
Do Not Forget, Thine Goddess... Never Forget

From the shroud of darkness, a man emerged ever so slightly illuminated by the glow from the moon lotuses. His face was one that clawed at Katie's sluggish memory. The hunter struggled to find the name of the man she'd only seen moments ago. Her deep unconscious state seemed to affect even the most recent of acquired memories.

Fortunately for her, the memory surfaced this time, much faster than her previous attempts to remember something. This man was named Cirrus, the brother of the king of Lycaon. 'Yes, Cirrus, that's the name… yay…' the girl chided herself for following the story, but the chills that ran down her spine sent these brief feelings of triumph fleeing to the depths of her soul. Something about this man rubbed her the wrong way. In her ghostly form, she could only hiss at the man like a cat detecting danger. The goddess from the past, however, could not see her and so her attempts were all futile.