
The Mortal God of Olympus

Born to an Archangel and a God, I always knew my story wasn't going to be simple. Especially in a world full of rival gods, scheming Devils, vengeful Angels, and monsters who would love nothing more than to chew upon my bones. But hey, atleast I had a trusty Gamer system by my side. I was literally born to be overpowered, what could possibly go wrong? Dark Mc, Gamer Mc/OC Mc *This is a crossover fic between Percy Jackson series and highschool Dxd. I'm also posting this on fanfiction site under the same name.

Robs511 · Livros e literatura
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75 Chs

Chapter 73

It was a searing hot day, the sun overhead casting its heat upon my soft feathery wings like a shower of laser beams. The only comfort I got was through my own resistances and the constant gusts of cool wind blasting upon my body with great turbulence.

Feeling terribly free for the first time in a long while, I soared close to the water, the crushing weight of the air energizing me for the journey as I eyed my murky self staring back at me; six wide wings flapped back lazily, whiter than bone, with beautiful trails of black, blue, and gold. The artistic, almost unrealistic beauty of my wings was something I rarely got a chance to observe.

Had I wanted to, it could've all come to a quick and sudden end. A single flex of my wings could've rushed me straight over the treacherous waters of Bermuda instantly. For someone who can fly a circle around the world in less than ten seconds, speed seemed to put a real dampener on any kind of adventurous sense.

Thankfully, I had a reason to take it slow. With Flying (Lvl 10), the amount of attention needed to keep my body afloat was fairly minimal. My body and wings seemed to instinctively know exactly what to do, with me only needing to provide them with a destination and direction. It left my mind free to wander, giving me quality time to explore my powers.

And I made sure to use every second to its full potential; for I certainly wouldn't be getting that chance in Hell or Heaven, even less so when the first battle of this war erupts.

With that thought firmly in mind, I focused my attention inwards, locating the golden rush of divinity coursing through my veins.

It was a fascinating thing to observe; the relation between my Divinity and Holy energy. The three wells of energies inside my soul were still around the same level of depth and power…the only difference came in my Authority over them.

Divine Power used to be my main go-to energy due to the instinctive grasp of control I felt over it. Now however, the connection I had with Holy Power simply drowned the other two to mediocrity. I knew I could do things with it now that I've only ever dreamt about in the past. Creating Holy Weapons came as easily as breathing, and could no longer provide me any real challenge.

In the past, I'd often wondered if I would ever be able to create a weapon as big as a building, powerful enough to bury it deep within the Earth and tear entire cities apart. Now? Now I knew it to be entirely possible, just a stretch of my Will away. And I knew it wasn't even my limit.

What exactly was my limit then? I had no idea. I only ever used as much power as I needed to, taking care not to create needless destruction. But if I let go of that limitation? If I started raining Holy Lightning upon America until exhaustion? Could I destroy the entire country? Or hell…the entire continent?

I wasn't exactly eager to find out, though I remained…curious.

Shaking my head, I focused back on the task. Willing a strand of Holy Power to wrap around my finger, I began exercising my Authority over it; testing and experimenting.

Holy Power's main function was to cleanse. Whether it be cleansing darkness from evil creatures or cleaning life from my enemies, it all depended upon my Authority. In the past, I didn't have the authority to change its nature. Using a Holy spear against a metallic robot would've rendered much lesser results than using it upon a devil. Now however, I had the ability to cut through metal, humans, and monsters alike, and all it would take was me actively exercising my Authority over it.

Of course, that was a relatively pale example of the true control I now had over the Energy, something that would only increase with the level-ups in my Divine Authority and Domain skills.

Another thing I was only beginning to learn about was my Domains. Apart from control, my Authority over the Domains also enabled me to draw power from the real world, strengthening the energy even further. Just pushing my Will into my Holy attacks now passively strengthened my power.

This one was easy to test; and I spent the next half-a-minute—a long time for me—blasting the Sea with tiny Holy spears, carrying only a speck of my true power—I didn't actually want to cause a freak disaster after all. There was a very noticeable difference between a normal attack and one filled to the brim with my Authority. My weak ass Holy spear created enough pressure to form a small whirlpool of steaming water that caved inwards. But the one supplied by my Authority created a very visible shockwave that pushed the entire region of water down as if pressed by a great weight, while the point of contact swirled with a powerful cyclone of glowing liquid that slowly dispersed into the wider Sea.

It was feats like these that convinced me of how disastrous my true power could really be. If I created a bloody Holy Lightning Storm right now—and let it rage for a brief millisecond—while supplying it with my Authority…could I create a flood powerful enough to drown the entire US? Or even the whole fucking continent?

'...With my Divine form active, most likely.'

But that was all slightly more complicated for me to manipulate right now…plus, I felt there was something big about to happen when my Domain finally reached Lvl 5.

'Hopefully, I get a real Divine form that pushes me to Elder God.'

Until then, however, I needed to master my ability to influence the real world using my Authority over Domains. Being able to manipulate anything with Holiness was just a hax ability, something I'd already used against Cao Cao and his friends. Who knows, perhaps one day I would be able to exercise my control over the angels as well? They were creatures of Holy Power after all.

With that in mind, I spent the rest of my short journey to the Sea of Monsters prodding and understanding my domains and Authority, though only focusing on Holy Power for now.

But even with purposely slowing down, there was only so much time I could receive for crossing a distance of mere thousand miles. Soon enough, I felt a slight pull of Mystiokinesis greeting my arrival, and I quickly flapped my way across the sea.

I knew I was on the right path when the winds started howling and the water began churning. A ring of misty black clouds surrounded a part of the Atlantic Ocean and I drove right past it. My powerful eyesight picked up a lone island in the distance, sitting forlornly within the endless Sea; the first sign of land in the last three minutes, which was actually quite long for a hypersonic flying god.

A narrow channel of water passed by the lonely hill, a mile away from which was a turbulent hurricane that connected Sea to the Sky. Squinting slightly, I peered past the mushroom of mist, smoke, and water to make out a black coral reef with a small fig tree sticking through the top.

It was only when I approached closer did I finally notice the thing anchored to the reef below the hazy waters: a gigantic mouth with slimy lips was using the reef as support. Its mossy rotten teeth, each the size of a small car—with pieces of fish, driftwood, and floating garbage stuck between them—circled the water like a whirlpool, sucking and funneling everything inside the enormous mouth like a black hole, with every breath the monster took.



Race: Monster

Tier: 7 (Minor God)

Level: 674

'Now that's a powerful monster.'

Of course, I could still tear her apart limb from limb with a couple of Holy spears. Not that I wanted to; from what I'd read about the monsters, Charybdis was once a giantess of great beauty and power, winning so much land for her father Poseidon against his war with Zeus, that the enraged King of Gods cursed her into this horrible state permanently.

Scylla, on the other hand, was just a victim of pure jealousy, having been cursed by some stupid bathwater potion from an envious Circe.

Now there might be a teensy part of me hoping to reverse the curse and gain the everlasting affection of two powerful beauties, but most of my non-killing intentions came from my utterly gentlemanly feelings.

So instead of forcing a confrontation with either of the monsters—as I normally would, even if just to collect some trophies—I simply flew past both in a rush of speed, too fast to be impeded by Scylla's confused heads or Charybdis' whirlpools.

As soon as I crossed the gateway to the Sea of Monsters, I felt a magical pull settling over me; a combination of Mist and Mystiokinesis similar to the invisible field around Olympus or…Lotus Casino.

[Skill Leveled Up: Mist Sense] Lvl 10 (Max)

[Skill Leveled Up: Mystiokinesis Sense] Lvl 10 (Max)

It clicked in my head then that this field was most likely responsible for moving the pantheon's main power structures around the globe, following in the wake of the Western civilization. I'd never really focused on it before; but if I throw my mind back in time, I could remember a similar field covering the edges of Camp Half-blood as well, albeit to a much lesser degree.

'Well…good to know.'

As were the two level-ups.

I cast a deep gaze across the waters, realizing my task has just grown infinitely easier. Now that I knew my destination lay inside this magical boundary, I didn't have to fly over every corner of the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. I could simply scour through the waters inside the magical field and voila!

Of course, I'd still rather not hover over the Ocean like a flying weirdo, so I headed straight up to the boundless skies, my eyes scouting across the waters in search of any more islands or monsters.

As I scanned my newly broadened horizons, I realized I didn't even need to search the waters. My eyesight was powerful enough to see incredibly far. I hadn't realized how far exactly, but from two miles above the Sea level, I could easily make out almost everything the triangle had to offer.

The Sea contained a large number of islands, all spread out across the magical water like a splintered city. Quite a few were hidden under powerful mist and magic, but my eyes were almighty enough to pierce straight through most, quickly giving me an idea of what I would need to search through.

There were many islands with hills and fully grown forests…but the ones that caught my attention were the three largest pieces of land spread out in front of me.

Two were about the same distance from me—roughly 170 miles away, as my senses told me—one to the left, one to the right. The right one looked to have a strong physical mist covering it along with magic—being one of the few places my gaze failed to pierce completely. Behind the right one was another island, even larger, perhaps 340 miles away from where I hovered.

Not that the numbers truly mattered…all three were within eye-blinking distance from me, so it was just the matter of which one I decided to go after first.

I decided to do it methodically, from the largest ones to the smallest ones, sorting them according to the flat lands and the hilly ones.

From the biggest three islands, the one on the left seemed to be the most civilized out of the bunch, with its own harbor parked with strange ships of all time periods.

"I can at least ask the locals for a map." I muttered with a shrug, blasting after my new target without further delay, leaving only a gentle burst of sound barrier behind.

The first thing I instantly divined about the place, at the moment of my arrival, was that something fishy was going on over here and it had nothing to do with being in the Sea…pun completely intended.

At the center of the island stood a large mountain, assorted by a dazzling collection of buildings, all glinting white and shiny under the sunlight. Further down the buildings was an honest to god helipad with a chopper sunbathing over it openly, and just a few dozen meters away from it was a runaway with a Learjet and a propeller plane. At the edge of the island was a beach, all complete with palm trees, a luxurious shade housing a table full of sunscreens and lotion, along with multiple patio furniture and sunloungers staring at the wide Ocean.

Now, I wasn't usually one to look the gift horse in the mouth, but if you're telling me you wouldn't be suspicious of a tropical paradise built in the middle of a Sea full of monsters, I'd call you a fool and give you a stare full of disappointment.

But if one needed further proof that something shady was happening behind those beautiful white buildings, they need only extend their senses afar and feel the thick layer of magic and mist covering every inch of the island. It was as if a blizzard storm had struck the island, just instead of snow, it had left behind traces of Mystiokinesis.

As I started descending down to the ground, a girl dressed like a flight attendant quickly came out to greet me with a wide practiced smile fixed on her face, waiting patiently for my lazy descent. Gorgeously beautiful, and with a regal glint in her bearing, she truly did not seem fit to be a mere servant.


Hylla Ramírez-Arellano

Age: 18

Race: Demigod (Daughter of Bellona)

Tier: 4

Level: 342

'Well…things have just gotten a wee bit more interesting.'


"He is here." Circe whispered, face twisting with disgust and a hint of trepidation.

Euclid glanced at his new ally apathetically. "Your ability to state the obvious is duly noted."

She turned to him, sneering, hatred flaring in her eyes. "Mind your tongue, vermin. You're lucky Mother Hecate vouched for you, or you'd be rotting in a cage somewhere. On my island, the only good male is one kneeling beneath a woman."

Euclid ignored her, both heading out to take their positions. While the goddess remained too powerful an entity for him to make an enemy of, he wasn't quite alone here. The members of Nilrem were spread out around them, each an accomplished magician, powerful in their own right. Under his lead, they could fight on par with a minor god...or even an Olympian in their mortal form. As they were about to do now.

Besides, you'd be a fool to attack your ally just when you're about to engage a powerful god in a life and death battle.

And the witch beside him seemed to know this, accepting his silence with an irritated tsk, muttering under her breath all the while. "This could go so, so wrong. Why did mother even bother tangling with gods?"

Euclid's lips curled up in disgust, and try though he might, he couldn't help but quip, "Your fear is pathetic."

Knowing her obvious hatred of all things male, he was surprised to see her shoulders trembling a little. "You would say that, wouldn't you? It's not your island we're using as the battleground to fight an Olympian."

"Half-an-Olympian." He corrected. "Remembe—"

"He doesn't have his Divine form yet. Yes, I know. Doesn't change the fact that Zeus raised him to his position."

Euclid didn't bother comforting her. He'd already squeezed every drop of information that he could from the two surviving members of the Hero faction, preparing for this occasion to the best of his ability.

They'd both begged him to take them along, the fire of revenge raging in their eyes, but he'd ultimately abstained. While they may prove to be powerful assets on the battlefield, he didn't wish to risk the young god's body being more damaged than it needed to...and from the looks on their faces, he was sure they would love nothing more than to suck the marrow out of his bone.

He gave a last check-up to his allies, sharing a nod with his faction members.

While he did not consider Katerea Leviathan and immortal sorceress Circe a good substitute for Loki, he would make do with what he had. He'll have to, if he ever wanted Mikael Gabrielson to be tied up on his research table.

'I'll have to thank Cao Cao one day for his failure.' If not for his rival's untimely death, Ophis might not have given him the permission to hunt down his prey so easily.

But he'd gotten it, and his opportunity was finally here, slowly walking forth into their trap, completely heedless of the danger.

"This had better work." Circe hissed, standing straight.

Euclid nodded, addressing his magicians. "Everyone, prepare yourselves. We will get one chance after the target is trapped under the wards. Do not miss it."

They were on the open ground, hidden from the world under powerful magic cast by the witch. He and his two female allies were standing right in the Olympian's path, with the magicians forming a semicircle around the booby-trapped area; awaiting their prey's folly with bated breath.

Curious, Euclid scanned Mikael up and down, desperate to unearth what exactly made the young god so special.

He was a little surprised to realize just how young the boy truly was. Barely an adult, if not even younger.

The second easiest thing to notice about him was his natural charm and beauty. The devils, as a race, were considered to be generally better looking than mortals, but the being sauntering in front of them made even Euclid feel ugly.

The witch seemed to have similar thoughts if her whistle of appreciation was anything to go by. "You never told me our guest was Adonis reborn. Now I have to keep him here, preferably tied up to my bed like a good little pleasure slave."

Euclid grimaced. He hoped the goddess was joking but he'd be a fool to dismiss her words.

Dressed in a casual white robe that flexed his muscles with every step, the young god came to a stop just outside the range of their trap.

"Ready yourselves." Circe warned them, and the circle of magicians tightened, now barely ten meters away from their enemy.

But the moment Mikael Gabrielson—just a step away from the binding magical trap set up by his magicians—turned his eyes towards them, he knew something was wrong.

"He senses us." Euclid announced, a little uncertain.

"What!?" Circe barked. "Impossible! My mastery over mist is second only to Hecate!"

The god glanced around at the magicians as if simply enjoying nature's view, his body relaxed and non-threatening.

Euclid's heart beat wildly when the strange bluish-violet eyes roamed over him, his breath growing bated. His entire body was screaming at him to escape but he forced a fake calm upon himself and stood firm. 'Just one more step, please.'

"S-sir?" Circe's attendant beckoned the Olympian. "The Spa is this way…"

Euclid had to give the girl her due credit. The fear of being the target of an Olympian's rage— should the god discover their ploy, as he suspected—had to be supreme. Yet, she bowed low with barely a stutter, waving the god forth.

Gabrielson smirked. The next moment an ornate spear with dark blue handle materialized in his palm, while his other hand shot out and clutched the girl, dragging her closer.

"Come out, come out, little rascals." The god sang out, the tip of his spear digging into the stiff girl's chin. "Or this pretty little thing might just end up losing her head."

Circe shot up instantly, and Euclid almost lost his hand due to her sheer strength when he tried to hold her back.

"Not like this, Witch!" He hissed, somehow managing to keep his grip on her shoulder. "This is exactly what he wants! The trap is still alive, we just need to push him in. I'll maneuver my magicians behind him, if you can create some distraction…"

The goddess of magic hesitated, and in that single moment, with a move that shocked even Euclid, Mikael Gabrielson plunged his spear straight through the girl's head, its tip coming out from her skull glinting red and black…

"Well, time's up." The god snorted, throwing the dead body away. "What a shame. She was quite beautiful…"

With a cry of rage, Circe ripped the trap apart like a child's play and surged forward, launching spikes of fire and ice at the god.

"Boring…" Gabrielson grunted, and a wave of his hand stopped the attacks on track, winking them out of existence a moment later. "And predictable."

"Attack!" Euclid commanded, joining the fight alongside Katerea Leviathan.

But just then the god twirled his spear and a massive ripple of wind blasted them all away.

Euclid didn't have time to find out what happened to the rest of his allies, for he himself only found his legs a dozen feet away from his original position, bringing a stop to his wild ride through the air.

'What in the name of Satan's seven sins…' Euclid blinked incredulously. This wasn't the power of a weak god…

"I'll tell you what, people." The monster's voice rang through the island. "I've decided you are a good whetting stone for me. So for the duration of our… little friendly scuffle, I shall only use my Divine Authority. Now come at me as if I've raped your mothers, and you're the disappointment that came out as the result."

'Should I retreat!?'

Not after coming so far.

He accessed his Demonic Power—easily at the peak of Ultimate-class—letting it swirl within his chest, ready to fight what was sure to be the toughest battle of his life.

"Everyone!" He bellowed. "Attack together!"

The displaced magicians found courage in his voice, all surrounding their enemy once again. Curiously, Gabrielson stayed motionless, even as Leviathan took to the air, a golden magical array launching black shadowy tendrils, and Goddess Circe reassembled, rage glinting in the latter's eyes.

And then the land was torn asunder, pure magical might bearing down upon the god of Olympus in one combined fearsome attack.

Glowing chains of fiery steel sought to wrap around his limbs, beams of fire and lightning raised the island's temperature, and utterly life-like illusions tried to trick the god's senses…

The might of the attack was such that Euclid doubted the survival of even a Satan-class being…

And then the impossible happened.



"Break." My Authority was supreme, my Might limitless.

The magical attacks bearing down on me heeded my commands, reality itself bowing down to acquiesce to my Will, breaking apart the core of the attacks. The dozens of fiery chains halted in place, their fire disappearing whilst the steel links crumbled into pieces. The shadowy strands from the sky turned to ashes, disappearing away in the air like smoke. The illusions proved to be the toughest, taking a solid second before coming undone—no doubt courtesy of the Minor goddess present amongst them.

The only thing that reached me was lightning, but apart from a slight tingle that energized me even further, it showed no effect.

My enemies gawked open-mouthed, and I wondered if I may have overestimated their worth as adequate training aids.

Sighing, I waved them on. "Come on, now. We've all got places to be I'm sure. Well, I do, you don't have anywhere to go but six feet deeper down the ground."

One of the magicians tried to escape, summoning a green magical array below his feet...

I waved my hand and a thin blade of air cut his body into two pieces, both falling to the opposite sides.

"No one escapes until I say so."

I gazed at my enemies, all standing stunned and cautious, the big three glancing at each other. They were an odd bunch; over a dozen Tier 1 humans with admittedly decent Spirit—ranging from 400 to 450—two peak Ultimate-class devils with the male one's Spirit at a respectable 590, and one Minor goddess with Spirit barely crossing the 600 mark—but currently stuck on 506 due to her mortal form.

The only one who caught my complete attention was the female devil, though more due to how deliciously her massive tits bounced as she slowly flew back to the ground, wide eyes never leaving me. If she had dressed as such in a last-ditch effort to seduce me in hopes of mercy, I must admit she was succeeding. Her wide slit purple dress left a very large portion of her very large breasts—which looked weirdly firm from afar, as if ignoring gravity entirely.

Even the way they jiggled with her every action looked a little exaggerated, as if done solely for my viewing pleasure.

'Well...I'm not one to complain.'

The idea to fight solely using my Authority had come to me as a stroke of pure genius. It had been easy to divine the ambush awaiting me really; the daughter of Bellona's desire to take her sister and get as far from this island as possible, along with hints of an upcoming battle, were easy enough to read and unravel. Even easier was to sense the trap waiting for me; with level 10 Mystiokinetic sense, I didn't even need to look particularly hard.

But once I'd scouted the scope of the enemies arrayed against me, I realized I could turn this potentially fun but useless battle into a learning experience.

Hence, the Only-Authority rule.

Unfortunately, it seems even my Authority was overpowered now. Aside from my new family members, I doubted anyone could hope to be a suitable training partner.

And as my enemies got over their shock and assembled anew—restarting the magical bombarding upon me—it got even more clear.

While I didn't have direct authority over any of the attacks coming towards me—for some reason no one used Holy power here, go figure—my natural Lvl 6 Authority, when paired with my absurdly high raw power, was more than enough to easily wipe out most of the attacks below a Minor god's level.

Of course, this effect would've been drastically enhanced had anyone used Holy Power against me. I wagered only a Tier 9 or 10 being could hope to successfully use Holy Power to hurt me now.

Which is to say; none.

…Unless God reappears somehow.

When I finally replied to my enemies—never once moving from my position—I used weak Holy Spears and supplied them with my Authority. The effects were…still devastating. Even the weakest of my spears carried the might of a Minor god in its Divine form, and my targets had to huddle behind their colorful barriers like helpless turtles. That was about the main three, the humans simply died by the shockwaves a couple of stray Holy spears created when they struck dozens of meters away from them.

Finally Circe seemed to have enough, and uncaring of the mortals present, stepped into her Divine form to exact her revenge.

My Authority finally showed its limits, being unable to command her attacks to disperse. For a few rounds I toyed with my Sacred gear—already at level 6—using it like a spinning blade, or a helicopter's wings, to create a physical barrier that deflected most of the attacks. But when a group of golden chains suddenly erupted from the ground to wrap around my arms and legs…I let them.

"I have him!" Circe crowed, raising her arms to the skies. "You will pay for what you've done, you pathetic man!"

I dismissed her cliche one-liners, shaking my head lazily. "Oh no, you've caught me. What could I possibly do…"

Others tried to take advantage of my captive state but I simply willed a Demonic barrier in place, continuing my act.

"Ah hah!" I perked up. "Rejoice, mortals! For you shall be the first to experience the taste of my untested Authority…over Beauty!"

With my Barrier strong enough to tank hits from an Elder god, I doubted anyone present could hope to break through.

With the Golden chains still restricting my movements—not really, a gentle tug would've torn them apart—I closed my eyes and focused inwards.

Desire and Beauty were two different aspects under the same domain. I may have played with people's desire before, but I'd never tried to see how exercising my Authority over Beauty could do.

'I can bless a child to grow up beautiful.' Was the first thought that went through my mind as I slowly touched the Authority I had over the universal domain that is Beauty. 'Or ugly, if I wanted to be a dick.'

But what of my own? What help could it provide me?

My beauty was supreme upon the Universe, matched only by Aphrodite. It was only right that I held such Authority over it.

And this time, I let it flare around me to its extreme, unleashing all its might upon the world, using my Authority to push my Beauty to otherworldly standards.

When I opened my eyes, I was a little surprised to realize no one was attacking me anymore. It was only then did I notice that half of my enemies in the remaining human group were unconscious—mostly females—with a trail of blood leaking from their noses. The other half were males, and were desperately trying not to look at me directly, discomfort clear on their faces. Of my three main opponents, only the male Devil still had his mouth shut, with even Circe's eyes dazed and unfocused.

I smiled.

The female Devil dropped unconscious. Circe started drooling. Male Devil closed his eyes, showing great restraint.

"I win." Laughing, I formed a shower of Holy Spears and killed my unconscious enemies in their sleep.

Only the male Devil managed to raise a hand up, a magical array flaring in front of him…but there was no point. If I wanted them dead there was nothing they could do about it.

When the strangely sinister glow of Holy energy died down, only three beings stood alive upon the battlefield, and one of them was me. The other was the female Devil, who I intended to… interrogate thoroughly, and the last one was Circe, who I intended to tease.

Waving my hand to the side, I summoned back the air current I'd commanded to take the Roman Demigod away to safety under my protection.

"H-Hylla?" Circe breathed in, but the girl didn't have time for the Witch, her wide eyes stuck to me, looking close to joining the female Devil in the world of sleep.

'Oh right, my beauty.'

I let go of my Authority and the world returned to normal, as if I'd just graciously returned the beauty I'd stolen away from it unconsciously.

Clapping my hands, I gained the attention of the duo. "So…who wants to be the one to spill the beans?"

For the first time since arriving on the island, I flared my true power, sending the goddess and her attendant on their knees. "How did you know I would come here? Lie and die. But tell me the truth and I shall give you such pleasures that you've never even dreamt about."

I had a feeling that I was going to greatly enjoy this interrogation.


AN: Whelp, I'm back. Did not have a good last few months. But hey, after a year and a half, this story has finally updated. The next ones should be on 5th (MGO Ch.74, 75). If not, assume I've disappeared away in the gaping pit called depression and silence again.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chap! The war is on the horizon, and Kronos' army is growing even more op than our mc...things are about to ramp up high and very quick. You'll get a glance at what's happening with the other pantheons in the next chapter (probably).

That's about for this one.

My discord: discord .gg/9wpfysDGsz to discuss fics, chill, and see character images.

My Pat reon: www. Pat reon com/ Robs511 (No spaces and a dot before com) for anyone who wants to read upto the next three chaps of all my fics.

Let me know your thoughts on the chapter, and I'll see you all soon. Goodbye and peace!