
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
260 Chs

those past

Huaxi Bieyuan is very big.

very quiet.

very chic.

Also very elegant.

Zhongli Ruoshui's four cousins walked in front, Zhongli Ruoshui and Li Chen'an walked in the middle, and behind them were Zhonglidang and Zhou Huairen.

Zhou Huairen and the others are very familiar with this place, because when the third lady was in the capital, they were the nurses of the Huaxi Bieyuan.

So after walking through the vestibule, the three of them said goodbye to Li Chen'an. They passed through the vestibule and went to a courtyard not far to the west of the main courtyard.

Li Chenan was a little curious, but didn't ask.

He was looking at this other courtyard while walking. Compared with the Peach Blossom Villa in Guangling City, the buildings here are more exquisite.

The collocation of pavilions, terraces, pavilions, waterside pavilions and corridors is more compact than that of Peach Blossom Villa, and it also has the taste of Xiaojiabiyu in Jiangnan gardens in previous lives.

The distribution of the courtyard is unknown, but it seems that there are not many servants in this other courtyard, because the walk along the way is very clean, but the flowers and plants seen along the way are very neatly trimmed.

In this way, after about a cup of tea, Li Chenan and his party passed through a uniquely shaped arch, and then bypassed a screen wall carved with many auspicious signs, and he saw a huge courtyard.

"This is the main courtyard of Huaxi Bieyuan. You, you live in the west building. I have asked the servants to clean it up."

"Water for bathing..."

"Xue'er, Xue'er, is the bathing water ready?" Zhongli Rushui called to a corner of the yard, and a voice came, "Miss, it's ready."

"Go take a shower first, the kitchen has prepared meals, and you will have a good meal later."


Li Chenan went to the bathroom, and in the gazebo beside the lotus pond in the yard, Zhongli Ruoyu and the others sat together with Zhongli Ruoshui.

"Ruoshui," Zhongli Ruoyu's expression became serious at this moment, "Last night, my brother went to Li Wenhou's Shangshu Mansion!"

Zhongli Ruoshui was startled, "Zhonglifang?"


Zhong Lifang is the eldest son of the second uncle, thirty years old, and is now the head of the Habayashi Guard in Ningguo, responsible for the safety of the imperial city.

"Why did he go to Li Wenhou's house?"

Zhongli Ruoyu looked at Zhongli Ruoshui, "Li Chenan is his nephew after all, and Li Chenan entered the capital... Brother wants to see what his attitude is towards this."

"After all, judging from the information we have obtained, the relationship between the third house of the Li family and the second house of the eldest house does not seem to be harmonious. But in any case, it is the blood of the Li family. If Li Chen'an can reconcile with his second uncle... ...This is a good thing for Li Chenan or for the Li family in Guangling."

Zhongli Ruoshui pondered for a moment, then nodded.

She understood Zhong Lifang's intentions, if Li Wenhou could take the initiative to recognize Li Chenan as a nephew, and there was a household minister standing behind Li Chenan, his life in the capital would be better in the future.

Another meaning is that the Dingguo Houfu also hopes to further deepen the friendship through Li Chenan and the Minister of the Household Department——

The Marquis of Dingguo's Mansion needs money and food most.

The matter of money and food is in the hands of the Minister of the Household Department, and the Minister of the Household Department seems to be in a neutral position in the court.

Of course he must take orders from Prime Minister Ji, but at the same time he has no obvious preference for Prime Minister Ji.

He neither offended the second prince's lineage nor the prince's lineage, he was free from the two forces, but handled many things in an even and stable manner.

Grandpa once said that Li Wenhou really understood the book, he had the demeanor of his father back then, and his city was so deep that few people could match it.

"Then... what is Li Wenhou's attitude?"

"My brother didn't mention Li Chen'an's entry to Beijing. He drank with Li Wenhou for an hour. He was accompanied by Li Wenhou's eldest son Li Chenxi. My brother was more chatting with Li Chenxi. Li Wenhou didn't say anything until his brother said goodbye. said a word."

Zhongli Ruoshui was slightly nervous and asked again, "What did he say?"

"He said... Guangling is a good place, he shouldn't have come to Yujing City!"


"My brother said he has come."

"Li Wenhou sighed and said another ambiguous sentence."

"What words?"

"He said, it would be great if he was always that fool."

Zhongli Ruoshui was taken aback for a moment, and an angry look gradually appeared on his face, "How can anyone say that about his nephew? Chen An doesn't need to visit his Shangshufu!"

"Don't worry, my brother doesn't understand the meaning of this. When Li Chenxi sent his brother out of the house, my brother asked, but Li Chenxi didn't understand. But Li Chenxi didn't have any hostility towards Li Chenan, and even admired this cousin. , but I have some complaints about Li Chenan's joining the Fish and Dragon Society."

Zhongli Ruoyu looked in the direction of the west building, "Of course we all hope that you two will be well, but... But Li Chenan's changes before and after are really too big. When my brother returned home, he mentioned it to his father, but his father meant it on the contrary. Li Chenan should take the initiative to go to the Shangshu Mansion."

"Why do you want to go? Don't you feel uncomfortable for yourself?"

Zhongli Ruoyu shook his head, "Father said that the Li family, a family of seven jinshi, father and son, has a deep heritage, but has always kept a low profile. Don't forget that Li Chunfu from the Li family, who is Li Chen'an's grandfather, is The important ministers around the emperors of the two dynasties, from the first year of Zhaohua to the first rank Taiwei, but suddenly resigned from office in the sixth year of Zhaohua."

"He returned to Guangling City and died in the seventh year of Zhaohua."

"At that time, there were many rumors in the court that he offended the emperor and offended Tianwei, because the emperor did not grant the slightest grace when he died, but in the thirteenth year of Zhaohua, the emperor sent the magistrate who was the prefect of Puzhou at that time. Li Wenhou was transferred to the capital and directly assumed the post of Minister of the Household Department... This is very strange."

"In addition, Li Wenhou sat in the position of Minister of the Household Department for ten years. During these ten years, six ministers were replaced by five, but Prime Minister Ji did not touch him... Father said that there should be the Emperor's care behind this, but I don't know where the reason is."

"If there must be an explanation, it is estimated that the emperor owes his father Li Chunfu."

After a pause, Zhongli Ruoyu said again, "As for whether or not Li Chenan wants to visit Li Wenhou, it's best for you to ask Grandpa for his opinion on this matter in a few days."

"Father said that grandfather and Mr. Changsun had a good relationship in private. When the emperor was the crown prince, Li Chunfu was the prince's tutor, and Changsun Jinghong was the prince's tutor. The two of them taught the prince in the East Palace. After the prince ascended the throne, Worshiping Li Chunfu as Taiwei, and handing over the Imperial City Secretary to Changsun Jinghong, the relationship between the two of them is extremely close."

"However, grandson Jinghong never mentioned the reason of Li Chunfu's retirement to his grandfather or anyone."

"It's just that after that incident, Changsun Jinghong seemed to be a little bit estranged from the emperor. He stayed in the small courtyard of the Imperial City Department and seldom came out to walk around, and rarely came to Dingguohou's mansion to have a drink with grandpa."

"If grandpa thinks that you, Li Chen'an, need to meet Li Wenhou, please ask Mr. Changsun to say hello. Li Wenhou will definitely not refuse, and maybe the third house of the Li family and the other two houses can be reconciled."

It was only now that Zhongli Ruoshui knew that the Li family still had these unknown stories, she pondered for a moment and nodded.

At this moment, Li Chen'an put on a green suit and came out.

He looks more handsome after washing off all the dust, and his spirit is better than before.

Zhongli Ruoyu didn't say anything more, Zhongli Ruoshui got up to meet him.

"Let's eat first. Let's take a rest today. After resting, I will take you to visit Yujing City."

"Wait, did you agree to write a poem for me?"