
The Multiversal Empire

The Greatest of the Ghoul, The Lord of Blood, The Tamer of Slaanesh, The Friend of Tzeentch, The Rival of Khorne, The Desired One of Nurgle, The Slaver of Malice, The Shinigami, The Grand Vasto Lord, The Deadliest Killer, The Chaos God of Betrayal and Loyalty, The Law and The Great Emperor of Earth. These were all names to describe one man. Now John has awakened, but not in the world he knew. Watch as he walks the fine line between the light and dark. Witness him protect life and bring death. His path is not certain but he is. The path he chooses will lead him through the depths of hell to the reaches of heaven. He is a man, he is a warrior, he is a leader, HE IS AN EMPEROR, and he shall have his empire or he will die trying. DISCLAIMER This novel is a brain child of mine I've been working on for a while. I plan to take typical isekai fanfiction a new direction, this if you haven't guess is based on the novel The Lord's Empire.

AverageDaoist · Livros e literatura
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23 Chs

Chapter 11: The Last Laugh

(The Next Morning)

The man is laying next to Itori, both are naked and the aftermath of last nights battle can be seen scattered about the room.

The man is just laying there, Itori snuggled up against his arm, he is trying to figure out how to deal with his current situation. The man knows he will leave this world, this is certain, he needs to make sure he can leave without anyone caring.

This night with Itori won't help matters, the man knows about her possessive nature. He starts to move, stirring the woman laying next to him.

Blinking her is she looks up to him, cheeky grin on her face. She reaches up and gives him a kiss on his lips, which he leans into leading to a full makeout session.

A few minutes later Itori can be seen getting ready, slowly putting her clothes on giving the man a view. To which he fully obliges, staring openly at the bare muscles and breasts of the extremely attractive woman across from him.

Soon comes time for them to continue there meeting, this time in less of a formal environment. Itori sits next to the man, rubbing his leg and grasping his arm as they talk.

As the conversation progresses the man finally gets the answer to the questions that he wants. One, will she join him? The answer was a resounding yes, she also agreed to take over the ghouls in the 14th Ward.

She also told him about how to get the Clowns to come out. He would need two members to call a meeting, she could act as one. The man smiles at this, he would need to pay Uta a visit it seemed.

Itori also gives the man a list of members, many are highly powered ghouls and there are even multiple of his old division commanders on the list.

The man leaves the bar, giving Itori a quick kiss as he leaves. He is heading for Uta, he needs a confirmation of loyalty.

(30 Minutes Later)

The man is currently sneaking inside his base in the 4th Ward. He is hunting for Uta, the man needs answers.

When the man finds him he is inside his mask studio, the man smiles at this as Uta is alone. The man quickly pounces on the unsuspecting Clown and brings him to the floor, his kagune slowly working it's way down his arm only stopping at his neck.

Uta surprised by this turns his head to try and see the man. He has no clue who has attacked him but what he does know is that he will die if he moves.

The man asks his downed subordinate what he knows about the Clown organisation, to which Uta claims to know nothing. The man grins, able to hear his heart beat quicken as he lies.

The man frowns, he lowers his other arm with his kagune extended. He slowly runs the blade along his arm, leaving a long bleeding mark down it.

The man doesn't stop however, leaving another parralel line down the arm. The man asks again, this time grabbing the edge of the flesh between the two lines and slowly lifts the end up.

Uta feeling this shivers in pain, telling the man that he doesn't know anything. As soon as these words have left his mouth the man ripped the flesh he had been gripping off of his arm to a massive screech from the downed ghoul.

The man places the cut meat in his mouth and goes to cut again, this time from the leg. This continued for a few minutes before the man asks again.

Uta continues to deny any involvement slowly but surely losing the flesh on his arms. It takes until the man is half way up his leg before he finally relents.

He tells the man what he knows about the Clowns. The members, there infiltration of the CCG and Aogiri Tree, the plan to infiltrate Anteiku and his role in infiltrating the mans inner circle.

The man turns Uta over, who's eyes widen in surprise at who he sees. The man just smiles at him, he then ask for him to call a meeting with the other members along with Itori.

The man not waiting for his agreement just grins and walks away, stealthily leaving the base.

(4 Days Later)

The meeting has finally been called and the man is currently following Itori and Uta. The meeting is taking place in an abandoned area of the 12th Ward.

Once inside seven people can be seen. The man knows the identity of four of them all being division commanders. The first being Roma Hoito, the founder of this group and the most sadistic of the bunch. Where Uta and Itori can be reasoned with somewhat she is one of the members that is too far gone in this world.

She only joined the man as a division commander when his divinity forced her to stay loyal to him. That wouldn't work here so she had to die.

Second is Shikorae also known as Rio had a cruel childhood in this universe. His brother was murdered in front of him at an early age and he was taken to a ghoul prison to be tortured every day. After his escape he has gone insane and unable to be controlled, he will need to die aswell.

Third is Jirou, she is a ghoul that doesn't have a high combat power, but what she does have is stealth ability. Her kagune has the rare ability of camouflage and she has been instrumental to both of the raids by ghouls on the prisons before.

Fourth is Yakumo Oomori also known as Jason. He was not a member of this group but was close to the member Nico, he seemed to have taken his place here. Yakumo is unstable to say the least, his time in prison driving his insane much like Shikorae.

Although the other three are not known to the man personally he has been informed about them. First of them is Himeno. He is a innocent looking ghoul who has a dark secret, he eats children.

He is much like the currently imprisoned Donato Porpora, but unlike Donato he only kidnaps them from outside where as Donato raised them himself.

The man was quite disappointed by this, Donato was one of his best men. He had never thought he would have this in him.

The next Andrew. He is an English ghoul and a descendant of the infamous Jack the Ripper. He much like his ancestor enjoys attacking prostitutes as his prey.

He has been seen playing around with the CCG with the help of the last member. The last member is part of the Washuu Clan, who control the CCG.

His name is Kichimura Washuu. He is a cruel man and an expert at putting on masks, he often kills on a whim or gets other killed just so he can escape a situation easier.

Uta and Itori enter the room being welcomed by the gaze of the other members. As the enter they are immediately hounded by Roma about why this meeting was called.

They both answer this with an apology as the man quickly moves behind Shikorae before anyone can react and slices his head off.

Licking the blood off his kagune the man addresses them all. "Hello my fellow ghouls, its lovely to meet you." The man looks over his audience.

"Your gathered here today to witness the end of an era. The end of the Clowns." The man smiles. "But it's not the end for all of you however, I have a big heart and am willing to let you live if you agree to serve me."

The man opens his arms wide to all the ghouls in the room. He waits before the remaining Clowns start laughing, that is all but Uta and Itori.

The mans smile widens and he looks to all the members surrounding him. "Exactly as I expected." The man says as he joins in the laughter.

Soon after this he moves, running straight to Yakumo and stabbing him straight through the chest with his arm. The let's him slide to the ground as he continues to like his hand.

"I thought you'd be more fun!!" The man says with a crazed smile plastering his face. He snaps his fingers causing his two minions to jump into action.

Uta makes his way to Himeno and runs him through the chest with his kagune, with Itori attacking Kichimura with a slash to the back.

Kichimura however dodges, only receiving a wound to his side. Both sides regroup, four verses three. The man smiles again, "Well, what is it then. Will you join me?"

The man laughs as he can seen the confused expressions still plastering there faces after there allies betrayal. The man doesn't wait however and quickly moves towards Andrew.

Arriving in front of Andrew the man grabs his lower jaw and smashes his face into the floor. He then moves to swiftly kick Andrew to the other side of the room.

Just as the kick has ended the man notices eight tentacles heading towards him. He dodges but not without having to release his own kagune, using one of his tails to block a tentacle that he wasn't going to dodge.

He looks over to the attacker Roma. She come charging towards him quickly engaging in hand to hand combat.

Uta has already engaged the injured Kichimura in combat, while Itori has engaged Jirou. Although Uta is evenly matched with the wounded Washuu, Itori on the other hand is mopping the floor with Jirou.

After about a minute of fast paced combat Itori manages to land a serious blow to Jirou, quickly catching her in the jaw stunning her. Itori takes advantage of this and manages to knock her out quickly.

She moves Jirou over to where Andrew had been kicked before moving in to help Uta. He quickly enters his Kakuja form, he quickly transforms into a large demon like form. To which both Itori and Uta oblige, there Kakuja working in perfect unison.

Uta's grows six muscular arms from his back and has muscle grow over his face. He charges at Kichimura and smashes into his with great force.

Itori on the other hand has her legs turn into something similar to a raptor, as well as growing both claws and a tail to match. She rushes round Kichimura getting in swift hit and run attacks, allowing Uta to tank the damage from Kichimura.

Kichimura starts to loose ground, slowly getting pushed back due to the teamwork his opponents are displaying as well as his injuries acting up.

Roma also notices this and decides that she would stop holding back. She releases her kagune, which is on the form of a giant lamprey with six arm like appendages acting as legs for it.

The man seeing this changes his strategy, he so far has been mainly defending allowing his crazy opponent to tire herself out. He now however is going on the offensive, quickly rushing at the transforming Roma and stabbing his forty five individual tentacles directly into the woman's chest.

Roma, looks down at her chest in surprise. She slowly looks back up at the man and smiles, "We stood no chance huh?"

To which the man just laughs, leaning down and kissing the dying ghoul before standing and walking towards the last remain opponent. Kichimura, on his last legs looks over to the man.

The man moves at a speed just barely visible to the ghouls in the room. Laughing the whole way he soon arrives in front of the Washuu, delivering a swift strike to his legs.

Kichimura falls to the ground with a thud, now completely at the mercy of the man. He looks up to see the man laughing down at him, "What is it you Clowns always say...." The man puts his hand to his chin and thinks.

Snapping his fingures he continues, "Ahh yes. You say 'We always get the last laugh.' Right?" He says, only to be met with a silent glare.

The man starts to laugh again, "Its fine, it looks like I'm getting the last laugh now." He says as his laugh grows louder. The laugh continues until a crunch can be heard.

Kichimura is dead, the man turns around and sends his two minions off with the bodies of Andrew and Jirou leaving him alone with the bodies.

All that can be heard as they leave are the sounds of laughter accompanied by the breaking of bones and the ripping of flesh.