

Mileena is a princess forced to get married by her parents, she is not ready for that and she still wants to know what love really is. In the middle of a running she founds a flower and a really mysterious guy with it, he has a lot of answers and a lot to explain. Mileena is gonna find not only love, but also magic, and even herself. This is a romance, mysterious story. Love is part of it, but there are a lot of things to be happen in the future.

Panfipoop · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

The Kraken.

Time can pass so fast, especially when you get distracted by something unusual and entertaining like a kid. We were so focused to find the Kraken, but the kid was always doing something, especially when he was quiet. I realized that Cody and Synth were easy to take care of in comparison to this kid.

"Hey, you!!! stoooooop!!!" I yelled.

"I am sorry" He tried to hide between his hands.

"We should put it a name for now" Remy suggested.

"Annoying would be a good name or Joker or clown?" I inquired.

"What if we just call him Chavi?" Remy smiled.

"That sounds awful, but I will take it because this kid is awful!" I exclaimed.

"I am not awful, even if I do not know what that means, I am not!!!" Chavi shouted.

"I do not care." I patted him in the head and laughed.

We found a couple of things about the Kraken but all of them were just the same as Morph and for some reason, I thought maybe the creatures from here just decided to erase everything related to it since it is dangerous or they want everyone to see it as something really dangerous.

I started asking old creatures "What do you think about Kraken?"

"I remember my parents used to say Kraken was the chosen creature to rule the Antarctic Ocean and that is why is in the North because he is able to see more into the eyes of different creatures, so he can judge who is able to change and who is not." An old lady exclaimed.

"Well, Once a group of kids went to the Kraken's when I was younger and they said it talked to them and said if they appeared again in front of him, he would kill them." An old man named Brath explained.

"I have really good power and I can say if someone is really impure, but what I think is Kraken is just tired. My grandsiren used to say that only those with not good intentions would die in front of him, he said that there was a story about how he got control under the seven oceans and stopped those with really unspeakable intentions. I think Kraken remains hidden because he knows anyone is pure at all." A guy called Brook informed us.

"I think we should go now" I suggested.

"Where we should leave Chavi? He can not go with us!!!" Remy exclaimed.

"He will go with us! I had spoken!" I raised my head.

"Ok, I guess.' Remmy rolled his eyes.

We prepared everything and meditated to clear our mind since we got not other intentions but just talk to him, we knew we would be fine unless the rumors were not real at all, but I decided to get prepared if anything just could come wrong.

Leaving my blades and all my weapons I said, " We gotta leave our weapons if we wanna live if I get to know anyone has just even a miserable knife, I will hang it in the outside world."

We started our trip and I realized that swimming was faster than walking or flying since we got to the Kraken in less than an hour. There seemed to be a big way down, I felt like I was about to make a big jump, I looked at Remy "Remember" I took the bottle out and drank the half, so Remy did.

"It is impossible for normal creatures to resist the water pressure in the Kraken's level" I informed.

Morph took the same flower out "That is why you need to find a Tendrils, but you better be careful since they are really toxic, that is why you need to drink only a small portion and kill it before to eat it or drink it" Morph smiled "Also if you are not a magician is better to ask someone else to do it for you because the hand process is even longer."

I was about to say something when he interrupted again "Ah... Also, you better be careful when they are alive since they also want to eat something and defend themselves, it can try to inject some venom inside you."

"Uhm, that is useful. Thank you!" I smiled.

Morph prepared the drink for him and Chavi, so they drink it right after.

We started going down of what it seemed to be a cliff, and the more down we went the darker it was getting "Did someone brought a light or something?" I asked.

"Do not worry, everybody takes each other hands!" Morph shouted.

We took our hands and suddenly he started swimming pretty fast "I know this place like I know my own tail!" everything was dark and saw nothing but just heard his voice until we started seeing different colors lights getting closer, but it was us getting deeper. When we touched the deepest water and Morph stopped everything was full in colors, I blinked and scratched my eyes to realize the lights were fishes and different types of creatures "What is this??" I asked.

"This is the Hadopelagic Zone!!!!" Morph shouted out with such joy and smiled at us "But you can just call it Hadal Zone."

I smiled "This is so beautiful."

"This is the only company the Kraken has, for now, he likes to watch them and well, also eat them." Morph slightly laughed.

We started our way to the Kraken's when Morph just added "Please, just be quiet and.." He grabbed a fish and killed it "This is gonna be my sacrifice, so you all should get one, too."

Everybody killed a fish, except me, I was decided to give something to the Kraken to be able to get his attention, so I started looking around until a saw a pretty big creature, so I smiled and clap my finger to trapped it "What are you doing???" it talked.

"Did it just talked?" I asked myself "I am using you for my sacrifice, so I can talk to the Kraken."

"Uh, you wanna talk to him? You should ask, instead of grabbing someone thus suddenly and offer a sacrifice!!!" it cried out.

"Well," I let him go "Are you gonna help me to talk to him?" I asked.

"Yeah, I can do that he is a good friend of mine because we share food and talk with each other since there are not so many creatures in here," He looked at me "It is impressive that you can understand what I say, usually people do not, are you a goddess or something like that?"

"Yeah, something like that, I guess" I smiled.

Remy looked at me and thought "What is she doing?" since all he saw was me talking while the creature was just whining.

"That sounds good to me, I will do you the favor just because you heard me and decided not to kill me. Thank you!" So he started swimming "By the way, you can call me Salm."

"Guy! he is gonna help us!" I smiled.

Everyone looked at me with a worried face and laughed "Do not tell me you did really talked with this weirdo"

"I did understand him and he said it" I got annoyed.

"Hey, I think the water pressure is making an effect on you, we can rest," Remy suggested.

"No!" I shouted.

"Creatures from Hadal Zone does not talk unless they are the Kraken," Morph explained.

Chavi just looked at me and said, "I heard him talking to her."

"I will follow him!" I was decided.

"I will go with you" Chavi hugged me.

"We got no option" Remy exclaimed.

"Since the creature is going to the way Kraken is, so I do not see a reason to not follow him." Morph smiled.

We started following him, there was a lot of skulls and different type of bones, he was shining and suddenly he said: "Tell your friend to wait here while I talk to him."

I nodded "He said to wait here until he comes back."

We waited for a certain time and I was watching all around and realized there was a piece of gold on the ground.

Salm came back and said, "He said that he is only talking with you and the kid, and your friend must wait until they are allowed to get closer."

I looked at Remy and Morph "Kraken is gonna talk with me and Chavi first, you gotta wait until he tells Salm to let you get closer," I explained.

Remy got no problem, but Morph seemed upset "I guess, it is fine."

We came closer and he was there with his tentacles everywhere "I know you, and I have been waiting for you for a long time" He exclaimed.

"How do you know me?" I asked.

"Leviathan is a friend of mine, he told me a long time ago about a new girl named Mileena. Of course, it was a long time ago and it was surely before you were born." He explained.

"I just came to talk to you" I raised an orb "I need your help."

"I will help even if I do not receive anything from you because I am destined to do it." He took the orb and said, "I will keep it, so you can call me through this."

I nodded, so he proceeds "Chavi! You are my next successor, that is why you woke up alone and now you are born because my end is close."

"How did I got inside that building!" Chavi asked.

I was confused "What building?"

"A couple of years ago Leviathan came to me with a new egg and said it was my next successor, the egg looked like gold and its bright was really difficult to hide. One day a group of sirens came to steal it because they believed it was a fountain of my power, so they hide it inside of a museum as 'The Kraken Stolen Powers' as Morph explained to me." He sighed "Now, he is with you, you should protect him until he is ready. I shall remain hidden for now."

Kraken order to Salm to call Remy and Morph "Remy, you should protect Mileena and Chavi. I know your love is more than passional for what you think is important and you are so disposed to die if it is necessary just to protect those that you love" He put his tentacle on his forehead "Remember, you are not the only dragon in this earth and even under the water."

Remy smiled and even if I was not able to see it, I knew he was crying.

"Morph, since I met you and saw you, I knew you were the one who would guide them to me and so I thank you for all the food you brought me. You already your mission in life, that is why you guide people to Atlantis and then to wherever they need to go. You are a good guider, and that is why I let you live your life."

I was wondered "I saw a piece of gold outside" so I showed it to him.

"That is because I have collected gold from different pirates and I like shiny things"

"I understand," I said.

"Now, you should go!" Kraken shouted and raised his tentacles "If you do not go now, then you gonna be sentenced to die when the flower's powers started to lose effect on your body."

We thank him for his time and swam away.

We swam as fast as we could, then suddenly started feeling the water's pressure in our body, like a heavy rock over us pushing us against the floor. We took each other's hands and used my other hand to push us with the water until I saw we trespassed the cliff, so I stopped and float around "Ahhh... That was so closed" I laughed and see everyone were there, so they were.

We came back to Atlantis to rest for a couple of days, we told Morph everything about us and where did come from, so we explained Chavi that he would have to learn how to change into another form, so he could transform into a human.

He did not know anything, so I decided to stay a bit longer to help him, so I could teach him anything useful.

On the other side, really deep in the infernal dimension, everyone was talking. All the creatures from hell, all the fallen angels, and gods were talking to each other because they knew the war was getting closer, they knew there was about to be a big impact and everyone from heaven would try to do something so they could stop them.

I understood there was no good or bad because just to a certain point everyone was bad people or bad at any chance. Angels and demons were getting prepared.