
The Moon I Fell In Love With (Discontinued!)

2022. It was a crazy year. And once school started in September, things got crazier. I had just gotten out of my 2nd relationship, and hopped into a new one with a guy I developed feeling for in 5th grade. Let’s just say things didn’t last long between us. Once the new year started, I started dating a girl, Zalea. But over time, I began to lose interest, and my sexual orientation was changing. And then he came along, and completely changed my life... But was it for the better? Or did it send me back to square one?

1_NeEd_MenT4l_HeLp · Realista
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Everyday for me had been the same..I'd wake up, get ready, go to school, come home, and do nothing but eat junk foods and play video games and watch YouTube. One day at lunch, I sat with my friend Layla. She was with her other friends, which I was also friends with. Except for one boy..Brody Bunker..He was kinda cute, and over time, I realized I had developed feelings for him. So this year, I finally did it. I told him I liked him. And being the confident person I am, I also asked him out, which he said yes to. I was overwhelmed by happiness, but that all ended after a little over a month of dating him, because he cheated on me with my best friend's friend..During Christmas season, too... Hi, I'm Zoey, and I'm a 6th grade girl, who likes music, art, writing, reading, and always disobeys her parents. Or so I thought...This is my story of my 6th grade year.