy to my innermost thoughts and desires. I would be powerless if they pinned me down and did 'awful' things… for some reason being dominated by them light a fire inside my loins making me shuffle.

But then images no memories centered around a group of Elder Yokai, a powerful inner faction within the region who had long been known for their misdeeds. As I watched the scenes play out, I could feel my blood boiling with anger.

The memories revealed a plot to kill me and take over the faction by marrying into my family because they were swayed by that damned white-haired devil. They'll be hell to pay when I'm through with them...!!!

The very thought of it was enough to make my stomach turn as the man declared his voice cold and tone unfeeling, "Those memories belong to one of your subordinates. Do whatever you wish with them since they planned to cross me… we can move the meeting to the evening if you want to deal with them now."

He suggested the idea as they both took a sip of tea. My mind wanders focused on the treachery that has just been revealed. Soon time resumes…


Slamming my fist onto the attacker's face I growled as the culprit crashes down the floor and groans as cracks spread out as if the weight of my anger crushes him down with my brute fucking force.

The guards looked on in confusion trying to make sense of what transpired before their very eyes and it took that moment to realize I had moved from my original position. I shout out loud my voice trembling in fury, "Bob Uchiha! Get a team ready we're rounding up the Elders and get this trash out of my sight! Find those who were involved in this plan. I want every name and detail on my desk by the end of the day!"

My voice was steely, my words needed no arguments, and my loyal guards nodded in understanding. They took the trash as I turned to my guest with a thankful smile on my face and said in a respectful tone, "You are free to move about the estate. One of my maids will be with you shortly. If you need anything, just ask her. I need to take care of this before the information leaves the confines of the manor."

With a firm resolve, I exit the room, my mind already planning the next steps in dealing with this treachery. It won't be easy, but I'm determined to see it through to the end, no matter the cost.